they love us so much in China they have a thing called “Rent a White guy” where they just pay us to show up to events and shit cuz were amazing.
Rent a White Guy
Other urls found in this thread:
i refuse to believe this
us white men have been brainwashed to believe we are second class citizens world-wide
Fuck white women and muh white dna. Waifu all the way
You need to get out of burger land and into the real world, too many niggers in burger land voting for white hating Jews.
Yet Sup Forums will have a fit over a token black character in a movie.
We have a thread already retard
In Japan they have cafes full of white men.
what the fuck is up with however keeps posting this picture?
and for what reason?
Wew lads
Yes. White Replacement is bad. Everyone should be upset about White Replacement. Now, what do you want us to do about it?
This can only last for so long.
I remember the tojos loved white faces back in the 80s and 90s.
Now, they don't even pay us for shit.
>Just some other white guy looking for a cure for his yellow fever via massive OD.
Lot of echos in this video.
Me thinks the whites who fall for this are gonna find themselves desperate enuf to be gay for pay for some corrupt politician or developer and subsequently catch the HIV.
chinese language sounds gross
Asians have loved whites even before the knew us. Japan's entire history revolves around America and the west. Quite literally.
Ya they are called "white monkey jobs", and I think you can guess why. But if I had to say, it'd be because the chinese see white people as a novelty item, and as such use them to elevate the notoriety of any events/locations, by hiring these white people. The name isn't me insulting anybody, it's just what the whites in china call them.
Hooktube it
you fucking idiot, they dont "love us" because we are better than them, they do so because they think we are some sort rare animal, just there to be appreciated, if you consider that love then fuck you. They are making fun of you behind your back
In the western world, we pay niggers for being niggers.
In Asia, they pay whites for being whites.
The difference is whites are still being usefull to those who pay them.
My post may clear some things up idk
Here's the catch: you gotta look handsome by white standards
>Japan's entire history revolves around America and the west.
Japanese are parialy jewish. No joke.
Watch out guys. This thread isn't being politically incorrect in the correct way.
more like it's soft porn
women clientèle 80+% i bet
Jews=Big Nose
Azn=Tiny Nose
I don't see how they are genetically related.
Also Japan was allied with the Nazis.
will the pay for my travel expenses?
>your job is being white
best job ever
This is really scientific, thanks for this impressive evidence.
The equivalent job in the USA or west would be some jungle nigger or poo in loo dressed in traditional garbs advertising 'exotic' themed products or companies.
To be honest having white friends in non white places it's very fashionable.
My token white friend got me into a lot of fancy parties.
Pic related
Doesn't look like your chart.
Give Asian Trap GF.
Please understand.
What about an asian non-trap gf?
I can't fucking wait till my passport arrives.
What country should I go to first?
uhhh China?
You'll have the most fun in Japan.
>Japan's entire history revolves around America and the west
Alright, can we be intellectually honest and admit that if this was a black user, you faggots would be KANG-posting?
Well I was thinking about America then I can run around and blow some shit up with a rocket launcher and go to disney world.
But seriously I'm 24 never had a proper relationship, and I fucking want one, white women have no interest in me, guess I could try grabbing an Asian?
>But seriously I'm 24 never had a proper relationship, and I fucking want one, white women have no interest in me, guess I could try grabbing an Asian?
why do yellow fever fags constantly deny they're not beta dweebs when they say this shit?
I'm not like them, I would literally date any race but I did want a white gf so I could have white children.
The whole dating scene is fucked in the west, what choices do I have?
but hes obviously a jew
Back to your /tv sneed thread
>I'm not like them
> I would literally date any race
further showing desperation
>but I did want a white gf so I could have white children.
don't worry you'll think your mongrels are "white" anyways
>The whole dating scene is fucked in the west, what choices do I have?
that's how a lot of yellow fever starts
"what it's easy for white people? lol i love asians, they're better just cause!"
think of it this way, if you get a girl on easy mode, how do you expect to raise a son (who won't have easy mode) to learn to get women, or a daughter who knows how to respect herself?
>what choices do I have?
Try dating in places that aren't urban shitholes.
post more of the girl in the OP
>white women have no interest in me, guess I could try grabbing an Asian?
Sums up /pol
Apparently they blocked every eastern europe country, because if ppl here heard about this they would go to china to work as this..... Monopoly over information how very 21st century. We are so progressive.
I knew they had complete gimmick jobs where they hired white-people to show up to business meetings posing as foreign-investors for the company that hired them... but this is all kinds of new to me.
you can reach any youtube video if blocked to us at least by going to instead.
What are you implying? If a black guy said western civilization revolved around Africa and blacks? That would just be false so yeah.
>being this much of a deluded kike
shithole country
I'm 23 and never had a proper relationship either, I feel ya brotha, at least you have money to go traveling I don't even have that...
>I have no money
>I can't get a girl
Really makes you think
Nothing wrong with wanting to catch them all
Yes you can but that was not my point. My point was that there are people that don't know how to bypass this and they don't get the information.
