Lets say you lived in a neighborhood and one day your nieghbor pulled up in his truck, sacked your ass, and kidnapped you back to his house.
Now lets say he forces you to clean it, now his lawn and do his laundry or he'll beat you.
Now lets say one day your neighbor has a change of heart and frees you from bondage, but you are still in his house.
Do you :
A. Go home and get the fuck out of this mad man's house?
B. Stay and set up shop, demand compensation, and just all around shit up the place.
The answer any logical person would go with is A.
So why do niggers not go home? Why are you still here? Because you are sub human filth and refuse to admit you are the worst race in existence. So next time you see whitey, be nice and thankful because most of us want to round you up and send you home.
Hey Niggers, why dont you go back to Africa? Seriously though, listen
Africa is a shithole in most places. It's worse than the ghettos here in the places immigrants could afford. Jobs are nonexistent and poverty is rampant. Even in Zambia, which is arguably one of the best places to be in Africa, the poverty rate is rampant. The maximum sentence for drug possession is death, so, so much for smoking pot, which is shitty pot over there anyway, by the way. There is no welfare system. Begging is the number one profession in cities. Why would they leave America?
BTW, the "maximum sentence" can be carried out for a joint if you can't afford to bribe the judge.
So? If your neighbor kid napped you and then set you free, you are saying you would stay and live in his home instead of going to your home, because your home is shittier than the place you were kidnapped to?
That fucking insanity. There is no logic in niggers not going back besides them being subhuman wellfare parasite.
Blacks in Africa would probably make fun of these niggers for being white devils
That isn't the case, though. They live here. They were born here. A better analogy would be if your neighbor kidnapped your great, great, great, great grandfather and your family lived in his house for generations before you got the option to move back to your home - but your home is 7,000 miles away, in a different land with a different government and a different culture that you're used to. You'd have no job or money that you didn't fight tooth and nail for. You may actually starve.
You make a good point. If I was them, I would be worried that some President down the line would enslave us again. I'd GTFO quick come to think of it.
They live here because they choose not to return to the place they were kidnapped from. You can use the great grand parents argument all you want, it just doesnt hash out.
You are just creating excuses to rationalize staying in your neighbors home that kidnapped you and enslaved you in.
this guy is a logical man
sigh... do you not know that MANY generations happened between the first slaves and the last? Best case scenario - how likely is it that the slave traders would be nice enough to drop them with their tribes? --- their tribes would almost definitely kill them as outsiders when they returned, by the way. They're savages, after all. "Home" isn't some place they'd ever find again, and after the first experiences on boats, the ones that remembered would probably not be keen on getting into one again. I understand what you're saying, but you're just plain wrong. It's just not as simple as going home after being kidnapped.
Now thats a rare flag.
And what exactly would you gain out of this other than being a poverty stricken fuckhead?
Try speaking clearly without caps.
Yes it is, you over complicate it with bullshit excuses.
I bet you want DACA faggots to stay too.
I dont have one single fuck to give. You have to draw the line somewhere, so where do YOU draw the line?
>There is not one nigger helping the kids in Africa
Why is that. It's all white people and asians. Why aren't there any niggers like Dr Dre helping "his people"
useless shits niggers are inherently useless like ants lose one you won't tell the difference anyway
East Germans risked their lives to flee their oppressors. Africans risk their lives to flee to their oppressors.
Cause thry be lost n sheit.
Their real masters are jews, but they don’t take care of them.
Only white men can be example of good father.
Sure some black men have been able to copy this, zi applaud them for it.
Jews jews jews
They are the source of all of our problems.
It's not a moral judgment on my part, you insufferable nigger. I'd have marched them to the ocean and told them to swim. Part of your equation was that it was their choice. They knew nothing else. That's why they didn't leave. If you're going to pose questions, at least know what you're asking and the complexity of it. Maybe you should be sent to Africa. Fucking dumbass.