If you made pedogate mainstream, what's your life expectancy?

I mean it. If you really made it go mainstream. If you really made people question the world in which they live, do you think you would soon die?

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just pack a gat nigger, they cant get us all

It's natural to feel intense depression after going after the powers that be, you know. Totally natural to be having a great time and show no signs of depression or suicidal thoughts to your friends and family, even HOURS before killing yourself with two shotgun blasts to the back of the head, you know. Just normal random depression and suicide without a suicide note after hurting the interests of the powers that be.

>do you think you would soon die?

yes, that's why I'm learning how to datamine autonomously before I release the floodgates of truth

ps thanks janny you're great.

this tbqhwyfamalam nigger

If you connected yourself personally to the information, as in your face and voice and name, it would be much harder for them to get to you. It's the no-name people the mainstream has never heard of who end up suicided.

Just fill your house with home alone booby traps

I found a hive online, but the amount of information is too vast to take on on my own and my biggest fear is implicating myself in the process of even trying. whatdo?

Just report it to the Sup Forums Partyv& (FBI).

Who cares, it would be worth it.

Find a like minded 'celebrity' personality. Someone the public trusts.

it's a real opportunity to take down a significant amount of people and would hate myself for letting even one slip away by trusting others to not fuck it up

like who? and we'd need a lot of data scraping power to connect the dots back to the original sources

also theres a significant tie to Russia, so another fear is it being dismissed as another conspiracy thanks to the recent demtards witch hunt

Just do it

YOU don't have the power to "take down" anybody. All you have the power to do is inform and communicate. So do that. Notify the FBI, Interpol, and every other LEO that you can find. Tell them everyone else who you informed so they don't think they can just sit on it. Then wait an hour to see if anybody reaches out to you, and notify every large news organization you can find that you've notified the cops. Wait another hour, then start tweeting (and by the way, if you're worried about blowback, use a burner phone and move at least 500 miles away from where you started).

I don't know any celebrities. I try to stay away from MSM. But it seems like if you could get a well know personallity to present the info, it would be harder to suicide that personallity without raising public suspiscions.

> inb4 50/50

You'll need at least 7 VPNs
And a high altitude balloon relay too

When you hear a knock on your door immediately microwave your hard drive and begin furiously masturbating in the direction of the assailants. They will be confused and run away.

Old Sup Forumstard spotted, the local PD stopped falling for that with me and now they still search the place.

>fear of dying
nah, fuck those bastards.

>If 60 MINUTES is Right & PIZZAGATE is 'Fake News'... EXPLAIN THIS!

>Retired HEAD OF FBI Exposes McMartin Preschool Pedophile Tunnels #Pizzagate


>whys this person naked climbing out of a window at buckingham palace?





good advice, thanks
would people take Joe Rogan seriously? I feel like he's the most popular person I'd have a chance in hell of getting in touch with and be taken seriously

James Woods

If you’re not risking death you’ll never be a hero. Just saying OP

If anybody would hear you out it would be Rogan

>being aware that the powerful treat other peoples children like a piece of pizza
>caring about dying

jew detected

why would i fear death if i knew what i was doing would save hundreds of innocent children pain?

oh and it would need to be an international scale sting, is that even possible without tipping some of the people off and allowing them to escape? I thought about hunting them down one by one but it has grown far and above my capabilities at this point.

look at what happened to that reporter on a mainstream channel that did a story on it. he's fucking gone now.

Pedo gate is fake boomers fuck off

We need a Clinton secrets edition of Final Destination.

You need to lurk a little more friend-o.

I would gladly give my life if it ensured taking ALL of them down, but am hesitant if it means some are allowed to continue

Post it to the_donald lul

larping faggot probably a 14 year old that found a public indictment and will call it "secret docs"


too much risk, the only way I'm giving up what I know is via verbal communication in person or some other nonelectronic means. This community has grown far beyond my ability to trust any sort of digital communication, tinfoil hats aside. I feel crazy even referencing this shit, I can't imagine what others would think if they didn't know me personally.

case in point

>Already dead.

Joe Rogan is controlled opposition or flat out dumb, he knows pedogate is real but says it's fake. Don't listen to shills. He'll never listen to you.

Why don't you use a public library or something then post here or somewhere else via public VPN + proxy networks. So install a VPN -> Use a proxy on browser -> then use another proxy within a proxy etc. Make sure you archive everything beforehand.

If you're gonna post on T_D remember you need to have an account for 10-30 days or something before you make a post... if it's groundbreaking stuff then it'll spread, otherwise I'm doubtful you found something big enough to take down the establishment. Nothing is big enough, it's a slow process and there's thousands of smoking guns already.

Otherwise contact some legit journalists from conservative sources who've actively covered shit related to pedogate... not e-celebs like Lauren Southern though.

>Make sure you archive everything beforehand.

it's thousands of people posting 100's of thousands of images with nefarious comments on each image, now I'm sure my IP is going to be tracked for even saying this much

Get the data. Create a twitter account with a throwaway phone number. Open a bunch of tabs on tor. Get a 100 tabs ready with a tweet of your data (the pastebin or whatever), tweet to every single fbi account, every single doj account, and about 3000 local police accounts. You can prolly combine about 12 twitter @ handles per tweet if you keep your message small. Heres a pastebin with that.

When thats done, do it for every senators facebook, youtube, and twitter.

When thats done, do it for every representatives facebook, youtube, and twitter.

Do it if you can
Your ancesters are watching
If someone comes for you shoot them in the head

Look up twittergate, elsegate, we've already found thousands of what you're talking about on YouTube and Twitter. Elsagate was covered by mainstream media after like 6 months of people spreading it, then mainstream media didn't even give the pedogate investigators credit for it. No one died though. It's out in the open, they'd get into more trouble killing people over it.

