Nigger Hate Thread
I need some bamps
that's nice
There are no such thing as "niggers" whst makes someone "black"? Skin color? Genetic traits? Geographical ancestry? Skull shape and size?
See these skulls? Do they really = race? The answer is no.
These are skull casts from companies that provide casts for classroom usage. They are not races - they are showing population genetic variations and how we can use that to potentially identify some aspects of regional heritage. And yes, they are somewhat idealized examples because students of forensics are expected to use them in class. Here is a similar exercise using images Experiences in the field are often much harder with less obvious or more mixed features.
Forensic anthropologists use multiple markers on a skull to try and determine likely ancestry, which can help with identifying the body. If you know how people from that region are typically classified using race or related labels in a society, you can make a good guess as to what their friends and family considered them.
Here are a few articles that might be helpful:
Sauer, Norman J. "Forensic anthropology and the concept of race: If races don't exist, why are forensic anthropologists so good at identifying them?." Social Science & Medicine 34.2 (1992): 107-111.
Smay, Diana, and George Armelagos. "Galileo wept: a critical assessment of the use of race in forensic anthropology." Transforming Anthropology 9.2 (2000): 19-29.
Brace, C. Loring. "Region does not mean “race”—reality versus convention in forensic anthropology." Journal of Forensic Science 40.2 (1995): 171-175.
Ousley, Stephen, Richard Jantz, and Donna Freid. "Understanding race and human variation: why forensic anthropologists are good at identifying race." American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139.1 (2009): 68-76.
Snugglerific • Jun 10, 2016, 6:54 PM
I'd add in this one too:
Konigsberg LW et al (2009) Estimation and evidence in forensic anthropology: sex and race
what if he's afraid of heights, though?
Blacks are inferior
Yeah, we need to get them more involved in the STEM fields.
Half the shit in this thread isn't 'nigger hate' it's just Americans being Americans.
namefags, every time
>Blacks are inferior...
to Jews.
Can anyone prove that Jews are equal to or superior to blacks? Are blacks and Jews equal? Are blacks superior to Jews?
i bet they were all sucking cock, somebody should make a nazi theme erotic noble
redpill the roasties will some nazi style 50 shades of reich
>fucken rayciss ladder
this actually looks like good times
Lol better turn the other cheek Christcuck !
These are what the anthropologist say about skulls and they're meaning. People who study them for a living
I fucking love this video. Dude take like 4 gut shots at point blank range and runs away, despite the inevitable.
I like to imagine he took a long time to expire.
>The strands spell out 911
Get some new content for these threads. You idiots only post the same 20 or so videos.
My complaint about webms like these is that they end about 10 seconds too soon. I really want to see what happens next.
How the fuck did he even qualify?
these threads always bring a smile to my face.
i feel bad for americans.
>meanwhile white men have set foot on another celestial body, discovered the secrets of space and time, and harnessed the power of the atom
show your flag leaf
t. memeflag cancer with nothing to offer
I did this a lot during Newyears until Roman candles were banned. Only on willing participants of course
Jews dont exist they are not pure of the bloodline of Abraham beacuse Abraham himself mixed when he went to gaza. Moses married an Ethiopian woman from africa. There has been "race mixing" ever since the beginning of time. Infact Scientists have long recognized that, despite physical differences, all human populations are genetically similar to one another. But a new study in the journal Science concludes that populations from different parts of the world share even more genetic similarities than had previously been assumed. So with that being said we are all related to one another and are mixed, race dosen't exist. We are 99.0 or 99.9% genetically simular. But if that is the case you may ask yourself why are we do different? Well tgis video from Harvard university explains it
Yeah, I can totally see myself doing the same thing.
Here abo
Did I mention Jews?
This just confuses me... what did everyone expect?
He's got a point, these threads are pretty interesting but I've seen all these .webm's before
This. These threads are comfy and all but a some OC would be greatly appreciated and deserving of (you)s.
Many "race denialist" often point to the fact that we are genetically simular but are different at the same time biologically speaking. Well this is why so many assume race exist
Isn't the joke that you only have to be the best in your own country? There has been at least one occasion in which a landlocked African country without swimming pools has sent an 'athlete' which almost had to be rescued from the pool, this wasn't even that long ago
what is dragging him back even
Jews dont exist. Dont let the controllers fool you
It would just burn on the surface of his skin for a moment and then go out... But yes, I understand your confusion more than their stinking thinking.
George Lucas?
