Who else thinks this place is the filthiest and has the dumbest white people in the world.
Who else thinks this place is the filthiest and has the dumbest white people in the world
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I don't know you burgers are pretty retarded too
Can't forget leaves either
pick one
At least we fight against terror and not hide like cucks when our daughters get raped
>fight against terror
No, you idiot, you are the terror.
American's are worse than Jews.
>Can't forget leaves either
Hi, Giuseppe.
This is considered a 10/10 in England.
Hold my beer
Look at her before pics, she actually looks better with the acid face
I'm a immigrant from Armenia and I went through all of Europe to get here and I'm sorry but France is even smells better then your shithole of a country
the dumbest white people?
filthiest, take your pick from anywhere in eastern europe
Wow that's some great English you smelly stinky low IQ nigger
Hi, beaner scum.
>Karen would fuck a jew
>Who else thinks this place is the filthiest and has the dumbest white people in the world.
This is basically true. Also, why are white people so dumb in such large numbers, as can be seen here every day?
Hur durr your grammar bad hurrr durrr
That flag is upside down
Sean pls
I've never been there so I can't speak to its filthiness but I have a hard time believing they're one of the dumbest countries.
Go back, subhuman. And stop tainting our flag with your posts
At least I'm legal and I'm nothing back to where those sandniggers will invade
UK isn't great - its true.
But America is Israels bitch and brainwashed into doing their bidding and thinking they're awesome.
USA is a dying superpower thats out of touch with reality
Come home white man
You underestimate us.
>Americans are brainwashed
>Goes to American web servers to anonymously post illegal thoughts.
Lmao cunt deep down you know that the "war on terror" is just a war to acquire valuable non-renewable resources right?
I don't even fucking know anymore I just understand this bottle of cap morgan too well
Ok tin foil I immigrated from the pretty much the Middle East and Muslim Turks destroyed my country
We arent trying to acquire shit muhammed. We just need them to be traded exclusively in our banking currency.
Ignore mutt-posting, lads.; 'tis nothing but meer jealousy.
Come, sit down by the fire and I'll read to you all from my Big Book of Facts on Americans: 2018 Edition.
>23% of Americans have never washed behind their ears
>A truly shocking 89% of American men would wear "diapers" if it were more socially acceptable
>52% of American mothers have a mixed race child
>21% of American pre-teens think they're the wrong gender - how sad
>70% of expectant American mothers will seek out forested areas in order to nest. Such nests are colloquially referred to as "shit pods"
>A whopping 97% of American men have experimented with robo-sex
>..of those 97%, 69% have suffered serious injury to the genital region
*sips cocoa*
Can't argue with any of that... Tard
I don't understand the diaper issue. "If it were socially acceptable", you wouldn't have the negative feelings towards it that you do now, so what would be the issue?
Hello, tard.... Sup Forums is an anonymous message board, my boy - you don't need to sign your name after posting, but I appreciate the effort you went to!
Pick one
Also what's with this D&C thread?
Britons have a history and culture, Americans merely claim credit for the best of Europe whilst sneering at the worst.
In future, please leave your face at the bottom of the trough with which your handlers feed you.
British people are bending over and getting fucked by immigration and their government. Soon whites will be minorities in England, fucking England.
In the Netherlands, Mohammed is the most popular baby name, they are already lost. Fuck Europe you stupid fucking cucks.
>In the Netherlands
It was all real.
this, after the story of 1500 underage girls being rape and trafficked broke and nothing was done, outrage was action-less muttering in living rooms across britain while watching it on bbc or at the pubs, drinking at saying how disgusting it was, didn't see anyone take to the streets, hold the government or police force accountable and show their disgust for what they have done to that uniform, and the very least people should have got lynched
baby boomers and millennials are the most disgusting, cucked and degenerate generation, what a disgrace
I know its the UK flag but to define them all as one group is in my opinion wrong, so I am under the assumption you mostly mean England/Wales as is the perception when people in America see that flag.
