
Get off the robot, Rui

>Not Camile , whines like Shinji, and loves lolis like Char
/m/ as fuck

How did she know that Gigas Makina's Auto Drive is called Auto Drive?

I want to play Meteora's game with Meteora!

She knows everything

>no mamika
shit episode

Cutest commander in town!

>no mamaika
best episode.

Hnnng that's going to be such a cute date

>Look, Sup Forumsnon-kun. That's my scene
>Do you like my CG?

Alicetaria is best

>this guy's house fits in it's hand
How big is this robot /m/?

She's fucking a Mary Sue.

/m/ vs /u/ duel for Mamika's affections when?


Typical Super size.

true that

>they actually played Meteora being right completely straight instead of subverting her setting as an infodump character

This better be a bait and switch or I'll be vastly disappointed in this shit. At least Hime was cute.

If these writers were good she'd actually be evil and deliberately leading them down the wrong path but instead her plot device book lets her know and do anything and make everything easy street.

See you next week!
And the next!
And the next!

> How big is this robot /m/?

In b4 autistic calculations based on the screenshot.

In my professional opinion, it's larger than house-sized

Souta finding Setsuna's suicide note and showing it to Hime when?


>his house isn't mecha-sized

Eh, about 60 meters, if the house is 2.5m tall.

Thanks to that infodump ranting moron, it's now only natural to assume anyone using that word as a nothing but shitposter and should be ignored

Name one anime where the Rei clone is truly evil. Not even strict characters like Reveria turn out to be evil

I want to fuck this danchou.

When does Rui go topless?

At least memetora got blamed for the structural damage she did and stealing military weapons. Mamika only grazed a few buildings.

Hopefully the OP isn't lying about the beach episode.

Explosions are relatively harmless to humans so it's fine

Am I the only getting some Mary Sue vibes from Meteora?

>team leader for no apparent reason
>when she talks, everyone shuts up and listens to her
>she knows everything
>she's always right
>gets the spotlight all day every day despite not doing much
>she seduced a government official by talking to her

yeah i'm feeling it too, I just hope they make a bait and switch and she ends up being wrong or something because right now her entire character is literally just a plot device.

Too bad, nipples doesn't exist in her world.

She's not invincible. Things will go south in due time.

That's why this archetype is bullshit. They get away with everything.

meteora is shit

I really feel like they're setting her up to fall hard. It's too early in the series for a character like her to completely control the pace of the show.

She's most definitely going to be the first to get completely fucked.

She is now a proponent of anime characters fighting though, hopefully that's exactly what Hime needs for her plan to work.

Probably a deathflag. They couldn't even handle a little boy without asking her, it's pathetic. The mentor/leader always dies early so others can progress(maybe Souta). Plus her "arc" already ended so she has little relevance beyond being a plot device.

Meteora kinda redeemed herself in this episode. I think I won't have a knee-jerk annoyed reaction to her talking from now on.

>government begins to apprehend new characters
>Sharkteeth is summoned to the real world
>am I being detained
>kills some JSDF grunts
Make it happen Aoki.

>And every time meteora isn't on screen, the other characters should ask themselves: "wheres meteora?"

I swear, Meteora is the most being thing in this anime. Especially when they have her go on her 10 minutes explanation about bullshit theories that are always wrong. That, and the lack of emotions she has.

it's literally the Meteora show

merlin please, time flows in the other direction.

I wonder which one Hime likes more; flower or skull?

>MC suddenly remembers chuuni because the plot requires it


>Character created to be wise and helpful
>"Wow what the fuck is with this wise and helpful character?"

Even in episode 4 she spent like 2 minutes talking about theories, the rest was her telling them about her journey to decide if she was gonna help or not.

Is hime a seacat witch?

Ha recognized her at the first episode.


>being wise and helpful means talking out of your ass for 20 minutes and being relied on for LITERALLY everything
color me surprised

Skulls while sleeping, flowers while awake.

>hrrder I'm not even watching the show but let me shitpost anway

Eat your shit, retard

Nobody likes wise and helpful characters who are literally second coming of Jesus. She should go jump under that train.

