I'm going to post this everyday until you like it

I'm going to post this everyday until you like it.

I am the fin of my fish.

Stop samefagging your own thread you pathetic loser. Noone gives a fuck anymore, just let it die


I thought I wanted to do it once.

But he did it once.

I'm not opposed to it, but i still dont like it.


When the Anons, the Mods and Hiro are all gone, SakuraFish will exist, so long as one fish remains. It'll be lonely, but as long as one fish still lives...

Be careful when eating fish.

...it will be eternal proof that fishposting ever existed.



Thanks doc.

I don't like ti

>I'm scared because I don't know what this is!

So, you don't like it?


I am indifferent to it.


Foolish welp!

Your insolence has been noted


The more you hate the fish, the more it multiplies!


I am upset about it!

Don't look


I'm going to reply this everyday

>Fish dancin'

I'm in!



We both know what you really want.

>We both know what you really want.

T-To celebrate Christmas early?




You had your chance.

Here, FIFY.


Please do


38 replies
22 posters

sure is samefag in here

..and all of them are fish.



Ive never been this early to a fish thread before

Me too
I should quit drinking

That is exactly what the doctor ordered.

I'll stop prescribing it the moment you stop being indifferent to it.