Laugh reacts only
>Rollan for Conan to get raped too
Old. This lady then blames her own whiteness why she got raped and how the black man was just incredibly angry because of whites.
Fake news
fuck crtv
This cant be real
Wow, she showed us.
fake news
damn it really?
The story is real but old.
you know Sup Forums is lost when people are replying to a gavin mcinness post
honestly guys
this is not the way. i really don't know what to say about it. the man shoves dildos in his anus and he salutes jews
just because he says oooohoohohoh wow looks like blacks do crime, this makes him something worth watching? it's the low road. it makes me sick.
this board is the last place we have. this creep has no place here. it's so fucking embarrassing
remember that "movement"? fucking loser. let him just fade out. he is a disgrace
she should hire some pakis
This was an older story though
That article is old as shit
That doesn't make it less funny.
That rape happened like 10 years ago
Fake news
today was worth it
I recognize this raped roastie though, it happened years ago.
I hope this happens to Conan
3.5 years ago, and it's a true story, it just that the trip wasn't specifically in response to Trump. (*Those* stories will come, but it might take another couple weeks)
its just their way. dont culture shame their beautiful way of life