What's your plan Sup Forums?
Go on with my day and hope it hits me on my head.
if you are not prepared for something like this at any given time then you are not white. most whites can't wait for the day this shit goes down
You know, the thing about the post.
What happened at 38 minutes?
take the codeine in my medicine cabinet
grab muh bugout ba....
Duck and cover
Find a lawn chair and wait
If you're getting nuked on an island, you can't "prepare" for it, your ass is getting vaporized
even if they get nuked I refuse to feel bad for people who get to live in Hawaii.
I live near a hispotal with thick walls and a radiology department in the basement.
That was how long it took to send out the false alarm text, tweet or whatever.
Why does that mean they only had 38 minutes to prepare? That doesn't have anything to do with how long a missile would take to hit them.
From NK to Hawaii, an ICBM needs 11min to reach its destination.
Where is the 38 min figure from? That's enough to travel 16000 KM.
I don't want you to feel bad, I just want you to remember that I did it all for the nookie.
Hawaii was a Psyop!!!!!
Check this out ! A goy and his vlog
I'd go take a giant shit in the deans office at the college I went to and would proceed to my fallout shelter that my family invested in with others
thank you doctor oppenheimer
Roll me a blunt, cuddle my pets, fuck my bf one last time, call my family and friends to say goodbye, say Sup Forums goodbye, pray, die.
If you don't have a doomsday bunker there's no point in trying to run away if you only have 40 minutes.
especially not when living on an island
Kiss my wife and kids and spend then explosion together. Can't run from a nuke.
Yeah, op is a faggot and a moron.
If I was on Hawaii I would hijack a boat and start going towards Australia since I would probably suspect that US would be bombed too and hope that I might get picked up by some aussies
So what really happened with the "false alarm"? What's the redpill consensus?
He looks like my grandpa desu
The only nice thing about Hawaii is the beaches and weather. The locals are basically niggers and the government is California-tier liberal.
Also everything cost more.
could batman prepare to save hawaii if he had 38 minutes?
i'm gonna bend over and kiss my ass goodbye. that's provided we get any warning. pretty sure they'd never announce an incoming ballistic missile on NYC, which in itself isn't a bad thing, i won't even know what hit me.
Weird how nothing like that happened and they all just cried in their huts.
hey fuck you man
To see how the public would react. Would it be anarchy or would the public lie down and accept their fate.
He's the Jew that took credit for it, yes.
Also the Jew that told the soviets how to make the bomb. He was too "big" to give the chair like the other traitor Jews, the Rosenbergs.
yes, I would undoubtedly kill and do anything if it means that my rate of survival would be higher
Put on my dress blues, sit outside in a lawn chair, drink, and wait.
I'm not living in a target, and I am not down wind of any primary targets. Now, secondary targets... that could be a problem.
I also got a years supply, and I'm not on any list of Mormons.
I'd hug my dogs, pour some champagne, play 'Nearer my god to thee' on repeat and probably get on Sup Forums for old times sake
I don't have any nor I need any because my country, let alone my city is extremely unlikely to ever get nuked.
If some dumb motherfucker actually wastes a nuke on us I'll just laugh and jerk off in my basement for like 2 weeks.
and they created the most cruel weapon even, they destroyed the french culture as a revenge,
they won.
The shitlib power level is stronger in Hawaii than Commiefornia. They don't consider themselves part of the USA because they aren't. The statehood referendum was a scam by pineapple farming faggots trying to evade taxes. We should nuke the islands ourselves.
No problem. What about Donald Trump? Does he have enough time to lock his 1000 properties. He must be Speedy Gonzales.
sit back, relax, and laugh at the atheists
Seems a bit fast and loose
I was asleep when the alarm went out. In the real event, I'll probably also be asleep. So if anything I won't be preparing for shit.
Well, you can, sort of. Put on extra clothes to avoid your skin getting set directly on fire. then probably stick yourself in a ditch or something.
It still a practical lottery though, pray you would be far enough away.
Or you know bomb shelters/personal survival bunkers, if your not broke as fuck.
This is a PsyOp
A fear tactic to get more americans to accept a Nuke war with North Korea, specifically a pre emptive strike (mass murder)
Wouldn't even know where the next Schutzbunker is located, if they even exist.
and iodine...
and a welder's mask
why would we want to prepare?
Oahu is only 30 miles wide, depends on strength and det height. Blast pressure alone would get most
Your "Loving" leadership closed all the public nuke bunkers in America, mean while russia still provides shelter for millions
Hmm... whos government is a bad guy again?
Picture related is how you beat the nuke, it just takes you a minute, waiting for Suzy to find the best space before you, like a real gentleman. When nuke comes it just says: "Naah, shieet nigga, i ain't touching that" and it walks 360 degrees away.
This. So this.
As for OP's question it depends on the day but it's an escapist thought of mine that is pretty sweet.
>hide in somebody's butt
Seems kinda lewd
Go to my basement shelter. I already got six months of reserve power packed due to solar.
pissing on your qt classmate 101.
>. I already got six months of reserve power packed due to solar.
that is not how it works kek.
This is why males are at front and females at back, they had it all figured out, nuke never stood a chance. But what's really amazing is how they could move in such a position, Americans these days are too fat for this anti-nuke position.
