How are you surviving both Nyaa and Bakabt being knocked out?
How are you surviving both Nyaa and Bakabt being knocked out?
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fucking magnets how do they work?
Never used them.
I'm surviving quite fine, thank you for asking.
Well, I'll admit, having to redo my RSS feeds is not fun.
Nice try, Netflix.
I'll never tell you where I'm hiding the little witches!
read the VN for Air you baka ass nigga
it has great voice acting and it's way better
only used nyaa only once to only download the raws of only a manga
Where do I get my seasonal OP/ED singles and OSTs?
I like manga more these days anyway.
That is some super lazy design.
Magnets, IRC, AB, etc.. Sukebei is the real loss here, though I haven't tried OT.
>tfw TT and AnimeTosho don't know how to do RSS feeds right
how was every other site so bad at obvious things to have
It was just a big ass list with no sorting a few days ago.
Like that
Actually try downloading one and you'll end up with a random anime
Is just modified bootstrap currently. Someone needs to make a pull request for some proper CSS.
What site is this? Is this AB?
Give me the repo link, I'll do it.
Ah yes just what we needed, another thread of newfaggotry, begging for AB invites, complaining about private trackers and moaning about somebody making a website a good proportion of us will use at some point, for free.
Have AB account and HS has magnets, I'm good.
Have AB,Bakabt,Horriblesubs so basically set.
downloading old series on nyaapantsu is a pain since the seeders keep coming and going
Where to go now for new releases?
Both Nyaa Pantsu and Nyaa Archive don't have new releases and Tokyo Tosho hasn't updated either.
I know I can just go to Fansub DB to check which group does what and go to the group's website to download them, but it'll be nice to just visit one site and download with one click.
I went to both Nyaa replacements and TT and couldn't find Re: Creators episode 5. Had to go to HS' site.
My experience is that VNs are way too wordy. The pacing of anime adaptations make it just more interesting. I don't need 5 hours of muh I can't touch flowers because they die in my hands translated unprofessionally. I'm all for Sekai Project's professional translatons but even then most VNs are just not that interesting.
And yes I've read the VN of Air and watched the anime afterwards. The anime is much better
>going on AB to download crunchy tvrips
path to U2?
>Had to go to HS' site.
Funny how you answered your own question, eventually.
Eww. Couldn't you have picked a cuter language?
fuck off
Give it time for groups to make the effort to go to pantsu
>private tracker for public rips/releases
Just make RSS feed for every shows on every websites...
Like Asenshi for LWA and HS for everything else
Apparently they used it because it is easy for prototyping and also didn't want to spend the next 5 days arguing on Sup Forums over the best language to go for leading to another project that dies in the logo stage.
Freeleech and it builds ratio fairly easily if you get in early
>Like Asenshi for LWA
No thanks
What even happened to nyaa?
Did the FCC go door kicking or something?
Holy shit... Everyone is watching Asenshi but it's not good enough for this guy... I'd better stay out of the way of his discerning tastes!
>builds ratio fairly easy
Nah, I downloaded them before they were up on AB and cross-seeded them. I get like 60mb on average. Meanwhile you can download a 300GB raw and upload it to AB and get about 300GB of upload on average.
Admin freaked out at a UK ruling thinking it applied to him and deactivated and deleted everything. Yeah, it's that pathetic.
I'm not a retard so I never had an issue.
You realize that things weren't going to suddenly be magically fixed in a few days right?
Give it until next month for the sites to be stable and people to start adapting to them
Just wait three more years for the Netflix release in 1080p streaming
To be fair, I've never done webdev in Go, but I would seriously doubt that it has a more mature web ecosystem than ruby, python or even fucking js or php.
But anyway, I'll chill my language autism and start shitting out some css that doesn't look like it was copied from the bootstrap tutorial.
Would that ruling have effected the site?
Got paid to shutdown and delete the database
>path to u2
go /impure/. Try JPS or AB.
No one bothered to tell him that he wouldn't be affected?
