does anyone else feel genuinely bad about all the hate directed white males. everytime i log onto twitter its just a unrelenting tidal wave of hate directed at me for no reason.
why do they bully?
does anyone else feel genuinely bad about all the hate directed white males. everytime i log onto twitter its just a unrelenting tidal wave of hate directed at me for no reason.
why do they bully?
they hate us cause they ain't us
they are simpleminded fools with no
real context and a need to belong and follow.
I love white people, they made this world, the rest just live in it.
the majority of dark-skinned people on this planet would find their lives instantly improved if they woke up with light/white skin
They're doubling down on the white man hate since Trump. It's a sign of them feeling threatened.
Generally, being a violent white male makes them fucking shreek in fear and recoil like a lightning bolt.
No, it’s cause your a dick driven by blind hatered of things your media sources define as liberal
embrace it. being the villain is great.
>log into twitter
thats your problem. Twitter is censored much like reddit.
its an echo chamber for the left.
but they hated me even when i was a liberal. i literally became red pilled by owning a tumblr account
No, I'm not a liberal. Some people hate you. oh well. ignore them unless they fuck with you and yours.
I feel bad but it's just the way it is.
This is one of the reasons why we need our own countries. These creatures are going to keep attacking us. It's not some path we choose for fun. We have no fucking choice. There's no point building a life for yourself in a world that is going to come crashing down. We have to prevent the collapse now.
Dude you guys are so bad at schilling now. You were literally way better right before the election and before memeflags which you now just hide behind... all your posts are just effortless butthurt insults. Your just bitter now, and your obviously running out of ideas.
They want to blame past atrocities that were MAYBE committed by your ancestors
"progressives" really want to just focus on the past, making their name the most ironic thing in existence.
Even then, you cant blame one country of whites for another wrongdoings
for example, you cant blame an Irishman for what a Frenchman's ancestors did.
But their tiny brain cant process that. Don't fall for the guilt and shame. you are not hated by all
signed, a beaner
Is this the new Netflix Punisher?
>ignore them unless they fuck with you and yours.
Precisely what do you think diversity quotas and mass immigration is?
That there is a campaign aimed at destroying the White race is not a matter of opinion, but an extensively well documented matter of absolute fact.
Twitter is little more than a Left Wing Liberally policed platform where they cry about (muh feelings). Don't believe me, look below at all the filters and blocks they have for the liberals
These people have no real power. It's a bunch of clickbait from NY/SF/LA degenerates.
Yeah but they influence children who don't know right from wrong yet. Bad parents literally let their kids get raised by the tv, internet and public schools
As a white woman, I love you Sup Forums. But seriously, don't let them trick you into believing that people actually agree with their (((social media)))- it's mostly shilling, and the ones that are serious are just jelly as already has been stated.
This. I was an idiot leftist until I realized that my blood sin could never be washed clean in their eyes.
So fuck them.
It's like why gays hate straight people so much is because they know they are not normal and want to be normal like us.
>why would anyone give a shit about shitheads that don't like me because of my white skin?
Success breeds jealousy.
It's actually turning into a form of entertainment to be on the receiving end, because they cannot cope when you dish it back out.
just stop looking media and propaganda faggot
White civilization is the most compassionate in the world and nice guys finish last. If all the hate against whites was transferred to Islam the world would make perfect sense. Muslims are the people who need to grow and change, not whites.
yes but children are good goys that can be easily influenced. think slippery slope
Why ?
Unfortunately, white man is lacking a lot of love.
And white women, because of jews, have been opressing and are opressing us.
It’s gonna be anoda shoah.
No. It’s jews.
Good thing I've heard that the younger generation/s don't really care for FB and other social media...
I don't know. White women bitch that there is no chivalry left. What if guys just tried being chivalrous, and then make it clear that they are to behave as the damsel? There are no guarantees in life, but what is really to be lost from having a good image and manners? Of course, this may require some larping for the less dominant of Sup Forums- just be the knight and they will want to believe you.
You guys literally do the same thing to hapa's, let's just be honest that nobody is guiltless and righteous, all human beings are evil and this is just a power game
I realized this as a tranny too.
>everytime i log onto twitter
kys yeh lowsy kant
i never even knew what a hapa was until i went on to /r/hapas and saw the hateful things they were saying about white people on there
i eventually grew to hate them
>why does everyone hate us now
the (((media))) and (((education systems))) tell them to
instead of saying "you know black and brown, you'd still be living in mud huts if it werent for whitey" (((they))) convince them that whitey is the devil
there's been an increase, but majority don't hate fucking white male, it's the opposite
it's the MEDIA shills and SOCIAL MEDIA shills to blame
I'm honestly preparing for a complete attack on white people across the world in the name of ((((((((((equality)))))))))) also known as revenge. I won't go down without a fight though, we won't have anything to lose before too long.
Are you really trying to pretend this shit isn't happening?
