ITT: Post Un Sup Forums-like Things in Your Life

>I don't mind diversity of people providing they share Western values but i do understand that with current muslim immigration that probably won't happen

>I have no problem with moderate muslims, I think even Sup Forums agrees with this one considering Sup Forums always praises Assad

>I think Russia is a terrible authoritarian state

>I am a literal cuckold as in me and my wife are raising a kid whom im not the father of.

>I am a literal cuckold

your flag was a dead giveaway for this, no need to repeat.

I'm helping to feminize a guy so he can become my trap wife

Most kekistanis aren't even married let alone possibly be a cuckold.

>>I don't mind diversity of people providing they share Western values
Stopped reading.

I don't think Hitler didn't anything wrong.

That's what Sup Forums believes.

Do you have any idea how long it's going to take me to list all the things in my life which don't conform to Sup Forums's views?

About 5 seconds to type this, that's how much. There really aren't any.

What about being Jewish?

I think Larry David is funny and I enjoyed (((Seinfeld))).

Why are you here, OP?
Much less starting threads

went in here to post this

I'm a Khazar, I wouldn't know anything about that.

Sup Forums loves those shows though. Curb and Seinfeld are Sup Forums classics and Sup Forums always posts seinfeld memes.

Because I'm addicted to Sup Forums and started browsing here before I was like this.

True my man

Niggers are the only racial group I hate. Never had a problem with anyone else.

Hey Ben

>Post Un Sup Forums-like Things in Your Life
I make fanfics.

I should kill myself.

Checks out

I'm a Jew. Like not even one of those "WELL, MY PARENTS ARE JEWISH..." that appear on Sup Forums.

Like I am literally studying to get by rabbinical ordination at an Orthodox Yeshiva.

I'm good with niggers, the kikes being "helpful", "persuasive", "pacifying" triggers me

As long as they aren't Kirk/Spock romance ones I'd say you're fine.

I support Assad because I think he is the best option for Syria. He is Syrian. That doesn't mean I want Assad and his style of government to become prominent in Switzerland or something. Nationalism allows for other nations without necessarily wanting them as neighbors you brainlet.

As for myself, I sometimes hook up with girls of a different race. Only one I haven't been with is full blooded Indian. Its not a fetish thing, and I don't seek it out for its own sake, but I just really like women. I plan on marrying/reproducing with someone of my own race, but while I'm single, I'm into it all. Could be worse I guess.

>Jew in Israel
Good job. Stay there pls and its all good. Your kin abroad is fucked though.

Oh good, then I'm in the clear.

I want to save the white race so that healthy, traditional society can come back but I'm an actual aspie who hates people and my only friend is my dog.

My mother is a Jewish Liberian refugee, my father is an undocumented Mexican Muslim. I am a MtF lesbian converting to the Church of ONE Brotherhood so I can marry my non-binary partner when she turns 18 in 3 years.

That would have been funnier if you'd said Baha'i faith or something like that.

Only two things really.
>I play vidya..
But cant stand most weebfaggotry in vidya, moeshit is the worst.
>Have gay friends..
But I don't have a problem with them. They hate trannies, take the piss out of faghags and despise (quote) "fags that act like queens".

You know how when you a friend who is a girl you will eventually think about what sex would be like with her?
>think about that

>Post Un Sup Forums-like Things in Your Life
I've started feeling hope again.

I have two humanities degrees.

That's pretty much it.

What about a humanities degree is un pol?

It's about as useless as a psychology or wymyn's studies degree.

That is patently untrue, although those two degrees you mentioned are indeed worthless. The humanities are worth studying. Not for everyone, and this is not to say that we should give up on STEM fields or something, but to dismiss the humanities is the sign of a narrow intelligence.

i know anime is gay because it's drawn by men

>worth studying

I was surrounded by liberals and leftists for years and now I make really shitty money.

Im' not talking STEM. A simple business administration degree is fine for most non specialized things. What do you do with a humanities degree?


"Funny"? Are you mocking my lived experiences? Check your privilege shitlord.

Live in liberal city, work for globalist bank. Think the most despicable group of people in this city are the Catholic ethno groups: Irish, Italians, Poles. Will take the deli-owning Yemeni over those white trash pagans anyday.

You know there is more to humanities than psychology, right? Just because I see value in the field of study as a whole doesn't mean I can't admit when something is full of shit.

Its a field worth keeping around. Life is better lived when people are working on things that catalogue and speak to our nature as people, and not just our functions as consumers/employees/biological organisms. We need less than we are creating through our schools, but we need some.

What's wrong with Poles? What have they ever done to you?


psychology is part of the social sciences. this is a legitimate field as it actually follows the scientific method and you can obtain useful, objective data from it.

humanities follows ??? nobody knows, but if you buy two degrees you can pretend like you know.

The prison system unfairly discriminates against POC

Bunch of loud pathetic drunks.

I don't really mind homos and I hate nazis.
It is getting a lot harder to do so now that all right wingers are nazis though.


Have a drink. Loosen up.

