Fellows, I'm Being Torn Apart

I'm experiencing real cognitive dissonance/doublethink regarding being both a Christian and loving everyone, and realising that the Jew and Muslim are ruining the world.

I really want to have no hate in my heart, but I can't help but see what the Jews have done to Western Civilisation, or what the Muslims are doing to Western Civilisation. I don't know a peaceful answer to these problems, either.

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Not this shit again

Just stop being a dumb Christian, it's simple. Fucking retard.

I'm also experiencing real cognitive dissonance/doublethink regarding being both a Christian and loving everyone, and realising that the Jew and Muslim are ruining the world.

I really want to have no hate in my heart, but I can't help but see what the Jews have done to Western Civilisation, or what the Muslims are doing to Western Civilisation. I don't know a peaceful answer to these problems, either.

Now that I think about it. Christianity is a regressive anti-science religion.

I truly believe what Christ taught was the right way to go about things, so I can't just stop being a Christian

>inb4 hurr durr fairy stories for adults

The Bible calls jews the synagogue of Satan and Islam is a form of antichrist. Sage this bullshit.

There is no conflict; the Bible affirms hate and war for righteousness

>I truly believe what Christ taught was the right way to go about things
What, you think pacifism and poverty are good? He didn't teach anything that was any good.

But that doesn't mean we can hate them, right?

THE ABSOLUTE STATE OF (((protastantcucks))). kek. feels good to be a catholic who has st aquinas to back me up

U riht. Give Satan and the antichrist cuddles. God wants us to have a good friendship with evil.

The current Pope is a cuck and the Papacy is the antichrist. Just because I'm not (((Catholic))) doesn't mean I don't value the teachings of Thomas Aquinas, either.


>loving everyone
>wanting to protect them from the dreaded Saracen and the perfidious Jew
I'm not seeing the conflict here.

Pretty sure it's okay to judge as long as you are ready for judgement, have I got this wrong?

forget not having hate. that's a silly meme. just don't let it consume you. if you aren't a chauvinist about what you believe, you need to refine those beliefs until you're comfortable being chauvinistic about them

Correct "judge not lest ye be judged" is an instruction against hypocrisy

You can't say "stop being a faggot" if you're a faggot

Whats wrong with hating evil, why would God ever be against that?? If you see a ton of Muslims commiting rape you know thats evil and so you have every reason to hate them. Same goes for me if I were to see a Christian robbing a bank and "forgave" him rather than moving to stop him from stealing the money of hard-working people.

t. Muslim who doesnt rape

You don't have to hate anyone to work to stop them from doing bad things. You are obligated to protect those around you, you don't have to just take everything lying down.

If say, just you were being threatened by a madman. It might be noble to simply let them do what they want I guess, you'd be a martyr or something. However, if that madman is threatening you and others, and you are in a position to stop it, you should not force them to become martyrs with you, you stop the jackass.

Love the person, hate the sin.

You have every right to be righteously angry at the shit muslims and jews do. But you need to remember that they are mislead by the demonic prophet and teachings. Remember that if God loves them, out of love and respect for God you should pray that you will find it in you to be more loving of them.

It may take time, but you'll get there eventually.

>Happened to me, used to absolutely loathe them. Now I pray for the mongrels. Obviously I'm not perfectly loving but I'm doing my best and its getting better.

Kill them to protect Christians as that's what god wants.

Is taqqiya evil? Because it seems pretty categorical to me.

Stop worshiping kikes and kike gods, come home white man.

The sky man is not real.
Think about it, theres no proof, and you're told that faith is believing without seeing = believing without proof.
In every other thing we need proof or life would fall apart. We need proof for justice, trust, loyalty, love, business, everything.

But we're told you don't need proof to know god is real and you should believe anyway.
Then why should we believe in the god of Abraham with no proof and not believe in the millions of other gods who also have no proof.
Dozens of religions pre-date Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

We're told not to use our "pathetic human logic" to fathom god and why he does the things he does in Job, all because god does so much that we can't do.
god is supposed to be all powerful, knowing, and present. It shouldn't matter if he's busy doing 1 thing or infinite things, whether he's making it rain or moving the stars. So don't you dare question or try to reason his plan or why there is so many awful things in the world.

Our attempt to prove god or keep the faith are prayers. If our prayers come true, then hooray he exists, if they don't, he just hasn't gotten around to them yet or its not part of his plan.

