Creating mixed race children is the worst thing you can do

I love my wife and daughter. My wife is smart, beautiful, and successful. My daughter is probably going to be beautiful. She's the greatest joy in my life.

But then I leave my daughter to do something else and it sets in. She's half Asian. Regret, self-hate, soul-wilting feeling.

Since I'm not a nigger, I'm not going to leave my family. But I'm always going to carry the hidden burden of my horrible mistake.

No matter how hot, smart, rich, etc your non-white girlfriend is, if you're white, do NOT create children with her.

It's better to go with a 5/10 huwhyte than a 10/10 non-huwhyte for breeding purposes.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm Italian-Irish-Korean (American). Being déraciné is shit.

Not every hapa is filled with self-hate you moron. She'll probably learn all her psychotic problems from you, she won't even know how ugly the world really is till she sees her fathers true disgusting colours.

Creating mixed race babies is the best thing you do. Genetically, our race needs to improve and this is the only way you piece of stale fucking bread.

...It's always a fucking leaf. Have you people ever... EVER had something clever or funny or smart or constructive in any way to say?

My daughter is 2, not old enough to have self-hate. She'll probably be fine in life.

How fucking beta do you have to be to think that making children with mixed races is the worst thing on the planet

Kys newfag

>Successful family man with a 10/10 azn wife

Beta/Alpha doesn't really apply to this situation.

sauce pls

I've been thinking about this for the past few days and I think 50/50 I would leave her. It depends on the future that you want to create. If you didn't know back then, nobody can fault you. What do you want out of your life? Only you can decide that

It's Margot Robbie

If there's anyway she'll learn self-hate is when YOU will teach it to her. Your insecurities and inner hatred will come out in front of her one day, then she'll realize what a scumbag her father was.

what a fucking dumbass there is no way in hell you have a hot Asian woman with you and think a level 5 redneck is a better option, go back to your kkk meeting asshole

margot? you mean Margaret?

Families like these are so fucking boring. Probably talk about salt and pepper 24/7

Insecure Asian whose women keep getting bleached spotted.

Thanks for posting. I carried this huge weight with me the whole time I was dating my qt 3.14 asian gf - virgin (when we met XD), wealthy, same interests.

Eventually broke up because I couldn't stand the idea of having hapa children and letting my European lineage die. Everyday I wake up with a huge feeling of relief. Currently dating a nice white catholic.

back to getting your ass beat by police outside a bathhouse, toronto fagboi

but they can still have fun by lynching niggers like you.

Good for you. You can fix a lot of things - you can get more money, you can get /fit/, whatever, but you can never fix the race of your children, and that'll last the rest of your life. You saved your soul.

>greatest joy in my life.
>still in the deep of my heart I hate her and myself
Wew lad, just don't kill her when you decide to do a hero.

I didn't say I hate her, retard

I'm stunned no one is being charged with rape. If I've got 30 minutes left, I'm going to want to fuck something young and hot.

daily reminder

Sorry gang, wrong thread. That was meant for Hawaii talk.

probably need to find out by this guy:

You go ahead. More white women for me

Just enjoy your life with your loving family, goddammit. You're taking autistic memes too seriously

and again
and again...

>white men should cuck themselves because muh based aryan whores
OP is a LARPing nigger.

Your responsibility is to your child not your race you fucking nitwit.

If you cared THAT MUCH about your race you would have never even fucked a non-white to begin with...let alone cum inside...without a condom...deliberately.

I can't believe I have to keep posting this every day.

As long as the hapa is a girl you are okay. If you have boys, then yes you fucked up. Your daughter can marry a white dude, and 1/4 Asian is basically white again.

Only one way out. Kill yourself and then her

>don't have to worry about whos going to prison
>no drug addictions
>no mental bullshit
>stable (and probably high) income
>kids are doing well academically and socially
I would take boring any day


fuck drumpf and fuck white people

anglo indian here, please don't race mix

And what in the OP suggested that I'm not taking responsibility for my child? She's the centerpiece of my life. You're apparently too retarded to get the point. If you truly fall in love with a non white, and have kids, you're probably going to love them and do everything a perfect father/husband should do for them. But then you'll carry the burden of race mixing. That's what it becomes a silent burden that only you bear. I don't fucking tell this shit to my family.

