White music is femini
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Shouldnt you be playing dungeons and dragons or something you flaming faggot?
Dungeons and Dragons is fucking awesome faggot
t. amateur mma fighter
Much better
Metal is gay as shit
Pleasure slave...
Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, etc. That’s white music.
Wagner was the original head banger.
Manowar: die for metal
Manowar: warriors of the world
metal is making your rap shit sound both retarded and feminine.
LARPing as a viking in the McD's drive thru isnt manly
Never liked metal music before because I found it boring and repetitive, this is a pretty good song however.
>kill the orcs
are you jumping to conclusions about the behavior of the listener because the actual music makes your rap shit sound retarded and feminine?
lol I don't listen to rap faggot
nice try though.
Metal is making (insert your music gerne here) sound both retarded and feminine.
>hur dur listening to music that gets your heart beating faster means you’re larping as a Viking hur dur
>I hate metal!
Do you want an award?
I listen to literally everything. From 1960s Brazilian lounge music to 1970s Japanese Jazz. You don’t have to be a metal head to enjoy metal
Manowar bread? Manowar bread
> youtube.com
Redpilled as fuck- gets your blood going. Definitely has a spot on my RWDS playlist.
This is try hard teenage edgelord shit. The toughest warriors of the older generations were listening to upbeat pro social music like this
Metal isn't manly it's music chubby teenage edgelords listen to while they fantasize about being above society.
Is chubby a new word for /fit/?
>not clicking on all the links
Wew lad
t. fat edgelord masturbating in fake military uniform. Not bad music but nothing masculine about it.
How much you lift on
OHP squat dead’s and bench
No your mother was lying to make you feel better.
Back on topic. Find me any song more masculine than this
Anyone who says white music is feminine is probably a faggot who listens to feminine music anyways.
b-b-but I climbed to mont blanc without my walmart scooter mommy! Why did you lie to me?
the louder something is doesn't make it more masculine, your sister makes a lot of loud noise when she gangfucked by your neighbors that doesn't make her a man.
If she would make metal growling she would make her more a man than you
My dog growls and shes nothing but a bitch.
Your bitch dog is more man than you are.
Which reminds me desperate shill. Post your "manly music" here. Salsa or some shit?
Metal is 100% bullshit LARPing and a useless form of music. A handful of black men could beat the ever living fuck out of ever chunky, smelly, pimply white man at a metal concert.
Are metal bands singing about white genocide, white replacement, mass 3rd world immigration, or white women being raped by packs of shitskins? Of course not. Never actually. Because metal, metal bands, and metal fans are all ULTIMATE KEKS and genetic dead ends.
Metal is a bunch of stupid white men screaming about literally nothing. It is Rap-tier music. Inb4 you start crying about how technically difficult it is too play. So is Jazz faggots. It's also dogshit.
Shills like you make me glad. You actually feel threatened by proper white music and you need to shut it down.
what a post
i can tell your favorite artist is moonman
metal is feminine though
A handful of black men were handing me over fucking candy at work like they were paying a creepy tribute to the dominant lmao. But enterntain me faggot, post the music that fits your description.
metal is fucking garbage. it's a bunch of cringey edgelords trying to express their angry KHV status through music.
why do metal heads have no self awareness?
you neckbeards make me cringe so hard. metal is not cool, its not masculine, its not even white
its edgy teen angst based on empty nigger rhytms
listen to some classical or leave
at least your friends try to come up with an insult.
pic related: its you
lmao how did you find out my photos?
> All Metal is ba-
>not clicking on the links
>le classical music or the highway
>enjoying some metal music makes me a metal head
Then I guess since you enjoy some chinks in your country youre a weaboo
>this thread
i agree power metal is pretty faggy but thats kind of the point. saying metal "isnt white" is delusional and objectively wrong. people attacking the image of """""metalheads""""" are basically niggers saying classical music is gay cuz dey wear wigs n shieet
pic related: its you
hahahaha look how masculine we are
this will show the leftists! and it will also make people want to join the right because we look bad ass!
All the shills shut down when asked to post their own music. Its as if you got in their face and they couldnt take the pressure only much more watered down than that.
>dude you're a fag you dont even listen to metal
Kek is that fucking demoniusx
hello, fellow bad asses check out this racoon ive got growing on my face hahahaha. im not a metal nigger btw
Go back to /fit/ memeflag
I actually didnt expect this many shitposter shills. Is music having such a big impact on the whole thing and they are trying to shut it down so desperatelly?
>i heard you boys were looking for some masculinity for your political movement
>say no more, im here
>all this projecting
Lel so insecure
Learn to read you dumb snownigger. My post was about the LACK of intelligent subject material in metal and the fact that metal fans are sub-human, stupid trash.
It's really pathetic when you truly think about it...800 million white people and they can't make any politically relevant music regarding their own genocide...All you literally need is a fucking Macbook and some cheap instruments from eBay.
White men are hopeless, weak, and pathetic. That's what metal bands should be singing about.
do you want this man on your team during the race war Sup Forums
You know I'm right. That's why you can't even post a rebuttal that isn't some shitty meme picture.
Music is crucial and masculine white music, the mere mention of it, is making people shit their pants, thanks for knowledge shills.
>yes lads lets do it, its time to rek some soy boys
>*falls on own blade*
must be a metal head
Nah you aren’t right. But why tf would I change my opinion on something I enjoy because a couple of fags on an anonymous image board disagree with me? I’m not a spazz like you who feels the need to have is “anonymous buddies” approval for what I listen to
Metalhead master race
This. For some versions of it, at least.
1.you already have all these saved on your computer
2.as soon as you saw this thread you immediately searched “ugly metal fan” and began frantically saving pictures and then posting them here
Both are equally autistic
non-white bitch is threatened by something. I really didnt expect the fearful snarling from non-whites. Guys Im really getting somewhere with this one.
or is it scared?
>not listening to military marches from your cunt
>All written by a patriot or a nationalist, known or unknown
This is truly the "whitests" music
I said masculine, not patriotic. But if they are masculine they count too.
Your masc music is faggy desu
This gets me more hyped for a workout or something physically difficult and/or requiring mental focus.
One more thing, if you don't know how to get into a meditative trance--like our ancestors--and unlock your inner abilities, then you don't have the honor of pumping their blood in your veins.
Fuck yea greek metal bands are awesome
Metal-shit is degenerate just like rap.
Literally the white-nigger "music"
Would take him over an emu fucker desu
One Gun- Lamb Of God
is this one civilized enough to not be niggerish? Please tell me I really want your approval.
Yeah guys you are all pussies, this is what REAL men are like!
Did the mass shilling backfire shills? Why stop all of a sudden?
Bash the Fash, comrade!
>Military music
>Not masculine
I guess it depends on the country then
By masculine I mean virile and energetic. If they are like this they can be all patriotic they want.
A pleasent melody at start ruined by howl and satured drums.
desu metal is kind of an autistic 20 year old genre but if gets people into the cause maybe it's OK.
Still it lacks real force, I have never heard any of it and left really feeling more inspired to win a war against the ranks of the corrupt, immoral, subversive.
I cri evrytiem D: How can I get massa's approval?