But really, if god exist, would he really have a 1 to trillion ratio of prayers answered to prayers not answered?
Are all those fulfilled prayers that you might have really miracles or just explainable coincidences?

And ask yourself, in the face of science and reason from dinosaurs, to evolution, to telescopic proof of the universe, to carbon dating, aren't you just plugging your ears and going lalalala I can't hear your contradicting evidence that disproves the Bible events, dates and times.

And this is coming from someone who was a Christian for 26 years.

Christians are honestly like that 13 year old who still believes in Santa, just grow the fuck up already if you had an above 90 IQ and were capable of doing some critical thinking/ research you would realize that most of that religion was plagarized from the Sumarians



So, we can confirm
>you have no faith
>believe yourself to be your own god
>are threatened by those who believe in god
>are the typical fedorafag who feels compelled to chime in and "educate" every time there's a thread where someone had faith
>are foolish enough to believe that god has an obligation to perform every prayer or it means he doesn't exist and use the same tired leftist argument as if it proves anything
>try to claim that lack of verifiable evidence negates existence of god while believing in and promoting man-made hypotheses that still fail to actually explain our creation and existence even though it's the same thing, having faith in something that can't be proven, but just your PREFERRED faith that allows you to live by your rules rather than those of god

You weren't a Christian for 26 years, you were thinking you were a faithless soul who decided to replace your forced artificial faith with hedonism and now use MUH NO REAL GOD as your excuse for living the way you do.

When judgment day comes, some of us won't have nearly as much to fear as those who spend their time trying to convince others to abandon their faith, just something to ponder.

Such eloquence Pastor Anderson, you've been improving.

does god love satan?

Most people don't want to be evil. They want to do good. However, many have no idea what is good... but that doesn't mean you have to be happy about it when people do wrong.

It might clear things up for you if you have kids, or failing that, imagine if you had kids. With kids, you likely wouldn't care so much about these abstract matters. Instead, you would focus on whatever would make the best future for your kids.

Religion is all Bullshit.

Christianity literally evolved from jews. Gtfo

Attachment confuses the differences between two groups, diminishing their distinctness; it forms one group out of two. Fury separates a group, purifying it into noble and ignoble parts; it forms two groups out of one.
Hate is born out of an attachment that is not desired between two parties. Love is rooted in a desire for unification between two groups. Love necessarily entails fury, but fury does not necessarily entail love. This mexican tripfriend describes these topics more exhaustively than I can, and perhaps thinking through these ideas will help clarify your own.
The point I'm getting at is that there are noble people in many groups, but not in every group. The goal is to find out how to distinguish between the noble and ignoble, use fury to break any attachments between the two, and then out of love unite with the noble group that remains. None of what I mention necessarily entails violence, but often violence occurs; two groups can peacefully recognize their differences and separate. In the end you have to decide, are you a universalist, or are you a universalist who doesn't want to help those who want to harm you? Christianity is built on universalist principles, and as soon as you choose the second option you run the risk of becoming as bad as that which you oppose. There is no easy answer to this question. Do you resist evil? Jesus did not come to bring peace, but a sword. All who live by the sword die by the sword. I can't answer this for you, every individual will have to come to terms with it on their own.
Also, there is a difference between pacifism and peacefulness, pic related.

>In this moment I'm Euphoric, not because of any phony god's blessings but because I'm enlightened by my own intelligence.

I'm curious, have you ever applied the same level of scrutiny to your atheism which teaches that everything came from nothing completely on it's own? There are a lot of serious flaws with atheism.

Also, it's rather telling that you set the IQ bar at 90. 70 is where you cross the threshold into clinical retardation, but 90 only makes you fit for digging trenches and working at Wallmart. I'm betting with an IQ of 90 it's easier to swallow things like "abiogenesis" (actually spontaneous generation) and believe it uncritically because "muh 90% of scientists."

>muh taqqiya
Kys faggot believe me or not idgaf
Christians have different denominations right? Lets just say im in a particular denomination that allows subjective personal thought into the quran and as long as we follow certain tenants we can interpret things how they make sense to us. I dont think taqqiya is alright unless its life or death scenario, or are you so angelic that you would say the truth even then Mr. Kant?? I love God and I dont care what you or other "Muslims" say about me.
>inb4 ure reading the quran incorrectly
Shove a dick up ur ass

I also struggle with anger and hate. It's natural and human to hate people, especially when they are trying to do something bad to you. I imagine if I wasn't Christian (even though I'm not a particularly good one) I'd probably actually act out based on the hate and anger.