I look at my half-Asian kids and congratulate myself on choosing the best odds for preserving my genes. The white race will die. The future will see a race war between hapa's and mulattoes. The hapa's will win, obviously. I will live on.
You, on the other hand, sound like a fatalist self-loathing faggot who'll probably pass that trait onto his kids, who'll most likely kill themselves in the course of cocking up a murder-suicide.

Yeah but you marrying an Asian is marrying up the races, nigger.

Notwithstanding my previous post, your soul isn't lost either. You can always have white children later. More importantly, you can at least raise your daughter to be a good person and maybe even a conservative /civnat/. There are worse things. Don't sweat it.

deport yourself

lol your hapa son is morely to kill himself than us whities are to be erased through genocide.

If you are so concerned about race mixing why the fuck did you race mix?

Yeah, you're right. I don't like chinks but I do like pajeetas and I would probably have a deep and lifelong regret if my kids ended up being nonwhite. I can't do that to them or myself.

She's a girl, she'll be fine. Girls readily abandon identity in favor of that presented by the most attractive man in their vicinity anyway. They don't have these problems unless men let them, because they don't hold value in ideas unless influenced to do so.

Lol dude... Get a fucking grip

this. fucking yellow fever is the worst.

I didn't race-mix but I came close to. To answer your question, I fell in love before I came race-aware. I always had a preference for my own race but fell in love with an exceptional woman because I was young and horny. Then you develop feelings and attachment.

No it's not. How many times have Asians beaten western powers in wars?

>Be spaniard
>Marry Macedonian woman
>Because American it'll be 56%

eh, whats the worst that could happen? Just more Mediterranean to be ambiguously in the US

The mongolian, the huns, the qing dinasty, vietnam Korea and Japan.

I have a one year old son with a Chinese girl and sort of feel this way.

But I think mostly it's due to the fact that she's a self-centered, career first, sex-every-once-in-a-great-while cunt who demands a cede everything in my personal life to her to make her happy and she still bitches about everything.

Be careful who you mate with anons.

taste the rice, pay the price

2/10, made me reply.

Makes sense desu


This. I was married 5 years ago. That is before the Trump age and when Sup Forums opened up to more normies. Race awareness struck me right around the 3rd trimester. The irony is that if I *were* a nigger, I'd have just left her, to have a better chance at preserving my race.

I'm Scottish. I saw my first black person when I went to university in 1995. My first Asian too, and I married her.

I honestly think everyone is a mutt in the American Continents.

I'll probably get shit for this, but at least you had the better judgement to have a child with an asian. Asians are generally intelligent.

>white-asian mix
>most of the time, they don't look that asian
>just look like very youthful white people

This whole "white-asian" self loathing thing just seems like a meme to me. Hapas are the future.

>most of the time, they don't look that asian
B8, most of the time, they look Asian

Fuck off, kekfreak

>most of the time, they don't look that asian
A have cousins who are 1/4 asian and 3/4 hite and they look more asian than white.

I also have 1st cousins who are hapas (1/2 asian and 1/2 white) and they do look pretty asian to me.

>lol your hapa son is morely to kill himself than us whities are to be erased through genocide.
Hahaha! But no. That's just objectively not true, and it's only funny if there's an element of truth to it.


It just depends on the genes.

My wife's sister just had her own hapa son, and he looks entirely Asian.

My daughter however looks a lot more like me. Basically me but with Asian eye shape. Kinda Roaming Millenial-ish. Thank god mine is female and looks more white.

There are no white people. We all are from the same species. And niggers will take over the world. there will be 4 billion nigs in africa in 80 years. So its better to make children. if your child is 1/4 asian, its fine. after the 3 generation with whites she or he will be whiter than hitler again.


stop lying, virgin

Pics or BS. Roaming looks Asian anyway

I’m half black half white. Can you please stop being mean to me Sup Forums. I don’t like it anymore than you do.