>he doesn't have a jpopsuki account
Sasuga anime community
The normalfags all get arrested for their trackers but weebs piss themselves and shut it down.
Well okay, if you want to download 300 GB raws and deal with that then yeah, that'll build some fucking ratio. I'm happy with just grabbing my HS from there and getting to ~2.0 on each episode with minimal effort
How such a faggot can run the biggest anime torrents website ?
Why can't you go to Doki's website?
You might want to look at the Sup Forums thread and also in the IRC if you are doing dev work.
What's wrong with it? I think it's fine. Maybe it could be wider.
Source? Google gives nothing.
nyaa was visited in his swedish shed by some muslims who told him anime is absolutely haram and to SHUT IT DOWN
and bakabt just fucked their shit up trying to fix some bug in the database that popped up when they went private, I guess they'll come back up.
To everybody wondering why we didn't just warn Nyaa that it wouldn't affect him or get into contact with him, first of all, nobody knew Nyaaadmin was this paranoid because nobody knew anything about him. Second, there was literally nothing you can do when a guy does the equivalent of setting the servers on fire
This forced meme was never funny.
If you want to download seasonal shit you'll never watch that doesn't even guarantee upload that will be truncated once the BDs come out by all means.
>I'm getting ratio
Considering it's FL I find it hard to believe your ratio is anything but infinity.
The most relevant music uploader is a chink that didn't even use nyaa.
> bakabt
It went private and if you weren't already an active account holder, then you will never be able to access BBT ever again, since they have no plan to open up registration to new users.
>tfw you trusted duplex instead
I'll just watch something else, I guess
Boku ni Koisuru Mechanical Ch4pg20
Oh so it still exists? I can't open the website
Where have you been getting manga from?
>Boku ni Koisuru Mechanical
Thanks, looks cute.
The not so secret secret club.
They're down right now.
Because Daiz forced us to make his site the biggest anime torrent website.
I'm not listening to that bald fucker ever again.
I'm just grabbing the seasonal stuff that I watch. I've had this account for ~5 years and only started using it as my main source when Nyaa died so I'm at ~3.3 ratio with about 20 GB up and 6 GB down. I dunno I'm lazy as fuck and part of me wants to put more effort in, maybe I'll find the motivation someday.
this was the final push that turned me into a streamfag
They're down forever
I stream my manga.
Don't care
Only care about sukebi. Nyaa itself being lost is whatever tier
>watching seasonal trash
Private tracker fags. Not even once.
Where will I get my hentai games now?
Not according to their twitter.
Oh, you are still alive.
Is awful anime after dark going to be a thing again? I'm the user that gave you the idea on that martial hearts thread
This cuts deep from a guy who posts on a board that's 95% devoted to recent anime
Not him but I got Doki's Ranma from that bot and every episode was correct.
You should use a better crawler
this is why you should never have supported the death of fansubbing
He's one of the fags who tries to force the occasional Cowboy Bebop thread.
you can find it on other places usually
Takes like 10x more searching and you have to do it more efficiently but it works
Pantsu is honestly complete garbage. The sorting is terrible, the next page buttons are not where they should be, the filters are bad, just everything is really bad.
>have access to AB, BTT, sadpanda, oppai
>but no jpopsuki
Fuck them for not opening application for god knows how long.
I don't intend in mining bitcoin for some Sup Forumsaylord, thanks.
Has nothing to do with being 'recent'. It has to do with the awful streaming quality you get.
Well good for you but Ranma != Air.
Not even the site's dev, but it's clearly a work in progress.
Work kills, user. There is no hope of a consistent schedule anymore. Maybe we can pass the torch on to someone who cares and can muster an audience.
Do you want to watch something tomorrow?
It's still in the early stages, stupid tripshit.
That's why I've been using nyaarchive instead.
As long as KM stays up Sup Forums is safe.
When HS is releasing their tracker?
Is it good or bad to have two more-or-less redundant sites?
As always, the porn is the most tragic part. Sukebei was integral.