Why is Sakura the worst female character in anime history?
Why is Sakura the worst female character in anime history?
Shes a brute
That's not Chi-Chi
She only is to cucks who don't get the popular girl in highschool.
Hinata exists so she can't be worst.
Because Narutu is shit
>muh powah of friendship and shieet
No, that would be your waifu.
Because Naruto.
Naruto in general has some of the worst written female characters in fiction history
Because you watched like 20 shows and all of them were complete shit?
That's not Minmei
>i'd rather have a boring deafmute wife like hinata
Hinata only """works""" because it's a fucking manga and you only see her for a few panels. Try spending time with a woman like that for more than a few years and you'll go insane
Is having daughters the ultimate cuckoldry?
I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.
Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.
As a man who has a daugher you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically Sup Forums.
her character only exist to lust for Saskue's dick
otherwise she is completely incompetent.
Fuck off Narutards
She's not though.
She's only worse than Ten Ten because Ten Ten doesn't show up enough to amass more terrible moments than Sakura.
Ten Ten probably still is worse per appearance capita, in all honesty. Shit combat style, boring character design, and a complete nothing of a personality.
Sakuras are generally shit
>totaly not a narusaku post
Narutards really are newfag cancer.
so you want to fuck your daughter?
I'm raising my kid so that she'll be set for her life with some good common sense and wisdom, and so that she'll raise her kids well -- not to "prep" her to be fucked, you absolute mong. If that's how you see things I am very scared for your daughter's safety.
Literally the first thing we see her do of note is look down on an orphan for not having parents
It doesn't get much better from there. Sakura remains pretty useless throughout the series even to the point where her haters start to feel bad for her, the last chance she had to prove herself as a ninja who could keep up with the rest of her team was immediately shat on the moment she thought it, honestly can't tell if Kishimoto has it in for her or not.
Everything involving her infatuation with Sasuke is dumb as hell, Nartuo isn't much better, but when you break down crying because someone insulted your murderous crush it makes you seem less like a ninja and more like a total pansy.
So basically she useless for most of the story, her main motivations are pants on head retarded for most of the story and she's not really a great person.
>kishi literally admits that he cant write/draw females well
>narutofags are still arguing over which female character is the best/worst in terms of personality/looks/strength
>he actually said this
not op or a narufag but everything makes so much more sense now
lol so true
>looks like a plain fuckboy
>flat = pedobait
>moveset entirely copypasted from a better character
>supposed to be smart but actually retarded
>muh tsundere personality
>actually doesn't have a character arc, does the exact same thing at the end of part 1 and 2 and gets even worse results
>is an actual copy of a previous shonen heroine (maam from dai no daibouken) except ten times worse
Sakura is the most popular first name in Japan.
Because of Cardcaptor Sakura not the shitty Nardo character.
Lurk more, Narutards
Kishi admited he didn't know how to write female characters. That's way Sakura is a one dimensional, single tone character, Ino's only redeeming quality are her looks, Hinata is a Yamato Nadeshiko because GLORIOUS PURE NIPON WAIFU and Anko got fat.
The only female character that was almost interesting was Tsunade and that's only because Kishi gave her the personality of a man.
She's such a selfish, delusional cunt who destroyed her house because her daughter interrogated her on why her """marriage""" with Sasuke is so fuckfaced.
Hey now
Better question. Why is it so satisfying seeing Sakura turn into a cum slut?
It's in her name. Suck -ura.
Ura stands for unbelievably really atrocious.
Her and Sora should be cum and shit dumpsters until they die of hepatitis.
At least she's not Isabella
Is there any Shonen mangaka who knows who to write females?
Kubo kinda knows how to, but only after he introduces a metric ton of titty monsters first.
t . shosa
>Try spending time with a woman like that for more than a few years and you'll go insane
2D man 2D!, I find children annoying yet lolis are OK
Because she just so happens to have the same name as the best and cutest mahou shoujo anime protagonist of all time.
Shit Taste
Can my son fuck your child user?
I like the women of Bleach. Definitely treated better than any of the Naruto ones, that's for sure.
Nami is worse
Her name is Yoshino.
Literally every shonen animu. Nice selective outrage.
>sasukeee don't leave me l love you please stay l'll do everything reeeee
>no way fag but thanks
>500 (five hundred) chapters later
>sasukeee don't leave me l love you please stay l'll do everything reeeee
>no way fag
really makes u think
>sasuke fucks off when sarada is three because of work
>naruto works so much that he can't even attend his kids birthday for like five minutes
i still cant believe this. hinata and sakura are basically single mothers.
This desu
Most of the women in Fairy Tail are written fairly well. It's probably one of the better things Mashima does.
She can't be that bad since she gave us pages and pages of butthurt after Naruto ended.
>t. Rinfag
serious question, but does tenten have a last name yet?
No one fucking cares, Narutard
Being that she's Neji's waifu it's Hyuga.
except for the one that is just left chained up in a prison forever.
See rule 2
Funny because you newfag Narutards watched less than 10 anime as everyone in this thread proved.
> IMG_
Seems like the most cancerous Narutards are phone users.
Hiro should consider range banning more phone ISPs.
I miss accelspammer
Which is basically the NEET of motherhood in japan.
