Oh, NOW they want to make me dinner

Oh, NOW they want to make me dinner.

Go back to r9k

You snooze you lose!

Lmao western women dont do any of those things.

Cunt status: tamed.

can she?

It's afraid.

millenial women don't cook, they hate kids too, by no meaning would do something as opresive as washing clothes and you can be sure they wont do chores in your home

can she?

I masturbate with no lube, my dick is dead, i'm close to suicide

Oh, NOW they want to make me go back to R9K

i have literally never dated a woman who was a better cook than me and I am mediocre at best.

To be fair she's not Western, she's Nigerian.
Although she probably does aspire to live like a "liberated" Western feminist.

Women see competition on the horizon from sex dolls and all of a sudden they want to argue their way back into the kitchen and doing house work.

>that skin tone
Yeah sure and I'm Polish

Western women don't do those things though.
Dumb cunt like the rest.
It's why we need bots and artificial wombs so we don't get overtaken by shitskins

Nogs cant afford a $10,000 sex doll and white girls wont do all that domestic stuff anyway.

White men + minority women = a solid, loving, stable family

Hello, toasty roastie.

modern women cant cook for shit

but no woman do that either.


I'm in my 30's, and I can back this up

what up cohenstein shekelberg

I can't stand either side of the sexdoll debate.

Women don't cook anymore and most men cook for themselves
We can grow kids in labs thanks to eugenics
Washing machines wash our clothes, women not needed
Make the home ? Do women do that ? Don't we have gadgets for that ?

They will literaly put themselves back to the kitchen, to the river to wash our clothes and stay home for the kids thanks to the sexbots

Truely a redpill
Also : there is one gender and women are property

>Nogs cant afford
Who said anything about buying? You are acting like they wont steal these dolls from niggers that buy them.

Roasties need to figure out a way to be more inconspicuous.

Sex dolls have zero chance of divorce raping me and stealing everything material I have worked for.

I can do 3/4 of those things on my own.

Kek let em. Its good they feel threatened maybe these millennial cunts will get their shit together. Glad as fuck Im married. Good luck to the rest of you faggots. Marry younger ones is my advice

I can do all of those things without getting in a relationship.

Checked and agreed

Are you me?



Women can't cook for shit around here.


>lol i bet you're really triggered
Amusing how she's using "oppressive stereotypes" as an argument.
What does she think single men do? Eat nothing but fast food and never wash their clothes or clean their house?

this, although i'm a excellent cook
what really pisses me off is the amount of women i've been with PROUD they can't cook for shit


>my mom is literally the only woman I know who actually likes to/is good at cooking, and it's not like my mom is the only woman I know
>when has a woman ever been good at raising a kid? Single moms area disaster.
>what is a laundry machine?
>the only one with any sense. And that's not even all women. You could get a maid for a fraction of the price.

Literally only good for the ~2-3 years it takes from pregnancy to weaning. Also holes.

>cook my meals
>wash my clothes
>make my home


this is bait right?


Someone needs to tweet at her "can actual women do any of those things? Remember you said those were all oppressive because it invoked some stereotype from the 1950s and you can't/won't do those things..."

Holy shit, Sup Forums was right when they said sex dolls would fix women

Honestly, I believe God frowns upon sex dolls, but I don't have a problem with them as long as it keeps trolling roasties this hard.

10000000000 hours in paint

Kek, nice references

There are other machines and services for those items. Women throughout the last 60 years has outsourced most of their duties to nigger day care, chink laundry services, a robot vacuum and prostitutes. Still cheaper than 2.3 marriages and divorces.


women don't want to do any of those things in the current year because they are traditional(aka sexist), and not focused on their career; they are basically live-in prostitutes now that can divorce you (for being bored or unsatisfied) and ruin you financially for life.

Women are smart enough to know when times are good for them (which was all the freakin time in history) but NOW they have to compete with technology n shieeet

men make better chefs. more discerning of palates. men make better drivers. women's washrooms are filthy

my roommate (female) once make me pumpernickel with tomato sauce and mozzarella casserole. Legit worst thing iv'e eaten out side of shrimp that wasn't cleaned properly.


I asked God what he thought about sex dolls and he said that he's too busy grinding in BDO so just do whatever.

