Are JCs the pinnacle?
Are JCs the pinnacle?
They are in fact the lowest possible form of human
The best! They start going bad once they hit 15.
This is turning out to be a damn fine year for JC.
What does JC stand for?
what does jc mean
It is the pinnacle, yes.
Sup Forums is so predictable sometimes. It gets hold of an obscure term and beats it to the ground. Well just like "creature" and "cunny", JC will disappear in a few months.
You know what it means, you know you do.
What the fuck is JC
JC are okay.
JK are where it's at.
I like 'em sweaty.
Is there some kind of meme I'm missing here or are we being invaded by newfags? JC isn't a new term at all.
they are the next step in transhumanism
Never said it was new, just that it was obscure, if you want to prove me wrong, post archives of 4 'JC' threads from 2015, 2014, and 2013. I'll be waiting.
It's the newfags themselves that are constantly using JC in these threads and consequently running it to the ground.
It was certainly used before, but to the same extent it's been used since Eromanga sensei started? No way.
It's not obscure at all, but Sup Forums is mostly EOPs that don't learn about Japanese internet culture until several years later
Prove us wrong,
JC refers to junior high girls
Js=elementary school
Jk=high school
thank you.
jikyoku children
time travelers
Sagiri is the flavour of the month, and that flavour is Turkish Delight.
Which is to say, the worst flavour.
JC=Junior high school girls
JDs are actually the pinnacle.
Steady on user. Let's not say something we'll regret.
Oh, you really didn't know? Sorry.
Asking the question has actually become a semi popular shitpost.
there's no way this was shown on television