holy shit that was intense
Holy shit that was intense
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I was too busy laughing my ass off as how inhuman those people beheave.
It's like an alien wrote this
So.... do you laugh at anime in general then?
I think we have differing ideas of "intense".
>I'm a titan. He's a titan.
>Nah, you just crazy.
>LoL, I show you how titan we is.
>Ok, we are all now titans.
And then they were titans.
Why does Bert look like such a bitch?
Well considering how most anime is written by shut-ins who only experience human contact via cartoons then you really should.
they aren't human they are titans didn't you watch the show
If you're talking about Reiner then there's an actual reason why he acts like a retard this episode.
Right, because deep cover child soldiers directly responsible for murdering who knows how many people should definitely act like normal civilians from a first world country when they're preparing to fight against people they've been with for years.
Fucking kill yourself.
Not always but it definitely written
for shut-in.
someone post that edit
>first reply is obvious bait
>followed by a dozen bites
Christ, why do I even click on these threads? The fuck did I expect?
What if they were replying to obvious bait as bait itself to get you to respond
It was perfect, you pleb.
Is this reveal the new pleb filter?
Anyone who didn't like it clearly has no taste.
Animeonly fag here. Was anyone else here disappointed by the fact that Bertholdt is the Colossal Titan?
I mean the Colossal Titan is pretty much the face of this manga, so Iam not sure if Bertholdt is fit for the role.
What was the mangafags reaction to this?
>tfw not noticing the difference with the original
I literally had to take like a 5 minute break after he so casually told they were the titans. Like.. what the actual fuck. But then after coming back, that action sequence was hype as fuck. I had thought Reiner might be the armored titan because they had the same hair for a while now, but I had no fucking clue the colossal would be that little bitch. Next episodes action should be pretty cool one way or another provided it doesn't just end abruptly. looking forward to it.
I wish I dropped the show after Eren became a titan.
I'm a mangafag and my reaction was the same. I eventually got over it.
Actually, isn't this the point where the beastie boys make their appearance? Because that would make it an appropriate time and place, at least.
Depends. Reiner is supposed to be the sympathetic one who's reconsidering his loyalties, whereas Bert is the silent villain with far fewer inner monologues. So Bert was meant to die earlier on, and Reiner is kept in retinue for a later, more hype showdown.
This in turn allows the colossal titan to be eaten by one of the good guys, Armin. If I were to hazard a guess, it's because Eren already has partial armor and is around the same height, so they didn't want two similar titans on the good guys' side while the enemy kept all the interesting ones.
But that's all theory. There's still a bunch of shit we don't know in the mango.
I dropped the manga because of how this was so full retard
I remember back people laughing or being pissed off but yeah a good chunk deluded themselves into thinking it was some sort of parody or answer to reveals/big plot twists being so dramatic.
Holy fuck dat ost in this scene was kino. When is the ost for s2 coming out?
The further you get into SnK, the more you wonder if the author really has any kind of plan at all or if everything is a hurried kluge brought together by the editorial staff because they know this shit is still selling magazines.
This cunt is so annoying. Her and manlet drag this series down with their overpowered bullshit. Especially now that it's revealed that they are the result of some special bloodline.
obvious bait, nobody can actually feel anything towards mikasa
She is the only Japanese left in the world. All the awesomeness of the Japanese race has been folded over 1 million times into Mikasa.
>Mikasa was the one who flipped out.
>Eren didn't go batshit insane trying to murder Reiner and Bert.
I can't believe there are people who didn't know Bert was a titan. I thought it was like L dies or Shirou is the red man level of widespread spoiler.
Isn't she a mongrel?
Well done, user.
How did they know eren was the coordinate?
Do they know that their village will likely eat eren as soon as they were to bring him back?
I wouldn't go that far, but this bit was pretty funny.
The story would have had a happier ending if Eren went with BR. The warriors have their own endgame.
I feel arousal toward her.
You mean have someone eat Eren to gain his power, then probably just come back with it and finish the job of wiping everyone inside the walls out?
They should just gas the jews with titan serum desu
They only knew eren was the attack titan until coordinate reveal
They were planning to sacrifice him which doesnt make sense considering that Zeke promised Eren he will save him
I need everyone who did not have this figured out to take this quick poll for me:
No. Zeke wants to save Eren, not kill him.
Bert looking like a pathetic sack of shit after getting half his neck cut through was the most incredible experience of this season.
Fuck you, Colossal Faggot.
Suck humanity's cock.
Zeke sold his own parents out. I wouldn't put much faith in him.
Zeke's idea of saving people is the same way he saved his parents, most likely.
It only takes 5 pieces of silver to change a mind, user.
>hey bergold we at homeland now :DDD
>lets go back to nazi marley
>suck humanity's cock
He's fighting against the monsters that threaten humanity.
left in eldia*
there are still asians in the outside world
By killing a fucking assload of humans.
I honestly didn't know. In my own defense, I only watched the original and this season because I wanted to be accepted by my normie friends and have something to talk about with them.
Eldians aren't human. They're devil Jews that the Coordinate can transform into Titans at will.
eren isn't a cold person
They're titans, not humans. They don't deserve his sappy feelings.