I'm glad cuckholding has gained in popularity. I can now ensure my daughters get properly blacked when they come of age

In the U.S.; mulatto > hapa. No contest

Whatever you say roastie

How does one get improperly blacked? Asking for a friend.

Yo what the fuck is this shit Vermont and Massachusetts?

The majority of WHITE men voted for Clinton/Kaine?

Any pol/acks from Vermont of Massachusetts care to explain or better yet kys?

Maybe you should get off pol and stop obsessing over race as it is going to affect your relationship with your family... don't worry about the white race. It is out of your control. Worrying about something you can't control is a waste of energy... whites are done for anyways. Just look at the demographics of the countries... the numales and whores that make up the remaining white people... the future is in Asia. It is actually not a bad power play to involve yourself and family in the future dominant people. Again. White countries are lost. Don't sweat it user.

MA has been blue since 1928 idk what you expected.

In DC it's 86%
Trump is literally surrounded by nigs and cucks

Live in MA. The majority of Liberals in my state live in really well off, fully white areas and are complete shut ins when it comes to race but virtual signal hard in favor of it. We have this one shithole called Springfield which is filled with spics and niggers. It's known to not go there and you will NEVER see these white liberal cucks go there even on the best of nights. Funny enough but more working class whites go to the bars in that area in terms of white population. Anyways, yeah we just have sheltered white libcuck retards that virtue signal hard but don't actually live the life they preach and in fact live in towns as far away from niggers as possible.



Lol, "improve"
Until everyone is the same fucking race and all of humanity gets wiped out from one virus.

The irish not being white isnt a meme.

The Columbia Heights neighborhood in DC might as well be communist with its own wall. If you're right wing stay far away from that hotbed of spics and antifa commies (literally saw a soyboy wearing a brand new Antifa tshirt outside a Columbia Heights bar).


I expect a brotherhood of white men to protect their own interests.

That's too much soy for me to fathom in such a large area.

I have a mixed race son. I'm white, his mother is black. We are not together, and keep it civil at best. What can I do to assure that he does not reject his white heritage (ala Kaepernick) and that he becomes a productive member of society? His mom isn't a hoodlum but she's your typical liberal.

are you poor? why arent you planning on seeding multiple women? it’s your duty to bleach asians and whites.

Hapas don't start with self hate, they start with a lack of racial identity. Because they're neither white nor asian, it's harder for them to bond with people of either race and become a true member of a clique. The ones that can't tolerate being an outsider are the ones that hate themselves.

>What can I do to assure that he does not reject his white heritage (ala Kaepernick) and that he becomes a productive member of society?
Put him in a majority white school.

you can blow up buildings.
you can slaughter children.
but god forbid having a child with someone you love and care for.

And yet it's the same story every single time.

They probably thought that Trump's anti-immigration stance applied to asians. If it wasn't for CNN, they might be pro-Trump.

They used to vote republican until the early 90's.
They have voted massively for the left ever since.
Not just in the US, also Australia, UK (opposed brexit 2:1), Canada...

>UK (opposed brexit 2:1)
Were they east asians or poos?


>Not every hapa is filled with self-hate you moron. She'll probably learn all her psychotic problems from you
She will learn if not from her father, from her heritage and from the concept of ethnicity and race.
>Creating mixed race babies is the best thing you do.
no, Destroying your descendants history and Identity is not the best thing you can do.
>Genetically, our race needs to improve and this is the only way you piece of stale fucking bread.
Races developed to adapt with the region and objects surrounding them in their live and their society, Mixing them together is not beneficial.
no race is as genetically homogenous to the point where they need to mix with other races to somehow make it more diverse, mix raced genes are not superior to someone of one race.
Race mixing degrades identity and is unnatural.



macedonians are white

nice reddit spacing

That's disappointing. I guess the most influential factor would be the ability to move across European countries, or the sense that mobility would boost the economy. Muh racism would only work if they felt like it would target them.