Is the deep state real? Who does it consist of? Is Trump really having a hard time fighting a domestic political battle? What does the future hold?
I think the deep state is real and is made up of members from the military and various people in top tier positions within unions, agencies, etc. I support the idea since presidents come and go, but America has always been pro Israel for example.
As for Trump, he has a loose mouth and says truth most of the time. Given that he ran for POTUS with his own money means he doesn't have to fulfil promises to the establishment. I'm inclined to believe that much of the government is trying to get in his way.
The future is grim since Trump has only 8 years max. No matter how good of a president you are you can only do so much.
and trump at worst is part of them now at best he's just given up knowing it's a lost cause
Jack Cox
you need to lurk moar because you don't know what you're talking about at best you kys, faggot
Austin Bell
He is doing his best with enemies all around - there is only so much he can do.
Leo Cook
How so? Are you referring to the embassy move to Jerusalem?
Matthew Allen
"The Deep state" is mostly Jews and Trump is literally apart of their cabal. His daughter married into the International Jewish elite. Just look at who controls all the top positions in Banks, media and courts for proof.
Jason Murphy
just everything. only his most diehard supporters still think he's doing great. look at this retardhe's just been bought and paid for. or he's seen that the shit runs much deeper than he was prepared for and he's just going to go on coast mode for the next 3 years. he already seems like he is tired and bored of it. i honestly think he regrets running
Joseph Cruz
It's a typical pseud post. The type of person who feels compelled to tell you the Earth isn't flat. A brainlet of the highest order.
Thomas Perez
I've been on this board for 12 years, shill
I've noticed, but I can't get over why the media constantly shits on him.
All presidents get grey hair really fast. Shit must run deep.
Daniel Garcia
it's not just the grey hair. i think he thought he could actually change shit. he ran a business for years though, and that's been part of the problem. he thought he could just hire and fire and everything would change.
but you got guys who have been in power for years and years like the senate and house who have done pretty much nothing to help. also, didn't trump say he was going to put term limits on. which he never brought up again.
i think at one time he was 100 percent in in and thought his iron will would change. now day after day, he just seems like he wants out. but wants out in a way to keep his head up. like going out on his on terms. who wants to spend their last years being embarrassed in a losing fight like this?
nu pol (reddit) stands behind everything he has done. i'm a troll because i don't. but to be honest, he hasn't done anything really. he handled the north korea situation well. but other than that, his cabinet has been a complete disaster. theres been fighting from day one and drama constantly. he needs to clean that shit up if he's serious about change.
it's kinda funny, old Sup Forums (pre reddit the_donald) is getting exactly what they wanted. lulz. lots of them. he's been hilarious, but as far as fighting the deep state. LOL, he's not done shit there and won't.
Charles Campbell
>Trump is part of their cabal >is demonized constantly by the (((media))) and blocked at every turn by (((federal judges)))
Trump may not be willing/able to stop them, but stop pretending that he's been their golden boy or whatever when they're trying to incite people to kill him every night on every news station. Nobody is buying it bud, especially from a meme-flagger.
Liam Anderson
That makes sense. I noticed during the campaign he would do some pandering here and there to please some of the establishment groups. That way he would be an acceptable candidate unlike Ron Paul who constantly reminded the public how how the government is ignoring constitutional restraints designed to limit central government power.
Noah Long
>noticed during the campaign he would do some pandering here and there to please some of the establishment groups.
Well you mentioned Israel in a prior post. I think the only reason the capital moved was because that was part of Trumps trade to the christian conservative vote. You gotta remember, Trump wasn't doing well in the flyover states at first. The Christ belt didn't like him until he promised to recognize Jerusalem as the capital. that also helped with the jews.
I've mentioned this before and it always makes trump supporters mad but...i don't think trump ever wanted to win. i think he liked the attention of the campaign early on. and if he lost, he could still shit on the 2 candidates all year long and then the following 4 years. all the while doing tv shows and enjoying life.
he won just because bush was boring and a bad pic. so now you got trump vs clinton. a story we were told would be a landslide for hillary. this is what the deep state wanted.
but they never considered how unlikeable hillary was. how many problems she had. the democrats could have picked anyone else and probably won. hell, if bill would have ran as vice president, she would have won.
but trump wins and probably regrets it at this piont
Jaxson Cox
This is actually a really intelligent and relevant question to be asking on Sup Forums. It's nice for a change.
How do we know what we know? When we know something, how can we verify it?
What is the Deep State? When does conspiracy become real? If there were entrenched ..."loyalties" that equated to an organization that operated outside the law, how can we make them accountable? How can we expose them?
If we exposed some small aspect of them, how invisible can they make themselves to the public and the law?
I have no doubt in my mind that these organizations exist in one form or another, but like in Jason Bourne movies, there are cancers that can be cut out, department heads and deputy commissioners that can be brought to justice. What counters these sorts of evil is good men and women who take their oaths of office seriously, and are willing to stand against corruption. In the meantime, we need to hold the media accountable to do their duty the way they were intended, and not sensationalize someone they don't like. if we can hold our institutions intact, maybe we can hold the republic together.
Have some tits.
Kevin Ramirez
Yeah sure, just highlight yourself as an election cycle newfag and immediately invalidate your opinion.
>Trump is part of their cabal >is demonized constantly by the (((media))) and blocked at every turn by (((federal judges)))
Oh because they claim to be in opposition to him means that you should believe them? Tell me: what has Trump done exactly? He's backtracked on every position except the tax cuts and attempts on the wall. He's deporting illegals at the lowest rate since before Obama He's expanding troop operations and interference across the middle east despite election promises He's expanding the defecit
The list could literally go on forever. Objectively he's identical to every other puppet president since JFK with the one excpetion of him talking shit non stop which drives "progressives" into frenzies.