I'm going to stuff a pill up your ass.
>weh weh, they have no real power, weh weh weh, this doesn't actually affect you.
Yeah, it's not like MP's say this shit.
>stuffs another pill into your fat ass
What's going on with the Chinese guys in the second picture down?
I'm going to stuff another pill into your ass.
>stuffs pill
>Openly call for the marginalization and discrimination of non whites
>Openly call for a white ethno state which would lead to deportation of non whites even ones that have been citizens for generations
>Want women to fall back to a more "traditional role"
>Essentially vanilla ISIS
Hurr durr why do they hate us now guyz
most of the people on Sup Forums started here as leftists though. it was only after being exposed to the incredible hatred of the left that those things became possible options for most of the people here. i literally only came here after owning a tumblr for 2 years and subjugating myself to years of anti whote hatred by these people
Does anyone have that article archived? It's been reported on thought catalog.
You've no idea what you are writing about you dumb little cuntshit.
Like the australian pointed out, most of us started out as liberals and leftists. Most people were sold this political correctness shit. Then guess what happened? it turned out that all the diversity policies were aimed at wiping us out and that the people living in our countries hated us and wanted revenge on us for things we haven't even done.
When faced with absolute destruction, deportation and the creation of ethnostates is a a very course of action, especially considering the fact that we could justly resort to all out military action.
>Want women to fall back to a more "traditional role"
That is good for both women and men. Feminism has been a disaster. Wrecks the economy and ruins women's lives far more than mens. Men at least recover from the insanity and do their own thing. It's women who burn all their bridges and end up alone when they are a sex that needs community and interaction more so than men.
>Essentially vanilla ISIS
Funny you say that faggot cause it was Sup Forums that got isis wiped out by getting their guy into the White house.
Unfortunately no.
It got reported and taken down. Got a picture of it somewhere to demonstrate the point that we can actually fight this stuff and take it down. Thing is when we take down that shit we also take down evidence that can be used to prove our points.
Don't worry though, there's plenty other shit.
>Be me.
>Knock on thousands of doors to get Obama elected.
>Drove buses of brown retards to the polls to get that nigger elected.
>Fast forward to 2010 midterms.
>It didn't take long for me to realize that my white skin was becoming a problem as a Democrat activist.
>I started getting the vibe that other activists (blacks, Jews, spics, LGBT, etc.) were uncomfotable around me, as if they couldn't speak freely in my presence.
>When I would speak about working class issues, people would look at me with a blank stare.
>All they wanted to discuss was race, gender, sexuality.
>My blue-collar Democrat schtick was no longer welcome.
I didn't understand it at the time, but the new generation of Democrat activists were operating on a completely different playbook. All they cared about was race, identity, gender, sexuality. It became the only thing that mattered.
I somehow wandered onto Sup Forums, and it took a few years for me to be converted. Once I read all the material I found here, and compared it to my own lived experience, it started to make too much sense.
I have burned a lot of bridges. I had a patronage job at the courthouse that I got because of being a Democrat activist, which I lost once I swayed from the ideology. But I can't go back.
It was all "gang up on whitey" from the beginning. That's how the left's playbook was supposed to shift up as the demographics started to change and they started breaking our culture and traditions down through Hollywood and the media. They need a nation of perpetual malcontents and victims. The left need a miserable, alienated, divided, dumbed-down society in order to destroy le original evil of capitalism and Western culture.
Because you were a white heterosexual male, you could no longer qualified for the victim olympics. You didn't have a seat at the table, and the others looked at you like a dinosaur, a unicorn, because they had no idea why you were there. They probably deep down thought you were an idiot, because you were slated for the chopping block.
We are the modern Jews, and we're in the final stage.
This was already planned out like an orchestra almost a hundred years ago.
These people absolutely hold power. They have it in every western country, and they want you dead and your kids raped. Open your eyes.
Exactly. You nailed it. The probably thought I was an idiot, because I didn't get the score yet.
Here I thought I was a do-gooder, in the trenches with the oppressed minorities and faggots. Down with the cause. I just didn't realize that the Cause wasn't down with ME.
problem is that you're on twitter... I have no social accounts. they serve no purpose... I'm even a little careful here on Sup Forums
i cant believe the nerve of these people they openly create plans of a future that we have no place in then they try to smear us for realizing this fact and making our own plans. i could have easily been a leftist if they werent so aggresive and pshycopathic about it but now all i wanna do is crush their movement to pieces
It's impossible for me to ignore the truth, because I witnissed it firsthand. As a Democrat activist. As a guy who played in anarchist faggot punk bands, who hung out with Jewish communist radicals. These aren't just memes. And I can't ignore the things that I've seen, the things that I've learned. The things that I've now seen documented thousands of times.
I feel shame when I think of how hard I worked to get King Nigger elected. I feel deep, immense shame. But I also feel intense anger, that never fades.