My best friend started going out with a girl who didn't know how to cook at all in High School. Once they moved together to go to Uni she started learning and she's now an amazing cook. It's all about practice really.


>Implying women do any of this
Women are walking talking litigating cum dumpsters.
Sex dolls do the same thing minus the walking, talking, and litigation.

Most of the women l dated thought they were good cooks, because they brought in some fast food, or nuked some Stouffer's crap. And as fas as cleaning that's a hoot.
Women are life support systems for vaginas, and they are even failing at doing that.

the fuck?

i once had a roommate (female) that ordered pizza without cheese on it.

i don't understand. women don't do those things either


I would like to buy one.
Any recommendations?

Best post

fucking kek

>not yet, but soon

Real women don't do any of that these days. All they do is whine about how you're not doing everything for them and fulfilling their sad lives the way they wanted.

I eat pizza with cake icing on it sometimes. Not a lot, just a thin layer on top.

i can cook my own meals
>having kids
i can wash my clothes
i can make my home wtf is this question anyway?

>you will are really triggered

>laundry machine
>we want chicks decorating our living space since when?

Once artificial wombs are commercially available roasties are done.

But did you pump her for a nickle?

can a sex doll voluntarily cheat on you?
can a sex doll accuse you of rape?
can a sex doll divorce you and take half your shit?
can a sex doll demand alimony/child support bankrupting you and ruining your life?
can a sex doll demand you pay for dinner?

according to holywood, yes. men are helpless without a woman to run their life for them

LOL you losers actually think this is a game changer? These sex dolls are no where near advanced enough to create significant change people's behavior.

>says the memeflagging faggot

>artificial wombs
then you'd have the option of picking and choosing from a selection of eggs to make the best baby

I’m almost half a century old and have never been cooked a decent meal by a woman. Burned french toast, raw chicken, undercooked rice, cold and mushy whatever...

And if I didn’t compliment and thank and offer to do the dishes, I was an asshole.

Soon sexbots will be given robot rights. And the democrats will cater to their robot voters.

t. 23yo I've never met a girl with the ability to do these things let alone the desire

Except fat chicks but they gotta 'cause that's all they really have to offer

Can real woman ever shut the hell up?


>raw chicken
That is actually dangerous.

after the 200+ guys she's been with, i'm not even on comfy sofa roommate hanging out terms anymore, her aunt is dying and in the 15 mins I saw her today she made it sound like it was my fault for not caring enough.

Coworker of mine and I talking about a broad I think is hot at work.
>him: your girlfriend going to be working here soon
>me: she's not my gf
>you saying you wouldn't?
>now I didn't say that, I would do unspeakable things to her...
>oh hahaha
>the problem is she has to replace someone that cooks and cleans and does my laundry...
>well, she might cook because she'll get hungry too but the cleaning shit I bet you anything she don't do that
>she might cook because she'll get hungry too
Had me laughing my ass off.

Bitch is implying men are incapable of doing these things.

What's the deal with the backtrack on gender stereotypes?

>Can sex doll cook your meals?
No, but i fucking love to cook so its all good

Disgusting fat fuck.

Its just not there yet. Someday maybe when they can pass the turning test and complete menial laboring tasks it might lead a few degenerates hopelessly astray.

my ex once made me the only thing she ever tried cooking. her 'super favorite' dish in the world- curry chicken laksa. this fucking shit had the exact same look, consistency, colour and i imagine flavor profile as wallpaper paste. i broke up with her not long after.


I need to save some money. Still, sexrobot is cheaper than wedding.

Nigerian women are actually a lot more traditional than Western women. Assuming she's a first generation immigrant.


My ex only knows how to bake. And she actually bakes really well.

Its too late roasties

cool story bro.

That's rather degrading to women. Essentially calling them uteruses that do chores.

My girl does all that but it's early days and she's still trying to win me over. However, this is a 360 degree difference to every other girl who only sporadically cooked, never cleaned, never wanted to do chores, and never expressed a desire to do everything to make me happy and then did those things I asked plus more.

It's the greatest relationship of my life right now. Just taking it as it comes.

it's pertinent to the thread you fucking faggot

know the feel
>gf is great with pastry, mediocre at cooking
>i cant bake for shit but i'm great at cooking
all is right in the world

How much this would cost and when it will be avaliable?