Stop Cheering on the Witch Hunt

This is a very dangerous situation, and those conservatives who are enjoying the schadenfreude should think twice about cheering along. The male feminists of Hollywood are the first ones on the chopping block, but it won’t end with them. It never does.

Fuck all of them.

lel you know who it’s not dangerous for? Virgin losers like me. Kek so this is what they meant by wizard powers

meh, keep it going, I don't really care.

He is NOT white, I hope the Witch Hunt gets him good.

Fuck off, Jewnigger.

Sorry, the witch hunt must continue until it has red pilled everyone

>when a figurehead in your movement is accused of exactly what your movement is against
ayyy hold up now

Hollywood can burn. The few good outsiders are already on the outside anyways.

>Tick Tock!

lol fuck no. Live by the SJW die by the SJW.

why do you keep posting that image

Based witch hunt

We're already targeted, shill. We have nothing to lose. Burn the witch.

This witch hunt is a good thing. The feminists are going to push this thing so far that we will revert back to traditional dating roles.

Negative. We want to push the narrative that women have NO agency and thus universal suffrage should be on the chopping block. Actually we want feminists to push it, which is exactly what they are doing with this shit.

What's wrong leaf? I don't see the problem.

I still think a few more must be sacrificed so all men are aware of the traitors price.

yeah fuck them, especially this fucking pajeet shitskin. fuck the OP too.


gtfo here Benji. Who the fuck did you rape with your small stature you neocon kike?

Guilty or not use this story to shine a light on its blatant anti white leaning. Before Aziz Ansari it was no victim should be blamed, but that changed awfully quick when it was a white girl accusing a brown guy

Fuck off leaf. Men should be gentlemen no matter what. Degenerates need to get flushed regardless of politics.

>Oy Vey!!! Please stop goyim!!! You are risking our control infrastructure!!!

Fuck that shit nigger.

Even roasties are warning this shit is fucking everyone up.

Even jews are scared now, motherfucking jews are #1 predators of white women in a systemic way. Blacks are #1 on a street rape way.

Let the roasties bring down the (((white opressor))).

Fuck them.

We will live on to the new age

No, Fuck You and Fuck Them.
> Make your enemies live by the standard they force onto other
> They end up failing to meet their own standards and their movement becomes cripples because of it
> Oh wait up goy, we don't want to expose hypocrites in our enemies groups, they might apply their persecutions standard onto us
Except we don't have to abide by their standards nor do we have to tolerate their shit, where as they do have to abide by their own standards and do have to tolerate the shit that they live in.

>The male feminists of Hollywood are the first ones on the chopping block,
That is exactly where it ends, because it will eventually turn the leftists into right-wingers, and the conservatives aren't going to give a fuck about bullshit accusations from sluts when there are no more leftists in power.


The only people who are against 'muh witchhunt' are the same kind of Sargon of Akkad fuckers who only starting speaking out against feminism for entirely selfish reasons.


This user has the right idea

Exactly this.
They fostered such atmosphere and culture, now they shall reap their fruits.
Let Hollywood burn.

He's been promoting the beast that is attacking him.
He deserves no pity because of that.

witch hunt witch hunt

Burn Hollywood

>#SalemBitchHunt causes liberalism to literally self destruct

Just sit back and let them eat themselves. Rules for Radicals: force your enemy to live up to their own rules.

it's only affecting liberals

wut games?

Fuck you.
If the soyboys and male "feminist" buttlickers finally realize that they're a target too.
They will pipe the fuck down when the real men try to fight wrongful accusations.
One of the biggest issues with this shit is how Hollywood men publicly side with accusing cunts then virtue signal on their soapboxes.
If that shit stops and they lose their male sidekicks and amens from them strides can me be made to prevent false accusations.

I'm blackpilled so I don't give a fuuuuuck and I'm enjoying the hell out of this. Any normie fuck who dares stick his dick in a roastie cooter deserves whatever he gets, fucking scabs is what they are.

>The male feminists of Hollywood are the first ones on the chopping block

Now just one second here...

Bazinga, I don't care

If they get rid of all the white men in Hollywood and media they destroy their propaganda network and it doesn't go any further. I just hope it survives long enough to get some left academics too, god knows there's just as many of them that are guilty.

There's no downsides In this going as far as possible.

The one on the left is the the new Mass Effect game but Idk the one on the right.

There was an argument that stated this kind of behavior will drown out and trivialize actual shitty behavior.

Did he think he was in charge?

It must suck to be a 20 yr old white male right now.
I understand why so many are on here.
There will be chopping blocks, but white males will be manning them.