What's your basis for determining whether something is good or bad. If it's your feelings then you're really not much better than the liberals.

Do you respect our Founding Fathers in America? Americans were racist for most of our countries history, by going back we're just reverting to the norm. If racism is wrong we'll be explaining ourselves right alongside George Washington.

Islam is not another denomination of Christianity. You reject the divinity of Christ and don't accept the Bible as cannon. You're outside the fold, and have about as much in common with us as Hindus or atheists.

Stop being a positive-only Joel Osteen faggot Christian. God is angry with the wicked every day. David hates God's enemies with a perfect hatred. Righteous indignation is a justified reaction to abominations. Search hate in the KJV Bible.


Jews are really hurting us psychologically and socially.

I’ve grown to really despise these hook nosed kikes.

>We can't hate these people destroying our culture and our faith in God
God doesn't reward the weak or help those who help our enemies. Tolerance was never a Christian virtue and neither was being nice. You better remember that.

Jesus loved everyone, but that didn't stop him from rebuking the pharisees that spread false teachings, or driving the merchants out of the temple. While Jesus was chasing off the merchants with a makeshift whip, Jesus still loved them. So love everyone, but don't let it become tolerance. Don't let your love become an obstacle to doing what is right, because if it is an obstacle, then that means you don't have real love.

>Assumes I'm an athiest because I'm not a christian
And this is just one of many basic logical falsies of christ cucks

>nothing worth learning
love your neighbor as yourself
dont murder
dont steal
honor your parents
dont covet your neighbor's possesions
dont worship false gods
don't lie

yeah all bullshit, user

Christians are supposed to hate certain people. Like people that hate God(every jew)
Psalm 139
21 Do not I hate them, O Lord, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
22 I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.


Im sorry, you are allowed to hide during the race war

So, we can confirm
>you have no faith

Not anymore no

>believe yourself to be your own god

No, I am not drunk on my own intelligence and euphoria, nor the idea of I'm muh own master of my destiny shit.

>are threatened by those who believe in god

No. If given the choice of a religion conquering Earth, then I choose Protestantism. It has a good set of laws and values and mankind has strived by following them.

>are the typical fedorafag who feels compelled to chime in and "educate" every time there's a thread where someone had faith

No. It was just something to do.

>are foolish enough to believe that god has an obligation to perform every prayer or it means he doesn't exist and use the same tired leftist argument as if it proves anything

I'm a conservative. I was a good boy for a very long time, prayers we never answered, my life sucks and combined that with the things I said before, logically I don't believe in god. If all logic, reason, and evidence says god doesn't exist, and he doesn't even fulfill the simple prayers of the good and the faithful, why believe and what makes him more believable than any other god?

>try to claim that lack of verifiable evidence negates existence of god while believing in and promoting man-made hypotheses that still fail to actually explain our creation and existence even though it's the same thing, having faith in something that can't be proven, but just your PREFERRED faith that allows you to live by your rules rather than those of god

Lul wut? I gather this is the same old, faith is about believing without proof sentiment.

>You weren't a Christian for 26 years, you were thinking you were a faithless soul who decided to replace your forced artificial faith with hedonism and now use MUH NO REAL GOD as your excuse for living the way you do.

I haven't changed very much. I just don't feel guilty about the things I used to and I don't pray anymore.

>God has to follow the physics that he created

>He said to them, "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one."

Except the modern equivalent of a sword is an AR-15. Jesus wants you to sell your entertainment center and buy one.

Don't hate. Hate is a crutch. It's a way to nerve yourself up to do something you ought to do anyway, but are afraid or embarrassed to do. Break down what you need to do into smaller steps and do them calmly.

I don't believe we're actually commanded to full pacifism by the Bible. We're commanded not to murder, certainly, and we're commanded to turn the other cheek to *personal* insults.

But this is important - if someone wrongs me personally it's meaningful for me to forgive them. If someone wrongs my neighbor, if I see them coming out of my neighbors window with blood on their hands or a bag full of loot, it's not my place to forgive them and send them on their way.