Thousands of people posting = low level pedos. No one's gonna kill you for exposing low level pedos.

If you have something and are a pussy
Use tor and dump it on infinitychhan

Confirmed, Joe Rogan is a complete fraud.

I couldn't give a shit about 'to the stars' or whatever Blink 182 DeShlong boy is shilling about 'UFO's' but the fact remains that the footage released by the pentagon is real. Joe Rogan claimed it was a fake.

No one knows what 'ufo's entail, (I doubt they're ET or human, check out Jacques Vallee for a very unique take on it) but they're certainly real. Forget 'ancient aliens' and those dog shit tv shows, Governor Winthrop of Massachussetts Bay Colony in the 1600s recorded what we would call a 'UFO' in his journal. It doesn't get much more real than that phenomenon. history.com/news/americas-first-ufo-sighting

Rogan was probably contacted by the same CIA Glow faggots that Moby was.

Better question is why isn’t the msm reporting the thousands of pedo arrests under the Trump reign? I think we’re going to start seeing some big name arrests soon and with that more coverage and more people willing to talk about it leading to more arrests.

Tails on laptop
Hack a WiFi off camera
In the library your on camera

Seems easier than ever to drop leaks if you really want to these days - its just a matter of actually having anything of value

>Thousands of people posting = low level pedos. No one's gonna kill you for exposing low level pedos.

I'm not worried about the fact if low level fucks want to come at me, I'm worried about the children being posted by the OC creators not being saved because shit gets deleted or the russian servers protect the pedos

it's a lot of aunts/uncles, older siblings, teachers and other people with severe capability of abusing a multitude of younglings within their main circles of life on a regular basis

Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Die, Those Who Tell the Truth Shall Live Forever

Honestly if I bumped into that I'd just post on Infinity with a private VPN, I wouldn't even bother to leave my house lol. Not cautious enough but that's how little I actually care lel.

Really depends. You could submit anonymous tips to multiple authorities AFTER posting in on 8ch so it doesn't lead back to you too. Once you've posted it, the problem isn't "you". They're the ones in trouble, nobody's gonna come looking for you considering it's the natural thing someone does upon bumping into shit like that.

Oh and voat.co/v/pizzagate is good too, mods are a little shilly though but they are the ones who actively help investigate / archive shit

Word around the grapevine is the people who periodically make the human trafficking general is already on a watch list. As for the random pizzagate threads with no substance like faggot op, those for the most part are glossed over and not given much of a second thought.

>He doesn't know about the lists.


Also think of a #hashtag, get a bit creative before you submit it.

the gravity of exposing 10s of thousands of people scares the shit out of me, any one of them could be here now for instance, or a neighbor, or whatever. Like I said, if I knew I could bring ALL of them down at once, I would gladly fall on my sword, but the chance I have of that is greatly outweighed by the chance of getting shanked by one of these people randomly in the street. How do I know a VPN is legit, how do I know I'm not already being tracked, etc

I know I'm being a paranoid pussy but fuck.

>How do I know a VPN is legit
Just use the most popular ones, or use a public one via public Wifi after a USB boot from Tails or something.

1. Get a laptop
2. Install Tails onto USB
3. Go to public space/public wifi
4. Run tails, connect to internet and make post

I understand that you overestimate the impact of your finding, it might be big but it's not gonna explode into the mainstream because the pedos control the mainstream. Just make sure it catches the attention of most people keen on pedogate/pizzagate and if it's big it'll spread.

>How do I know I'm not already being tracked
Just don't think about it. Just take the risk, doesn't matter if you're tracked or not. If you're already tracked, you're better off posting it than not posting it. Think about it, they're the pedos. They are the ones that ought to be scared and shaking, not us.

Bring it on niggers.

Only if you actually, or at the point of calling out the real hegemony that's in charge of it all.

I was at a Starbucks last weekend, and there was this guy there on open mic night or something railing against pedophiles, but he really didnt bring any sort of substantial argument, and the crowd wasnt really responding.

The elites dont care about those people who are just spewing a bunch of shit and distractions.

>Just use the most popular ones, or use a public one via public Wifi after a USB boot from Tails or something.


>I understand that you overestimate the impact of your finding

You are probably right, it would take significant hunting through the info I could drop to even connect it back to any key players. I was abused myself at 10 by a neighbor that got away with it because my parents refused to take me seriously or were in some sort of fucked up denial about it. The idea of getting revenge on these fuckers twists my mind to unrealistic expectations.

Any new shit about Hillary, Molloch, satanic pedo ring?

Same user, I look forward to the day of the rope when all these fuckers are exposed for the scum they are. I actually stopped giving a fuck about potentially being tracked/watched ages ago. These pedos are cornered and being watched by millions of us, all ready to strike at any moment.

>was abused myself at 10 by a neighbor that got away with it because my parents refused to take me seriously or were in some sort of fucked up denial
Jonathon Davis is that you?

If you have information on pedophiles (actual ones, not some weirdo who made a joke 6 years ago) and you don't turn it into the FBI immediately congrats you're just as bad as them and all the time you take trying to make yourself famous and virtue signal your way into heaven is another kid who may be hurt.

Assuming you aren't a 12 year old larping faggot who should be in a mental hospital.

Anyone got a linkypoo to some stat gathering site? Can’t remember who had a tally of pedo arrests after trump took office. Now? With his state of emergency those number should be going up. I have seen any news on perps assets being siezed either.

Gary Gilmore says:

Been there, done that.