Coalburner pays own toll

Roasties are paying their own tolls now. 2018 is starting out to be a great year.

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I’d say she redeemed herself at the end by removing her dissolute spawn off the face of the earth


At least she killed the niglets
I hate mulatto children

All white women with mixed race children should drown their niglets in a bath tub

ow, the edge: the thread

Toll Paid

killing your children is the most vile thing i can think of


She's really hot. Why did she do it?

whats with this new trend of white mothers and black fathers killing their own children, themselves and their spouse? why not just move to brazil? this is how stupid they really are



This. It's a heartwarming story. Thanks OP

she had 2 kids. that poon is destroyed. both kids nigs so neither father has ever been seen again. lets hope this starts trending

Honestly it's just depressing, no matter what happened those kids never had a chance.

Why do these things keep happening? Its almost as if these coalburners have a conscience.

Incredible broad. Such a shame.

Because deep down she knew she fucked up.

Some things you just don't do in life. Burning the coal is one of them.

I'd imagine the slow realization that your kids look nothing like you and behave completely different that when you imagined would finally set in

F. A lifetime of mistake was redeemed in a single action. Toll paid.

And here I was thinking she looked manly and not attractive.

Let's be honest, they had zero chance to have a happy life. Single parent: Jamal... It may be sad but I trully think it's better for them.

She a hero in my book. God bless her for her sacrifice.


she look like a nigger with makeup, probably explains the infanticide

Look at her videos, not a single one with the father

Send her a posthumous Crimestoppers check

Phone posting so I can't edit this, but someone here can

This is why I still visit Sup Forums.

You need to go back to rebbit.

I take that back. She's fucking ugly as sin. I guess that picture is shopweb.

I wouldn't be surprised if she was redpilled by those little shits. Wondering why little Damian is so violent compared to his white peers.

An hero

The only time I will ever say it
Based Coalburner

Yeah she looks amazing, I wholeheartedly agree


We should add a stamp when they take out the kids



>Somehow there must be a relation to mental illness and coal burning

I like stories of redemption, the whole coalburner decides to collect the toll herself is a nice twist. Hope to see more like this.


>This is considered a white women in america

she's passable in this one, but her history is all makeup videos so it's not real

Well, that's rare. Paying the Toll by yourself.

If she wasn't a coalburner I'd absolutely want those purple lips all over my dick


See? Kek smiles upon those who say it like it is.

If I was an Eagles fan I would kill myself also.


Based coalburner

This is a good reminder to always look for the silver lining

feel good story of the day

I truly believe in responsible parenting, no matter what the outcome, even murder suicide.

This women is an exception at her age. Most mutts born to a white mother are born to poor women or working class women under 25 usually even a teen mother. That’s why white women “racemix the least” because over 25 they don’t. But 100,000 out of 400,000 infants born to white women under 25 are Non White.



She killed two niggs and a coalburner. What a fucking hero.

Good girl.
>toll status

>But 100,000 out of 400,000 infants born to white women under 25 are Non White
Absolutely fucking disgusting

few people can right the wrongs they've done in life so easily. RIP

more victims of psychological warfare by the white man. she probably felt fear for her children, after seeing all the racism that comes from the mouth of white men lately. the alt-right and white supremacists are to blame for this... so much suffering. i hope they get their karma some day.


This gives Sup Forums THE EDGE.

Only 50,000 out of 1,750,000 of infants born to white women over 25 are Non White.

Killing her half-breeds was her last act of mercy as a mother. She realized no man would take care of her and her 2 half-nigger kids.

She killed herself because she saw what was coming, and she realized her kids would suffer less if she killed them now rather than the system putting her boy to death when he's old enough to get tried as an adult and some nigger pimp getting his hands on her little girl and peddling her sweet pussy to 300lb white men to use as a living cum sock.

has anyone got the Trump toll man meme?

she wears bronzer to get less "coalburner" looks



Bumping for irony. Sup Forums is always right.


she burned the coal, but she also paid the toll

when genes get involved people become tribal. its why this push for racemixing is so insidious at it's core, nothing but ruin for the kids involved

At least she did the world a favor by killing those half nigs.

girls gotta have some adventures right? right?

I'm all for less race mixing but celebrating dead children from a mentally ill mother is so fucked unbelievably fucked up. You're actually a worse person than any of your "enemies"
Not white knighting just stating the obvious.

I respect the digits, but Sup Forums always had the edge.

Thanks for killing your nigger spawn whore.


Everybody makes mistakes and it takes strength of character to recognize and fix them.

God Save the Innocent.
Y'all need to rethink y'alls morality.


Truly an inspiration for all misled women out there.

It was most likely sheeboons on social media and in real life bullying her. That gossip and shit gets around and she probably couldn't handle the social rejection/bullying anymore.

We have gone past the stage of normality. This is Sup Forums level 50.





where do you think you are

The point is Sup Forums is always right. Even if said group is a bunch of idiots
57.5% of all infants born to white women that young are illegitimate. 80% of non white infants born to white women that young are. It’s not a good thing

You are still a little babe. Stick around a while.

Meh get the fuck out normie boomer faggot
Real Sup Forumsacks are dead inside

It's not though, if you actually walked around asking people if she was white or not no one would say she was, it's important to make the distinction here cause your more vulnerable if your white, so if you know your brown enough you know your a little safer.



having a 276 week abortion


A White person murdering minorities......shocker

Nothing of value was lost. This is the only way coalburners can redeem themselves.

She's Making America Great Again. What are YOU doing to make America great again?


The only redemption

ahahah brilliant
Fuck that slut and her little monkeys

Those kids were garbage. I'm more mad the woman killed herself instead of fucking white guys after she killed the niglets

We should find a way to legalize this. Bring them back into the fold if they are willing to kill their own mutant spawn.

she killed her nigglets so she was forgiven for her sins


But are they reallyyyyyyy "people"? Just think about it. Hint: Coalburners aren't human.

A bonus stamp system
Absolutely brilliant idea user

Toll refunded.

Good riddance.