And do you really think the duopoly on power between the Democrats and Republicans could be held if they didn't at least act like they are opposed to one another? One party gets in and symbolically gets blocked by the other in the house, senate and courts and then the opposite happens and the cycle continues for decades. The entire system is set up that way, but when you look at the financial backers of both groups: they're both (((you know who))).
If you're going to be an impressionable newfag at least don't out yourself.
>I've noticed, but I can't get over why the media constantly shits on him.
One side's president gets voted in, the opposition's controlled media targets him and vica versa. It's all orchestrated and manufactured, considering all of said media groups, even those not adamantly opposed to Trump are owned by the same media conglomerates and run by the same single-digit cabal of Jews.
Luke Allen
Bro what are you 12? Shut the fuck up and stop posting holy shit you sound so dumb. Maybe if you read the threads you would learn and not give everyone AIDS with your retarded Frankposting.
Nathan Miller
Are you fucking kidding me? The meme flags never used to be on Sup Forums you phony newfaggot. Just stop
Xavier Price
You are completely misrepresenting my position. I am not saying Trump is a savior or even /ourguy/ i'm saying that he is not the 'regular' Bush-tier puppet that you claim he is.
>he's identical to every other puppet with the exception of talking shit Then why don't they just get their puppet to stop talking shit?? It should be well within their power to do so according to you.
>can the duo-poloy be held It was doing fine before Trump showed up, Jeb was all set to win the nomination and the apathetic were just gonna stay home. Trump is directly responsible for tons of people getting involved in politics again and he's indirectly responsible for redpilling on a massive scale.
>both sides are (((you know who))) I know that, that's why it makes no sense that Trump would flip the table over and discredit the media so enormously while dogwhistling hints about (((them))). They are literally setting themselves up for a Shoah in the next decade or two with shit like this. Trump may be "under control" but he certainly wasn't "part of the plan".
How stupid are you, really? All it takes is 20 seconds to search for an image of 2011, 2012 Sup Forums to see that selected flags were around then and you don't even bother to do that before proving yourself to be the lowest form of bottom feeder newfag.
I rarely ever tell people to kill themselves, but you really need to for the sake of the gene pool
Brody Wood
Yes they were but it was YEARS ago, and almost nobody who's serious uses them now that they're back.
Bentley Hill
> Is the deep state real?
> Who does it consist of?
If we could say for certain, they wouldn't be the "deep state." All we can say is they are the people in the Executive Branch that have sworn loyalty to the imaginary United Socialist States of America, and intend to destroy the racist, misogynist USA to make their dream come true (it won't, but they won't admit it no matter how bad things get after they successfully destroy the USA).
Christopher Collins
You can posture all you want but I know you're just another tryhard newfag who wants to fit in and larp with the hakenkreuzflagge.
Henry Sanchez
Brandon King
>Then why don't they just get their puppet to stop talking shit?? It should be well within their power to do so according to you.
Could you at least think even a little bit critically here? Trump's tweeting follows a very specific formula:
Attempt to do something Fail Tweet some inflamatory shit about something else to distract everyone Repeat.
Making people foam at the mouth in disbelief and anger is the most effective way to get them to forget how useless you are. Example: Trump tweets about banning transgender people from the military pretty much on cue, everyone gets into a frenzy over this but then weeks later we find out it isn't true, the army spokesman says it won't be happening and the whole ordeal easily covers up the previous failure.
>It was doing fine before Trump showed up, Jeb was all set to win the nomination and the apathetic were just gonna stay home. Trump is directly responsible for tons of people getting involved in politics again and he's indirectly responsible for redpilling on a massive scale.
If you really think that, I barely know how to respond. Wielding the discontent of disaffected voters is a smart move, and you do so by promising them change. Tell me: what change has to done? None of his promises about muslim bans, walls, getting industry back to the country have been even REMOTELY implemented in 11 months of office. He actively collaborates with the "swamp" he claimed was going to be drained. The voters that got Trump where he is were conned, exactly like what was expected by everyone on the board that wasn't some slow newfag who arrived during the election cycle. Trump posting on this board was ironic and specifically negative before the_donald newfags shit up the place. Use your fucking head at least.
Yeah, like I've been saying, he said plenty of shit before the election and hasn't done a thing to deal with any of the problems he highlighted.
Jaxon King
>everything he said is right >change the issue entirely and deflect based upon projections
Nice, no coming back from this one newfag.
Oliver Turner
You're not here to argue honestly, you're here to convince me regardless of reality.
It makes NO sense for the kikes puppet to rattle the cages like this. If Trump was their puppet he would've been better off not rattling the cages and then losing so that Hillary could win. It's that simple. The kikes gain NOTHING from somebody pushing the Overton window back to the right.
I hope since he is old that he will say some real shit once he leaves office.
That is what makes me ask the question in the first place. Every president gets criticised. Bush is harassed over Iraq and Obama over drones and Syria. Trump is getting slammed over "shitholes" and two scoops.
Kevin Hughes
nvm I'll watch that interview later
Dylan Long
I just wanted to tell you two that I was thinking the same. I think he is still doing a great job no matter what his original intention was. He can easily get assassinated if he really tries to attack the bad guys.
Gavin Ward
2 things: - there are multiple 'deep states' - and they don't always agree. - Trump has been President for barely a YEAR. He has gotten way more done in year 1 than I ever expected.