You are still your current flag. Meme flags NOT permitted.
You are still your current flag. Meme flags NOT permitted.
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Why doesn't Lindbergh run for president? It's like the republican party doesn't want to win.. Hm..
anschluss was the best thing that could've happened tbqhwyfam
Germans are allowed to come, we have shelter.
Can't believe the Kraut's are at it again!
Oh well. We're in on our terms, this time. MacKenzie King's based af.
I'm sure we won't regret standing up for God, Queen and country in 70 years.
this hitler fella is cool and all deporting the jews. but he has niggers in his army.
i dont condone any niggers in any army of mine.
Kill the Japs before they learn about cartoons
I try to think of ideas on how I can kill my grandchildren’s future with more niggers.
Ya know that Hitler guy's ideas aren't half bad actually, seems like a nice guy.
Boy oh boy it sure is a nice day here in Hiroshima.
Deutschland über alles.
probably a lot of BLITZKRIEG shitposting
don't tell me what to do
Guess I just have to surrender.
Air raids are just part and parcel of living in a big city
gee those Russians really like to run into machinegun fire
It sure is great sitting in the front of the bus.
most excellent
Did you guys ever stop and think maybe the Germans are the GOOD guys here?
Checked and keked
>You protest, and with justice, each time Hitler jails an opponent; but you forget that Stalin and company have jailed and murdered a thousand times as many. It seems to me, and indeed the evidence is plain, that compared to the Moscow brigands and assassins, Hitler is hardly more than a common Ku Kluxer and Mussolini almost a philanthropist.
Waiting for a Romanian to bring up Codreanu
can't wait to embarrass my whole ideology :^)
seriously though how can germany fuck up so hard throughout history lads
drop anime on japan instead of atoms
Urals will be Eastern Finland.
I'm with Mr. Lindbergh. We should stay out of this curfuffle and protect America's interests!
Not many walls left in Tubrok to shitpost on...
Fuck. Nevermind.
I'm getting sick of Timely shoe-horning in all these niggers in my comics.
If war breaks out I'll be safe. I live in a little town called Pearl Harbor and it's a military base. Nothing to worry about on my end with all this military infrastructure to protect me.
>Meme flags NOT permitted.
How can you have WWII without the protagonist's flag?
This Singapore defence is unbreakable! I hope those fucking nips come here and get whats coming to em
What year is it?
Why the fuck are we entering a war for the god damn kikes? I understand Japan fucked up, but we can tariff the fuck out of them as repayment after the war.
Sabotage any aircraft or ship I come near to hurt the (((American))) war effort however I can.
I come from DAB stock after all.
He had no problem fighting the Japanese, he just didn't want to fight Germans
Hey i just had this crazy idea about getting mexico and the native Americans to help us fight the evil US
imagine the power team we would make with our pure blood and your means of production and resources
awh look at wee little prince Edward island and cape Breton
Check these gainz out
Although I respect the German's I have to side with my ancestors... aka the best and most effective soldiers ever in recorded history... to bad we with honor were also swindled by the kikes
Let the masses follow the pied piper of POL
Not a single Israeli post, such authenticity.
Gestapo please respond
Goddamn slant eyed fucks, bomb them all to smithereens! But for God's sake we need to stay out of Europe. Remember what happened last time? No thanks!
>You are still your current flag. Meme flags NOT permitted.
But I'm an expat
Why die for Danzig?
Amerimutt, call out - where's my fella niggas at?
Y'[all betta stawp hiding, you motha fuckers gonna get shipped back to Ethiopia.
>Born too late to explore the new world
>Born too early to go to Mars
>born just in time to fight second world war
Why haven't you enlisted yet? You're not one of those communist queers are ya?
My nephew is le 24%
help the good guys even though we dont have many troops!
We should have sided with the Germans. Fuck the Anglo. We can bully Canada into joining us too.
we were not your bitch back then , but japan attacked you is why you took that side remember? you were neutral before that
>fighting alongside communist scum
>not supporting a US nazi Germany alliance
I swear, if those poofter poms stick us in another Gallipoli, I'll be livid. It's ok though, no matter what happens, Australia will always have the White Australia Policy
Damn I wish I had food.
Oy yeah nah, my mate who's a communist was saying it's a great thing and will alwayd work! That's funny you don't have food. At least that whole communism thing won't go anywhere.
Bring back a Tsar, eh Ivan?
I'm so proud of my small nation being so vital in the war, and the war effort.
We will always be a 95% white nation!
Although I must admit, Hitler didn't really do anything.
I would not be my current flag during ww2, you big fucking oaf.
95% white , may i ask were the fuck you live?
Lick them... over there? Where? Their ahnoos? That's literally the gayest enlistment poster I've ever seen.
I want the Japanese to conquer us so I have a chance to be a slave to a cute Jap woman
>doesn't know Asians and their history of castration....
Toronto. It's becoming a bit of a shithole.
I'm sure there will be no more immigration after the war. Already 4 chinese families in the city. Shame.
im in London , tons of mudslimes over here and the Asians travel around in herds.
Aussie shiela not good enough for ya? I'm off to New Guinee to fight the slant eyes. Should be an easy enough campaign.
Sure hope Huey Long wins the 1936 election and makes every man a king!
Nice try gestapo. I ain't falling for your bait.
Shit wrong timeline
I sure hope the Japs don't attack... Why did those fucking socialists block the building of new battlecruisers ffs how are we supposed to defend the Indies like this
Yeah! They made some really shitty leaflets during the war!!!
The Tuskegee Air Niggers will make your head spin.
Its a good time to invade argentina!!
but the other way around. austrian reich
Shit, do I have to go back and join the Heer because of Poland guys? I've lived in America all my life...
Off to join the British free corp, see you later Britain
(ignore the stupid flag above, Italian through and through)
hmmmmmmmmm this bald headed guy seems okay
corned beed! Buy some cheap corned beef for your troops! (NO AXIS TROOPS ALLOWED)
>meme flag
>literally always used this flag
>expecting me to not post in a thread with my actual flag
Hey guys, don't you think that the Americans might not just let us conquer all of Europe without helping them?
We're the POA now Russia anons
Goede Morgen Meneer, this way to the concentration camp.
Should I join Armored, Artillery, or Infantry, lads? Don't want to get left behind!
>hey let me be the cannon fodder which comes to save the motherland and make the US look like the saviors of Europe while getting lumped in with the boorish ways of their GIs
>muh dick