George Soros admits that EU is on the brink of collapse and that nationalism is dominant!
Did we win Sup Forums?
George Soros admits that EU is on the brink of collapse and that nationalism is dominant!
Did we win Sup Forums?
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Not even close, ((they)) want you to feel like you can take a break.
Don't get cocky kid
Exactly, just like Kike Master Rothschild saying that Trump "is threatening the NWO"
Also don't forget that these kikes have literally thousands years of experience in subversion. How the fuck can we even compete?
At least you are in a far better position than germany. At least until they annex you again.
>The progressive billionaire speculator George Soros has said he will ‘fight back’ against the “dominant ideology” of nationalism
>dominant ideology
We literally get blacklisted by the state and put on surveillance lists for expressing any kind of non cucked nationalism to the right of the cuckservative party here and even the cuckservatives, the most piss weak, gape assed, traitorous, spineless scum are socially ostracized in many circles here.
Nice meme George.
The nationalists are winning, you say? Time for another Balkan conflict! Look out Serbia
If we win the Czech and Italian elections then we will have a good shot
Than lets get cracking.
We've only just started. We've turned the Egregore against the evil ones, created a Hivemind. We're preparing for war
Can confirm, as I am in unilateral control of the logos and it is working full-bore against the Evil Ones.
Each user is doing his bit. You cannot stop, you must keep your efforts up. Half animal, half God
None of this would have happened if the Eurocrats were right-wing pan-European nationalists
Soon. Very soon. There will come s time when the globalist scum and there puppets are in the literal crosshairs and they won’t be safe in public.
I just cant fathom how this man hasnt been assassinated yet.
throught his 87 year run of doing heinous catastrophic shit.
Not again.
>expecting your enemy to publicly broadcast their actual strength
Someone archive that kikebart shit
We have won anything but more problems.
It's like he's realized he's locked in here with us and not the other way around. Gotta be a scary feeling to take on someone who has their hands tied behind their back and still kicks your ass.
Because they are insulated from reality, wracked by generations of inbreeding. They don't understand technology and arrogantly don't care.
the day this old faggot croaks is going to be the second greatest day in Sup Forums history
>spend millions of dollars to influence politics just to get outdone by a forum of chines cartoon enthnutishist who only did it because they got bored in their spare time
>Sup Forums is no great philosopher, and will mistake a symbolic defeat for an actual weakness
By being the god tier shit posters that we were born to be.
He's already passed on his money to his political cause.
This old fuck just gave $18B to his domestic terrorist organization to fight us. We won a few battles but this war is going to last a lifetime or 3.
kys traitor
maybe we should start fake grassroots progressive/antifa/commie groups and get him to send money then disband and repeat.
Not yet. Go into overdrive and go for the kill!