>oh yeah we gotta make the mc relevant huh?
I knew it was coming but I don't hate it any less. What a terrible scene and character.


>it's going to be another week of Meteora bullying even though she improved this episode


>samefagging this hard

I guess the usual haters are quite buttmad today for a decent episode. Better get used to it

But he himself said he isn't the MC but the narator!
Despite Meteora feels to being the narator.

Skulls while maiden.
Flowers when mother.

Rui would be sad if that happens


Like, it's just getting to that point where everytime she shows up on screen, I have this tension to just skip through scenes because that's the ONLY thing they seem they can do with character.
I also hate her basic as fuck design and dead-tone voice acting. I mean, that's pretty much it...Just a boring Info-Dump Character.

Give us more of Hime, because she's SERIOUSLY more interesting than Meteora.

> All aboard the choo choo chuuni express!

>tfw that heartfelt talk was all lip service and she pulls an aizen on everybody
>tfw chunni hime is just trying too hard and actually becomes the heroine the show deserves

At least they tested the "power up" theory. What she is saying about Hime motivations and end game was supposed to be a hypothesis but now it's apparently proven? Fucking when?


the problem with that archetype is that it's just so unrealistic that no one can really connect with it. Instead of feeling like a real person, Meteora feels like a plot device to be used for when the characters need information and don't know what to do. Now I understand that she's supposed to be that way as a result of her origin but it doesn't help the episode feel any more entertaining or cause her to be any more endearing as a result of it.

That's some seriously cute shit.

>team leader for no apparent reason
>when she talks, everyone shuts up and listens to her
Her character description could probably summed up as "smarter than you, listen to her", albeit cushioned in nicer terms.

>she knows everything
magic book

>she's always right

>gets the spotlight all day every day despite not doing much
She's not a fighter. Most other creations are. And the humans are a writer, an artist and a highschool student. However artificial her life experience may be, it vastly outranks theirs.

>she seduced a government official by talking to her

holy shit mamika in a penguin suit!

vroom vrooooom!


Everybody just know her doujin potential

Anyone else laugh when they saw the old guy flying? I thought he was going to be like batman but nope, he just zooms away.

Wise and helpful characters are completely fine....

Just so as long as they don't go on long tangents of bullshit theories that draw the episode out of them just doing absolutely nothing. The Action in this anime is literally second thought because we're forced to listen to this uninteresting info-dump filled with complicated theories that are proven wrong later on.

I was expecting this anime to be about Anime Characters coming into the real world fighting each other.....Not Meteora reads her theory book for an entire episode.

It is time

I guess everyone can just fly for some reason

>DUUUUH these guys is same fagging because they don't like my boring as fuck character.

>because right now her entire character is literally just a plot device.


Has she tried to fuck Meteora or Selesia after getting them drunk?

She looks like every onna kishi ever and that's probably the most common acrhetype in nukige excluding the imoutos.

Fuck off, Meteora apologist

>Now I understand that she's supposed to be that way as a result of her origin
I would be okay with this too if any of the other characters acknowledged it and if she wasn't always right about everything. But even the government is taking her word at face value and immediately acting on what she wants. She's the driving force of the show. Nothing would be happening without her.

>magic book
But at the same time this book can't answer if or how creations can be changed. They have to test it themselves. And all their questions about hime could be immediately answered too. But that would spoil the show and there'd be no drama. The book is just a plot device for whatever the writer didn't want to spend time naturally introducing.

>literally swapping glasses


She's simply the best.
No need to be jealous.


Will Hime ever get a real name? We were very close this episode

>commit suicide in a way which ruins her beauty

Let's not make these threads into a circlejerk, alright?

>shit he caught me samefagging let me just spew some bullshit and run away because I can't argue back!

>But even the government is taking her word at face value and immediately acting on what she wants.
Did you not notice the sunlight's color temperature changing? They were sitting there the whole day.

This. Now that's fucking lewd.

>souta could have saved her
Fuck that guy, he had a good thing going and he ruined it.

But what did it mean?