Bert and Reiner deserve death.
Is Rein fucked in the head or something? It's like he can't decide if he's a good guy or a titan guy.
>"We titens. U wanna come?"
>"wot u said?"
>"sorry im just tired wtf i was thinking?"
How advanced is the outside world? Do they know about the walls and titans?
Tell that to Bert and Erwin.
Her VA is the only good thing about her in entirety, both in manga and anime.
>They're titans, not humans.
Go away, Marley.
the outside world has technology to beat titans by the latest chapter (WW2 era)
They know about the titans from marley who use them, unsure if they know about the wall titans. A plot could be eldia ally themselves with the other nations against marley's expansion
>Is Rein fucked in the head or something?
how fucking autistic are you? YES HE IS FUCKED IN THE HEAD, HE STRAIGHT UP SAYS THAT IN THE EPISODE. And if that wasn't enough right before he snaps the flag snaps and falls down
they are bloody child soldiers who have killed hundreds of thousands of people and have been deep undercover for 3 years, of course they are messed up
I want them to die in the most gruesome, vile way possible.
Seeing them responsible for the beginning of the manga/anime preemptively annihilated any positive feelings I have for them.
if Mikasa just slashed your throat, you'd look like a bitch too.
>Is Rein fucked in the head or something
Actually yes. He was so fucked up he developed split personalities because he couldn't deal with the stress. And even now he has severe PTSD after all the shit that happened.
He didn't believie Annie was a titan either.
They only don't deserve happy feelings for betraying their race. Bert, Reiner, Annie, are all the same people as eren, mikasa, armin, levi, etc.
>I want them to die in the most gruesome, vile way possible.
well Bert gets eaten by Armong, which is a terrible fate, that I wouldn't wish upon anyone
Then that makes it worse.
Thank you, I can't wait.
This is what you're feeling:
- Too many titans in the same group of friends. It's ridiculous.
- Berthold is a shit character and it downplays the colossal titan role.
- The revelation is incredibly anticlimatic especially because the colosal titan was the main mistery of the series.
Everyone has felt the same. Like people here have told you if you keep reading you get over it.
That said everything I just mentioned has an explanation and seeing this scene after knowing it made it actually good for me.
Brief spoiler: 4 Titan kids infiltrate as a group inside the wall with the mission of retrieving the Titan power Eren has now. One of them loses his power to Imir without the others knowing that Imir has it now. In this moment you watched right now Reiner is realizing that with Imir Titan reveal and with Annie in that state the best thing they can do is actually finishing the mission and return with Imir and Eren.
Reiner even explains to Eren that the titans don't even have a reason to fight right now and that nobody has to die.
A friend of mine told me the anime skipped the Castle Utgard arc, is that true?
I love the sweet irony of the most iconic figure in the series being the meekest, most weak-willed and unremarkable character around, personally.
He's very happy his friends told him their secret.
Quite autistic. I must've missed him saying he was fucked in the head.
Totally didn't catch that flag thing either.
>eaten by Armong
Armin's a Titan? Shit senpai, we gonna see that this season?
>Is Rein fucked in the head or something?
Yes, he is. Been hinted at during Utgard and will be confirmed later.
Okay cool
>Armin's a Titan? Shit senpai, we gonna see that this season?
No, maybe season 3 or even 4 if they keep doing 12 ep seasons
They didn't, and it was the best episode of the season so far.
Her body is unattractive as fuck. No wonder Eren feels nothing towards her despite being a teenage boy.
Might have to pick up the manga then. Cheers.
Just watched it. Holy shit I got hyped at the end
what was the meaning of this small text? did she mean it less?
I didn't know tastes could even be this plebeian
>he isn't turned on by well-defined muscles
Are you gay?
The transformation was kind of ruined by the very obvious CG for the colossal titan. Other than that the build up and actual transformations were great.
Well one of them did.
Reiner is immortal however
anyone have a gif/webm of this scene?
>unsure if they know about the wall titans.
Isn't that why the outside world doesn't just initiate all out war with eldians? Because some old king threatened to send all of those collosal titans to ravage the world if they attacked the walls, and then they decided to try and stealthily obtain the coordinate?
That's only Marley since eldians enslaved them after they got their titan power
That is literally the perfect body though. Eren is a faggot for not noticing it.
>/fit/ girl but still has tits
Truly the goddess physique
What episode was this?
OVA 2 I believe.
I was only okay with it myself because if they hadn't cut those corners, we'd have waited another 6 months for this.
Which would have been okay 10 years in the future when the wait is nothing but memory, except if people forgot about SnK even more, they'd get even shittier numbers, and probably not any more seasons.
tl; dr The art is so good at this point, I'd be okay with a downgrade for faster production.
But it isn't the Asians that have the power, it's the Ackermans.
Which makes me wonder how the bandits killed her father.
>Which makes me wonder how the bandits killed her father.
Unless...they didn't. The plot thickens.
Spoiling myself about the manga made this show more watchable for me. Weird right?
this, it took them 5 years for 12 episodes only to make the Colossal Titan CGI, and a really shitty CGI to top it off
by surprise attack before his activation, remember mikasa didn't activate until eren screamed at her to