Yeah but the issue is you guys would call it out. In this case, no one has brought this up and im just reminding you over your ethical duties to shitpost equally when someone says something stupid
post more of her please
lol fucking Europeans with your censorship 'n' sheeit
I can get a girl for cuddle cuddle bump bump but I can't keep em much longer than that.
>I have no money
>girls don't stay longer than a night with me
Once again, Really makes you think
If you have zero luck with white women its unlikely you will have better luck with someone of a different culture with a language barrier.
Even the asian girls that have a fetish/want to piss off daddy have better options. Lots of chads go to Japan bruh.
You just played yourself user. Please go back to Africa.
I see what you're saying, but at least what he said had a little bit of truth to it but it was definitely biased as hell. Europeans and Asians did a lot of trading with each other so we did play a big role in their history especially after WW2 when we literally changed their entire government for them. Also Whites aren't as pathetic and aggravating as Blacks in general so there isn't any punchline to be made.
it's insane how bad asian qts crave the BWC
It's not 1980 anymore. English teachers made sure to ruin the white man's image in Japan.
They see you as fuckboy then if their only interest in you is sex. You must give off some vibes that you are ill fitted for a proper relationship.
Not denying what you're saying, I needs dat money.
are we like... a mild version of black guys, to them?
We are like the adult version of asian men, if that makes any sense
I dont wanna be cruel, but spergs should focus on self improvement instead of the magical Japan bullet that will make the studs. Ive actually been to Japan to train and culture and decorum smother most interactions there. That is fine but it doesn't help the average autist who already can barely speak to women.
yea you would have to pay me to even touch that toxic shithole
White monkey jobs exist because the chinese see westerners as wealthy, so they hire them to star in commercials, or hang out at for-profit private english schools pretending to be rich professors to impress parents into signing thier kids up and paying tuition. Clubs and resturaunts hire whites because chinese see whites as wealthy but also obsessed with cleanliness and quality, so paying some whites to hang out at your ckub or resturaunt tells the chinks its an upscale joint.
Big companies hire white monkeys to hang around at big buisiness meetings with other companies and pretend to be bigshot successful westerner buisinessmen interested in the company so that the company hiring them seems more legit and successful.
>literally being paid for being white
So this is the white privilege everyone keeps talking about
it's called rent a white guy, not rent a neckbeard
Sup Forums btfo
>these kike reporters find the last place on earth where its good to be white
>somehow this is problematic
Fucking kikes I swear.
This. Been to korea, china, japan, and mongolia. They arent just fetishizing your skin color, theyre still women afterall. When they fantisize and fetishize about white men theyre more thinking a rich handsome white doctor or corporate bigwig who is going to whisk them away from thier opressive father and overbearing culture to his private estate in beverly hills.
The idea that a hoard of asian women are sitting across the pacific drooling over bedroom posters of vaguely out of shape meek mild mannered betas with confidence issues is just simply not true.
Nice guys paradise
What do Chinese people see white girls then? Anime characters?
They usually think theyre whiny, uppity, loud, and obnoxious.
Where are the SJWs crying out "RACIAL FETISHISM!" or the angry white people yelling at Asians to "stop fetishizing my culture!"
I for one welcome westaboos.
I'm a quarter Chinese, if some rich Chinese woman wants me to be her love slave and shower me with money and gifts then fetishize my body all you want baby ^_^
Thats not what that service is for. Its for buisinesses to hire white people to hang around and make the place seem higher class since native chinks view whites as classy and wealthy.
Your basically just paid to show up and act like its the coolest place youve ever been.
>The idea that a hoard of asian women are sitting across the pacific drooling over bedroom posters of vaguely out of shape meek mild mannered betas with confidence issues is just simply not true.
Yes, absolutely. I've said in another post, people should focus first and foremost in self improvement. If they aren't at all desirable to women who share a race, a language and a cultural identity with them they most likely wont attract women with whom they have nothing in common.
Been to Japan several times now and honestly don't see how people with poor social skills can navigate that society so they can court a woman.
Also I find the fetishization of asian women a bit disappointing. Its one thing if you fall in love but just wanting a "submissive" Asian wife because you cant attract a white wife is pretty sad. Trust me, asians have their own baggage.
See my buddies who were stationed in Okinawa said it's impossible to get a Japanese gf and that they hate Americans there. But I have buddies in the army that are stationed in South Korea and they have ALL gotten married to South Korean qts. So I'd think Korea would be more appreciative.
But reality shows the supply of them is as great or greater than the demand from such betas. Explain that.
>Japanese men arent like this
Yeah, not beta cucks
Asian men have 16 times less testosterone than White men.
It's a military thing. There's a lot of tension between them and the US military, ultimately, because of the whole bombing them back to the stoneage thing. Girls on the street will treat you differently.
If you don't know a Korean person, Koreans will be apprehensive towards you.
Americans stationed in okinawa have created a bad reputation for themselves
Yeah definitely Japan
Philippines & Thailand also options
China is VERY Orwellian
I agree with every word you just said.
Yeah but the South Koreans don't seem as anti military. Like I said, I got a few buddies that went to Korea and they're all coming back with South Korean brides. Cute ones too.