The modern leftist, SJW, refugees-welcome crowd has decided to take it upon themselves to forgive Muslims and invaders for crimes against their neighbors. But that's not their's to give, and it's time to say enough.

I know that. I meant a denomination of Islam. And I dont care about anyones opinion of my religion or how i view or practise it... but I personally believe im a good person and I never shill Islam on this website, I was just telling OP that theres no reason to forgive people for commiting evil, God would never hate anyone for stopping others from disobeying basic commands like dont rape or steal. I dont see why any argument I make should be instantly dismissed as taqiyya.

does Sup Forums believe the elite are luciferians or not?
as above so below
worship yourself
or have faith
seem smart
seem dumb


go to bed, christian

Thank you. This is very valuable knowledge to me.

Funny...I now understand the "Inward Jew" part, only modern medicine will show people which people are God's Chosen.

You don't have to hate someone to realize they need to be purged for the people you love to live on.

>whines about cant hate jews because he's christian
>forgot the part where jesus btfo the happy merchants in the temple

sounds like someone needs to read their bible a bit more
I recommend the precatory psalms

Reminder that it's the FALSE jews that are the synagogue of satan and that hating your average jew for what infiltrators have done in their name is to fall for another one of the devils tricks...
The infiltrators come from pic related, and their old empire is called MEDIA.. and they just so happen to use.. "media" as their tool of propaganda seeding.

What do you do when the "real" jews act and support the synagogue of satan?

I only believe there is a spiritual Israel, which is the church/Christians.

We are called to love our neighbors. If someone is trying to murder your neighbor, it is not loving to be passive. Do not be passive, do not be a coward. However, do not be blinded by hatred; do not hate anyone, user. Pray for your enemies that they may come to Christ and be saved. Remember that this life is finite - at the end of the day, they lie condemned before God. To quote Paul:
Ephesians 6:10-18:
>Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end, keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints

These are people who are the foremost to be pitied, because they live in bondage to sin and Satan. They deserve our prayer, but their schemes deserve destruction. And this battling should come not from hatred, but from love. Everything we do should come from love. Cliché quote, but you should not be fighting because of the hatred you have for what's in front of you, but because of the love you have for what's behind you. As Paul says also, love is the most important thing in this world.
See 1 Corinthians 13.

if the christians always loved everyone, christianity wouldn't exisst today. it's only because christians in the middle ages were willing to fight for their religion and people that you have christianity today.

You know what must be done.

Not to mention he calls them children of the devil in John 8:44.

but who really has the power?

As far as I have learned the early jews were yahwehist who converted christianity upon the arrival of christ or shortly after because he fulfilled the prophecies.

When the romans destroyed the temple they basically destroyed all early jewish documents as well, so all traditions were either oral or later written into the talmud which is basically just what rabbis think.

basically early yahwehist = protochristians, talmudists selfworshipping cult

What do you think about the prophesies in Isiah talking about "Israel"?
I've heard some preachers use it to say that the "State, "isarael"" is Gods will.
As Iread a dew verses, it said that all nations will bow down etc and are supposed to get blessed, but where are the blessings?

Why must your emotions follow your actions user? Is that not the same thing as letting your actions following your emotions?

Love is not always kind. It is not always gentle nor tolerant. It is also the willingness to bring pain so that growth may occur. A drive to destroy the evil that dares to engulf the good.

Love is not taking people's shit. Not because it hurts you, you should not care about worldly pain, but because it hurts them.

Here's some bible logic for you.

In the old testament, it is said "thou shalt not murder".

In the new testement, Jesus said "For I tell you the truth, anyone who hates his brother his a murderer."

With these two quotes in mind. Ask youself one question: How can a man say he loves his brother, yet be willing to let him die at the hands of evil? How is that love?

It is not.

As far as I know, the catholic teaching is that upon christs resurrection Israel became the church and all those that believe. The notion of a physical israel doesn't really seem to make sense imo. It all sort of ties into christ fulfilling the prophecies, and many jews still rejecting him. The jews wanted another king david as the messiah, someone who would bring them back to their physical home. Instead, they had christ. A man who asked them to ditch their selfish desires and love their neighbor. It's often why current jews still are clinging to the notion of a physical israel. They're still sort of waiting for their king david, even though they missed the boat theologically speaking. Proddys weren't so hung up on Israel until the scofield bible came out. It's a good mix of jewish subversion within churches and misinformed theology in my view.