>It is getting a lot harder to do so now that all right wingers are nazis though.

lol dude nobody is a nazi outside the memesphere. go outside you pale fuck

Are those supposed to be poles? The lumpy head is spot on but they're missing the whiskey nose.

i dont even know what these are supposed to be

Trust me bud, I do. I don't need to get drunk to the point I can barely stand to have a good time though while wasting my paycheck on quickdraw.

Nice quads

So you hate Poles because you see yourself in them? Be careful with self-loathing, Uncle Ted teaches us that this is trademark leftist thinking.

There is a major problem with reproducibility in psychology, including clinical psychology at the moment. A lot of well-accepted studies from the past few decades are not holding up to scrutiny. Psychology is not what it once was.

>humanities follows ???

This just in, non-science field does not follow the scientific method. Is this the power of STEM? I don't have any disrespect for STEM, its very necessary and useful, but damn if it doesn't have some serious blinders on when it comes to its own procedural limitations.

Never mind, I misread what you said.

>I have respect for Islam because they throw faggots off buildings and don't let cunts drive
>I understand why they want to destroy the west and I wish white people were more in war-like mindset that muslims were in
>I admire Hitler's life story and his rise to power but I think Nazi germany was pretty fucking gay and he was probably a bit nuttier than Sup Forums will admit
>I take the bible 100% literally and think evolution/atheism is fucking retarded
>some black women are extremely hot
>Nordes are not the master race and they're actually kind of effeminate and faggy
>Italians and Russians are probably the least cucked members of the white race at the moment
>Brits are such faggots I have a hard time even acknowledging them as being white, I would probably nuke that country given the chance
>rural living actually sucks dick
>taylor swift is ugly as fuck
>the majority of white women really aren't that attractive
>fascism would probably just end with people being oppressed, taken advantage of, or even genocided just like in communist russia or Italy
>When people get too much power, they go insane, which is why Monarchy has always sucked dick and fascism will never work in the long term
>I would genocide homosexuals without a question
>I'd do it myself if it were legal

I want nothing more than for my pony waifu to be real

WE anti-culture now!
>not kangz or Jews
not infiltrating Christian culture

>This just in, non-science field does not follow the scientific method

exactly my point; what does it follow? nobody knows. that's why an employer can't assign a value to it unless they're intimately familiar with X university's Y humanity program.

Saying "nobody knows" is just lazy and disingenuous. Different fields have different metrics of quality. Its going to be hard to sell an English degree to a potential employer if they're looking for Biomed or something, but statistically, the majority of college graduates entering the job market for the last few years have found employment in a field other than what they majored in, so I don't see that is being particularly relevant for all but a few niche areas. If your employer knows your field, you should be able to justify your worth within it. If they don't, then they won't get it anyway, so you're really no worse off.

Unless you're applying for a research position, or a lab position, the average employer won't give a shit about whatever "scientific method" you did as an undergrad in your major anyway. Your work/previous research experience is going to be what matters. I don't see how the scientific method gets you employment either way.

>There is a major problem with reproducibility in psychology,

of course there is in many regards. but the fact that we're even talking about reproducibility is why the scientific method is so strong. it gives you lots of data, and it doesn't play favorites if the study or premise is shit.

the problem with that field is that there are Staceys pumping out loads of awful methodology studies as a required part of their graduate program. and it's the blind leading the blind, with awful mentors. but the bad work of scholars brought in by the late 20th century surge of "everyone must go to school" uni coffer-filling doesn't detract from the good results of people who followed good methods and clearly testable premises.

Right, but you're misunderstanding the nature of my criticism. The scientific method absolutely matters in psychology, and you're dead on with the diagnosis of the problem. Psychology has been overrun.

My point is, the scientific method is well suited for a very specific type of problem with empirical evidence available and testable outcomes. Trying to over-extend the usefulness of this methodology is doing a disservice to all parties involved. Trying to apply the scientific method to something like philology is just autistic and silly. How would you even do that? What would be the benefit? Just because it works in one field does not mean that it works everywhere. Its like trying to solve a statistical regression through dance or something. Wrong tool for the job.

>I don't see how the scientific method gets you employment either way.

the scientific method is the foundation of modern knowledge and advancement. without it you're just guessing at almost everything. you can't predict what will happen with abstract things without it. it eliminates conjecture and bias and produces more reliable results. it's used in political science as well. you can use it for everything. it is quite simply world-changing once you embrace it and start applying it to things in your everyday life. no other fundamental method of knowledge or reasoning is as powerful in economics, hard science, or politics. generally speaking, if you apply the scientific method, you win. if you're an employer, you need to win. if you hire employees who can't into scientific method, you lose.

I come here ironically, for some sweet memes and shitpost to trigger you racist pieces of shit. I hate SJW as /pol but i think you are all basically the same but in the other spectrum. Most of polacks arguments are retarded and polacks are blind to all the fallacies and bullshit they use, but they can perfectly detect them when a sjw uses them, just like SJW does. Got to admit it, once in a while /pol is right again.

Ok, and in those fields you mentioned (economics, hard sciences, and to an extent, politics) it has a place, but you have not addressed what I said fully. What of fields that do not work with empirically verifiable data? I mean, people get hired as museum curators and historians and researchers all the time, and no one has any trouble hiring these people without the scientific method being the philosophical foundation.