>continues posting in a "Narutard" thread
>newfags trying to blend in by riding the dead Naruto hate meme
>newfag Narutard mad that he will never be accepted in Sup Forums because he refuses to lurk more and Naruto is the only anime he ever watched
>Being that she's Neji's waifu
I will never understand this pairing. They don't have any moments in the manga whatsoever, she didn't even react when he died.
Your thread already shows how much of a raging newfag you are, Narutard.
Fuck of back your naruto subreddit shithole where you belong.
>newfags think spewing buzzwords hides their own newfaggotry
>They don't have any moments in the manga whatsoever
so like every other pairing in naruto
>Naruto hate meme
Nigger are you for real? You defend yourself better with your mouth shut.
>naruto holding hands with hinata
>sasuke poking sakuras forehead
>temari being by shikamarus side in dream during that jutsu
its not much, but a hell of a lot more than what neji and tenten got in canon which was literally nothing.
Chi-Chi atleast stayed home and raised the kids instead of staying in the limelight.
>instead of staying in the limelight.
Who stays in the limelight?
The one that paired up with the Vegeta and Goku of the series till the very end even though she was well past her welcome.
She really isn't.
People just made the mistake of considering her a main character. She isn't. The only MC's are clearly Naruto and Sasuke. People kept lusting for screentime/development that was never gonna happen.
>hey guys here's the team of the mc
>they are the new sannin
Hum... He did a pretty bad job then. No one was relevant anyway. He fucked up.
The cancerous nuruturd surely showed them now.
>bumps thread
The most significant thing she did to change herself was cutting her hair with a kunai.
sounds like a cool guy
She's too ugly to get away with her bitchiness. Ino can pull it off because she's actually attractive. Even though Sakura is supposed to be canon pretty she always looked like a sack of potatoes compared to other girls. Cute anime girls can get away with being cunts in shallow fanboys eyes, but Sakura didn't even have that going for her.
I sage'd actually, you fucking retard. You were the one who bumped it.
No one cares Narutard.
Lots of anime characters are named Sakura. It's a popular first name and last name in general.
whats a narutard, i thought this was a borutard thread
As far as Shonen Jump goes there are plenty that are decent. Gintama is probably one of the better ones for female characters. One Piece and Bleach female characters are a bit more relevant than Naruto's.
>muh stronk independent womyn
For all this talk about Kishi being a shit writer (which he is), he is actually a 100% correct about the place women have always had in warrior societies, which is staying at home taking care of the children.
>not chi-chi, sakura (fatestay), kurisu, hinata, asuna, yuuki
Though in that list i would say that Asuna is a million times worse than all of them. Literally the reason SAO is shit.
The amount of jerking off she receives in the Progressive LN and manga is beyond anything that has happened before in animu.
That feel when a granny is the best girl
Neji and TenTen is a pairing built on anime filler much like NaruSaku was.
Honestly, every single ship in Naruto was so fucking minimalistic that the shippers were all desperate for scraps. Fairy Tail seems more their speed.
I have no problem with people liking Sakura but the way people try to pretend like she was a good character is fucking delusional.
It's almost like they take Naruto's dedication and redeeming Sasuke and project it on to Sakura instead of admitting that she was just riding their coattails and is the eternal 3rd wheel of the team.
>sasuke poking sakuras forehead
The fact that this is considered a romantic gesture in Sasusakufag's eyes should be and indictment on that paring's terribleness, specially when it's supposed to balance-out several murder attempts.
Tumblr exists. Fuck off back to there, Narutards.
This isn't the '50's anymore where a woman couldn't even get a job so they just had to rely on marrying a husband that could provide. Women can join the military and get careers of their own now. Maybe Japan and Kishi still holds traditional views, but times have changed.
Honestly the fact that so many shonen manga can portray female characters a lot better than Kishi is proof that Kishi's views are outdated.
With the exception of Asuna, every single character you mentioned is objectively better than Sakura, or at least more tolerable.
The funny part is that you forgot to mention Karin as the actual worst female character from Nardo.
It was really fucking weird how completely irrelevant and forgotten both Sakura and the other Konoha teens were, only for them all to show up towards the end of the war and Kishi to act like they've been super relevant and important all along.
Fat ugly neckbeards like you can't even get a woman let alone financially provide for her. Good thing your beta male bloodline ends with you.
Well when the pairing has no significant interaction for years then a head poke is like an oasis in a desert.
Certainly better than all the other moments Sasuke has seen her like pic related when Sasuke was gonna chop off her head while her back was turned.
Women are depicted as capable warriors in works of fiction user, which is what I'm getting at, his depiction of their role is more realistic.
As for your point about women in modern armies, ask anyone who has ever actually served and they will all tell you that actually competent female soldiers are a minority within a minority (with not a single one being particularly impressive), so there is that.
No, you get some orphan girl raise her right do sports with her, read her bed time stories, give her proper diet, since you are responsible parent, and once she is 18 you fuck her in every tight hole she has and make her your cocksleeve.
>Fat ugly neckbeards
Could you be any more of a cliche tumblr feminist?
Point a single historic example of a militaristic society where women and men were equally viable as soldiers, and I'll concede this point, otherwise shove your retarded gender studies bullshit down your rectum.
This sounds like a certain manga I've read before...
>waiting for her to be 18