>fuck my bf one last time
Be thankful it was the bomb and not the rope, degenerate faggot
getting vaporized wouldn't be so bad. probably just keep shitposting
Oppenheimer’s Iron Thunderbolt
Oppenheimer was very familiar with the ancient Hindu texts. When asked if his was the first ever detonation of of a nuclear bomb, he said. ‘Yes, in modern times’.
From the ancient Hindu text the Mahabharata.
“Gurkha, flying a swift and powerful vimana [fast aircraft],
hurled a single projectile [rocket]
charged with the power of the Universe [nuclear device].
An incandescent column of smoke and flame,
as bright as ten thousand suns,
rose with all its splendour.
It was an unknown weapon,
an iron thunderbolt,
a gigantic messenger of death,
which reduced to ashes
the entire race of the Vrishnis and the Andhakas.
The corpses were so burned
as to be unrecognizable.
Hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
and the birds turned white.
…After a few hours
all foodstuffs were infected…
…to escape from this fire
the soldiers threw themselves in streams
to wash themselves and their equipment.”
>Americans these days are too fat for this anti-nuke position.
Lmao, I wish it didn't be like it is, but it do. They'd also bitch if the rations had gluten in them.
Get on a boat and go the opposite the way the wind is blowing
I assumed this was a girl actually
Go in the sewers and become sewer people.
>This is a PsyOp
Leaders throughout history have acknowledged the “benefits” of of false flags to justify their political agenda:
“Terrorism is the best political weapon for nothing drives people harder than a fear of sudden death”.
– Adolph Hitler
“Why of course the people don’t want war … But after all it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship … Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.”
– Hermann Goering, Nazi leader.
“The easiest way to gain control of a population is to carry out acts of terror. [The public] will clamor for such laws if their personal security is threatened”.
– Josef Stalin
While we wait for the flash, here's a fun little read of the history of false flag events:
False Flags Are Just a Conspiracy Theory … Admitted Fact
Posted on February 2, 2016 by WashingtonsBlog
Some (((cunt))) did this to hurt Trump
When you are unfit you can't be like that for long, but then the real problem starts, the anxiety kicks in and you have to look at your mobile phone, check all 10000 friends what they have to say about nuke.
Drive to Boulder and kill as many liberals as possible. If I’m going out, it’ll be in a pile of brass surround by dead democrats.
Perhaps nobody has thought of this, but I'm scuba certified and have a good amount of Scuba equipment ready to go. I would throw on all my scuba equipment (take about 10min) then splash and go as deep as possible.
37 minutes fron Nork to Hawaii via ICBM.
I jumped on my motorcycle and went to the beach. Met some kook and talked about surfing and motorcycles until we received the false alarm.
Pic related, girlfriend.
1. Official Narrative that it was a fuckup
2. A Psy-Op to instill fear and panic and reinforce the "Trump will get us in WWIII" narrative
3. A Psy-Op to normalize a new Cold War and use it to push for new restrictive legislation
4. A drill to study the population's reaction
5. A foreign hack, to study the US Military and government's reaction
6. There was an actual missile that got destroyed or otherwise diverted
Anyone else have theories or thoughts?
But anything from the Nuremberg trials is unreliable. Confessions were tortured, admitted to by UK soldiers. Also new evidence has shown some confessions to be impossible.
Kikes and the allies just needed confessions to back up their fantasy holohoax, and solidify themselves as the "good guys"
Antonio I...
>Pic related, girlfriend.
Pfft, there are no girls here. If it was a girl, there would be titties or they would have gotten the fuck out. They wouldn't just come on here and not post titties in an end of the world thread, would they?
Apparently lots of Hawaiians only found out about the warning when they got the news a false alarm had been issued though.
>What's your plan Sup Forums?
Considering I'm in the air force probably take part in a retaliatory bombing.
Wrong pic but whatever. No one here knows her. Fml
How do you block gamma rays for a house?
whole heartily agree, read many violent accounts of coerced confessions by the allied forces, just putting out there.
the winners write the history, presumably.
Lead based paint
Drive 100 mph somehwere else. boat or car or plane whatever. not that hard if you arent fucktarded
I've heard it would take 20 mins
Here’s how I prepare. I’m at the park. I grab onto the chainlink fence as the mushroom head blossoms. I let the fire purify me as I become a spooky skeleton.
This is misleading
Lead doesnt stop the waves, just lowers them
Is there any actual source on real information pertaining to this event? I'd like to know things like when the alert was picked up, how long after the public was informed, process for this, that sort of thing.
Grab my fold up chair from the closet, then going into my kitchen opening up my fridge, grabbing a beer from inside, closing my fridge, then heading into my balcony with my fold out chair and my ice cold beer and waiting for the flash to hit.
Terminator 2 style
There is no value in them.
They are only of use if you plan on initiating a First Strike nuclear attack and expect a possible retaliation attack. If you do not expect to attack first and instead expect to receive an attack in any given confrontation then bunkers and such have little value as there is no time to use them.
There are other considerations as well. But that is the big one really. Basically, the US does not plan on using nukes first in any given confrontation. Because of that, we have no need of bunkers.
That the Russians build and maintain them after the rise of ICBM tech tells us that they only ever really thought that if a nuclear war started it would be with them throwing the first punch. Of course there are other indicators as well.