I often wonder if god chose the jews as the race to bring about christ because they were wicked, and he wanted to show that none were beyond salvation. The entire old testament is basically god trying again and again to get them to behave. It's kind of inspiring when you look at it in that light in my opinion.

Just my 2 cents, by no means a theologian.

Christianity isnt about "loving everyone". You are not a christian, you just think you are. Christianity is about defending what is noble.

>Proddys weren't so hung up on Israel until the scofield bible came out.
I'm assuming nkjv is "scofields"?
Got any versions that aren't?

thanks for that, user.

You are right to think this way for consciousness is immortal, reincarnation is real and in nearly every religion including our own (European Paganism). The only three religions that explicitly outlaw it are Judaism, Islam and Christianity, all three are Jew religions.

Look up Dr. Ian Stevenson's work, you'll be amazed. (Dr. Jim Tucker for a more contemporary source, he is Stevenson's protege) regarding indisputable evidence of children remembering past lives.

Everything you know as reality in the west is wrong. Consciousness determines the physical universe, not the other way around. I don't know why, but the Jews really don't want you to understand this. We've all been JEWED.

Things our ancestors knew 1500 years ago we are having to relearn.

Key people to research:
Dr Ian Stevenson
Dr. Jim Tucker
Jacques Vallee


It's a reference bible. T B H I'm probably not the best person to ask about that. I not super knowledgeable about protestant theology

hmmm, I read a bible yesterday that had annotations and it linked to isiah referring to israel when I was looking at rev 3:9, but my bible didn't link those verses anywhere even though it has annotations to other verses for other verses except those.

Don't think about it god will solve all your issues, kys, neeexxxxt!

We never should have stopped burning heretics

Perhaps you have not earned God's grace, faggot.

1. You won't ever live up to the ideal laid out by Jesus. If man could keep the law of his own volition we wouldn't need forgiveness, and there would have been no reason for the incarnation. That's not to say don't try to aim at the ideal. Prayer is the act of holding up your imperfections to God so that they may be healed. just accept that you are a sinner, and pray for forgiveness

2. Don't mistake loving your enemies for having no enemies. Always the Serpent is our enemy, always hell is our enemy, always death is our enemy. Where the Serpent reigns we will find ourselves at war. While it would be best if we could solve all of our problems with peace and God's grace, we are fallen beings living in a fallen world full of other fallen beings. We are imperfect technicians of a machine already damaged by our tinkering. That we might feel we have no option except to bring to bear our fury and wrath is not unexpected, but our wrath and fury is a warped image of the fury and wrath of God. If we do not guard against it, our fallen state will bend and our natural passions away from God, and towards the service of evil.

Seek to do no evil, beg forgiveness for the evil you do, never claim the evil you do comes from God.

That's from Ecclesiastes a dangerous book to use without proper study.

Love everyone, Trust no one. Trust yourself and trust God. Understand that things going on in the natural are different that the supernatural. You can't operate in this life ignorant or blinding by "love". Real love sometimes isn't pretty, it is tough.

Also have some C. S. Lewis on why he was not a pacifist.



It doesn't take an MDiv to read that Ecclesiastes affirms hate as not inherently sin

"I dunt belev in god i belev in sience"

Works can't save you. Just because you are "catholic" doesn't mean you are saved.


Verses proving salvation to anyone that believes and not of works.

4:14(John 6:35)

7:21-23(John 6:38-40)


3:3(Acts 19:4)

19:4(Luke 3:3)


1 Corinthians

2 Corinthians

1 Thessalonians

2 Thessalonians





1 Timothy

2 Timothy


1 Peter
3:21(Colossians 2:12)

1 John


There is no condemnation in Christ Jesus. The Holy Spirit brings conviction.

The answer is to listen to the teachings of the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau.


Christ, it's like reading a post by a 13 year old edgelord. Literally every talking point you just made is unoriginal, overdone drivel. I'm so fucking glad I grew out of being an atheist.

Wow. So autistic. Marry me.

Poseidon made you, he is your father, he is real

Why is it that every time I see one of these specific meme-flags, I am treated to the literal worst advice that any person could offer? I am thoroughly convinced that the people that use this are always psychotic or blatant shills.

Enki EA Poseidon !!! Holy Holy Holy