>skulls all the same
Doesn’t show obvious nigger noggin
I would fuck that bellybutton.
If I didn't see it I wouldn't have believe it.
affirmative action?
These threads are pointless and 100x better on /gif/, where the file size is bigger and you get sound
Humans are kinda like deer in that retrospect, he'll probably die in some ditch somewhere nearby.
"Niggers" act like that (sometimes) from genetic traits but again No. Race is not the same thing as heritage or ethnicity or population genetics. Genetics show pretty clearly that there are no clearly bound human types that neatly line up into categories such as white, black, Asian, etc. Population genetics is looking at particular alleles and tracing them back to which regions they came from. So if you're a carrier for X allele and we know that allele is frequently found in Northern Ireland then we can make a soft claim about where some of your ancestors likely came from. Knowing that Irish people are categorized as white in America today, we could go further and say some of your ancestry is white. Of course, the Irish weren't always white in America. So if we're trying to understand historical race categories for your family white might be misleading. Racial categories change over time and across cultures so that forensic anthropologists have to take local ideas about labels into account for any categorization to be meaningful.
If you want to understand this better take a look at any of the articles I suggested. They all clearly explain the science of population genetics, why race is a flawed concept, and how forensic anthropologists have to deal with that. Though I've taught bio anth labs, I imagine that peer reviewed studies hold more weight than a random person on the internet. I suggest you look at the literature. Niggers gonna nog lol
>Olympic association has removed it
kek can't let the goys know niggers really can't swim
i was unaware of this until now. thanks for enlightening.
>Race isn't real
>Look at the differences between these skulls that are the result of genetic variation caused by each group developing in separate geographic locations isolated from one another.
I'm not sure what you're getting at Julian.
ok this seems fake. clearly his left arm is down and right arm only touching a single conductor, the the live wire. no shock or current flow should occur. 120v will not travel through shoes, drywall or floor. what is he grounded to
If he had a 45 the nigger would of been dead after the first shot.
>genetic traits = race
Literally nothing wrong with this. Did it a couple times when I was a kid. Most fun I ever had.
Just the Rhodesians dealing with a cat 3 chimpout
Totally, I'm gonna leave and let you worthless complaining manchildren run into page 10. I like to dump the shit that I have for new visitors to enjoy but because so little people make themselves useful anymore and post anything, you have less chance of finding something new. You can only blame each other for this embarrassment.
The devil come to claim his soul.
>I repost stale content for visitors : )
>but go back to wherever you came from
>spamming a .gif thread outside of /gif/
Here we see the Kiwi faggot trying - and failing, to post like his older brother Australia.
Use these threads for funny nigger comics or images ffs, this is the image section of the image board.
>muh dik
Fuck off with your spam im trying to spread a message and your doing stupid shit
LOVE this one.
Only in America can Santas be so based and defend themselves with firearms. Fuck the rest of the world.
Show me an irishman with black skin, or an chinaman with sickle cell anemia then.
Every species can be divided into sub-species, humans included.
You don't belong here ZOG.
You're part of the problem here...
>skin color = race
The absolute state of Sup Forums
What have we become?
Why do they record themselves doing crimes? Reminds me of the four that posted the torture of a retarded white guy on facebook. What were they trying to accomplish?
That's fucked up, guy was just hurrying to get to the cash register. I hope he sued the store.
When I saw that I lost my shit......still lost
The fact that we all share the same genes does not rule out the possibility of important differences based on variation in the regulatory regions of the genome (promoters, enhancers, micro), RNAs, and other molecular switches. A better question than whether or not we have different proteins is whether or not we have different alleles. An allele is simply a version of DNA. It could be a single nucleotide that differs in the population at a given location (i.e. A, C, T, or G). Or it could be what geneticists call a copy number variant (such as when I have a stretch of ATG ATG ATG but you have five copies of that motif). When we ask if there are alleles that one population has that are not seen in any other population—the parallel question to the unique genes inquiry—the answer turns out to be yes. In fact, it is African populations that have the most “private” (i.e., unshared) alleles. This is a reflection of the greater diversity in sub-Saharan Africa compared with those groups who suffered the population bottleneck in the migration out of Africa. But the point is that there is no a priori reason to rule out the potential impact of these private alleles in explaining group differences. IQ includedof course
You fucking racist spic.
He doh no deh wai.
He wuz nice brud.
>Skin color? Genetic traits? Geographical ancestry? Skull shape and size?
They all boil down to genetics, physical anthropologists are kikes btw
Shit. That was brutal.