Sure if your definition of white is SUPER narrow. Like you don't consider Irish white or a lot of Eastern Europe. England has always had a huge lower class and almost practiced a eugenics naturally of a sort where there is a very clear high society and a huge drunken ugly retarded lower class society. Still one of the most impressive cultures to have existed and have accomplished a lot.
Thanks, tard! Did you draw this? It's a super picture! I'll print it out and pop it on my fridge.
Absolutely, UK is a disgrace to the rest of Europe.
Where do you think we got it from
Fucking loving it polak, just do!
Thanks, sort off
Thought it looked weird but wasn't sure why.
I would agree with you but iv met a lot of Americans.
Read the Guardian and like 100% of their editorials on US foreign policy are it's the mainstream opinion of the British left.
The UK has been more militarily active than any other euro nation in the 'fight against terror'. Although this guy gets it Unfortunately I don't have a response to the muslim rape gangs.
God im biting the bait today.
There is something called a ID buddy
>pick one
>t. subhuman
Social media has rendered the modern generation inactive. People make some shitty tweet or Facebook post and feel they have achieved something. The only time that has any impact is when they convince the government to do something. Which is unlikely on this issue
I don't think the next generation in England will look like the guy on the right. Especially with Muslims raping all of your women and children while you sit there drinking tea and apologizing.
when the IRA bombed Birmingham, we pulled the Irish out of their pubs and their homes and showed them what their silence has bought them
Arabs are our Mexicans. England has always been grim, it’s why we’re hard as fuck and had the largest empire the world has ever been host to because grey, rainy misery is beautiful. Come shouting your mouth office round my ends lad and you’d get your arse tanned for you, try not to be an ignorant thick yank.
The drunken ugly retard lower class has achieved some things though. For some reason they make very stoic and capable soldiers. Until recently they also made lots of cool music (heavy metal, punk, post-punk techno).
It’s still being made, if you know where to look.
Armenians are fairly white. Unless it's one of them secret Turks you can find in Greece.
let's be real here,
this isn't a british problem,
this is a western problem
it's already reached canada and the college campuses all over america,
Europe is so far along that nazi-esk tactics will be the only way to deal with it, if that's even possible
where does the white race go from here, this isn't about UK fucking up, France is fucking up, Germany is fucking up, Scandinavia is fucked up etc
this is the white race, giving up, across western society
>heavy metal, punk, post-punk techno
pick one
I'm not going to bash you Brit brothers, just wish you would get your shit back from those slimy shit skins in your country and protect your native brits and whites. such a shame to see what is going on there, god speed lads and get some toothbrushes.
This thread is off-topic bullshit, some mod should move this to /bant/
oh fuck off
>Who else thinks this place is the filthiest and has the dumbest white people in the world.
My flag speaks by itself.
No you fuck off redditard, these threads are worthless and have absolutely no place on Sup Forums
wait, we're name calling, saying shitskin, who's whiter than the next, bashing leafs, and using the 56% MEME....THIS IS Sup Forums
what is this? The fucking australian flag?
jeeenius OP
Please tell me where
No shit, cunt. Ever played any iteration of civilization? Basically the muzzies were losing to your economic victory and now in the past 20 years they've realised "hey, if we declare a surpise war on these mutts we can stop them winning and go for a religion victory ourselves" whereas in actual fact you cunts have so much of your economy dedicated to your military you can just spam-buy mehcanized infantry and completely overwhelm them while also focusing on fucking theater squares and archaeologists to keep your own left-wing population in check.
Fuck 4X my niggers trust me.
As a slightly alcoholic resident of Birmingham since circa '92 I can say this is in fact very fucking true. I grew up with a couple of Irish lads but since then I haven't known one mainly due to some fairly barbaric beatings that were given out by people who shall remain unnamed in response to some fucking muslim-tier "attention-grabbing movements"