What does Sup Forums think of the ongoing white genocide in South Africa?
Of course, the (((leftist))) media will make you believe it's not so bad or that you can't be racist against whites because of some obscure definition created to suit their narrative, or that Mandela was a saint.
Look at the facts and decide for yourself, and spread the knowledge since it's now possible without the MSM having full control of the narrative like it did in the 90s.. Preferably with gruesome images too. Maybe deluded liberals will finally see what will truly happen when whites become a minority in Europe, Australia or Africa.
Lauren Southern just decided to make a documentary about it, so she'll risk her life to cover the whole thing. You'll never see anyone in the media covering this extensively or objectively, so independent journalists are the only way for it to get traction, this is the opportunity.
>South Africa's Farm Murders: Jeanine's Story
Post whatever info or anything relevant to South Africa's history or their current situation.
Call out leftist double standards, call out "anti-racists" downplaying this factual genocide. This is happening right now. Obviously you can't change what's happening in South Africa personally, but you can help them by bringing more light to the subject.
>The End of South Africa
>The website “GenocideWatch.com” observes: “About 50 people on average are murdered in South Africa per day, of which at least 20 of them are whites (95% black-on-white murder rate). Please take into consideration that white people make up only 9% (4,500,000) of the demographics in South Africa, and therefore the white murder rate in South Africa is quite significant.”