The fastest person ever is black

>the fastest person ever is black
>wh*tes BTFO

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Evolution has made the black man fast to be more efficient at stealing because they are too stupid to invent things.

yeah nah

He voted for Trump tho

Of course. Gotta be fast to run from parenthood.

If you've got to chase antelope to survive, you got to be fast.

Smarter people invented firearms and agriculture.

blacks are exceptional athletes

yeah mate we know niggers are fast on land, we whites are fast in water so I'm not even mad

>Strongest man alive is white
>bl*cks BTFO

at least he btfo of thots FOR AMERICA

didn't he recently get caught doping?

Blacks on average have longer legs, allowing them to run away from African predators at a more reasonable rate. The Leg-torso ratio is therefore higher, therefore giving Blacks a distinct advantage in athletics, but poor performance in weightlifting, etc.

And the strongest person is white. And the smartest person is likely white as well. The best swimmer is white.

But why does any of this matter? These peak athletes are standing well above any racial average, so far removed from the common man that they might as well be a race by themselves.

Whites didn't need to be able to outrun a lion. They had metal tools, and walls made of something sturdier than mud.


That's a nigger, user...

>Of course. Gotta be fast to run from parenthood.
kek, and general responsibility.

The fastest nigger on earth always has help from white people

Monkeys btfo

And he runs for the white man. What's good sprinting at incredible speed if there's no white man to throw money at you for it? What, you're going to catch a boar sprinting at it? How fulfilling is that.

Cheetah is faster... Blacks blown out.

I too would be a fast runner if my life depended on getting to social services on time


still slower than a bullet

>Elephants are stronger
>Cheetah are faster
We are physically inferior to other mammals; neither of those things got us to where we are now.

Niggers have always been running from their problems
One of them has gotta be good at it

imagine being paid to take your change plate out & shove a childs head through your lip hoop

according to Jimmy the Greek...

"Where my money at, cracka?"

Paint the track like a crosswalk and a black person will never win again

Blacks run faster because their skeletal structure is different. It's the same bloody reason their brains are smaller. Hate to break it to you lads, brain size does matter.

you mean pajeets and gooks? lmaoing at your life

Something something, cops, running blah blah. Sage.

The slow ones all got eaten by lions.

>the man that still holds the world record for jumping the farthest is White


Gotta keep ahead of social services, cops and loan bond officers.

>think your'e superior because you are more athletic
>never realize your entire race hasn't contributed anything to humanity besides (((entertainment)))
I honestly don't care, blacks can have sports. We have science, technology, engineering, medicine and everything else.

Goddamn he looks like Mario with those jumps hahaha what the fuck

Yes Indians are the master race. I'm Indian and I'm pretty much a badass rich fuck, fucking your white bitches in the ass.

It's no mystery that Africans are more suited to running.

anyone have the webm of him getting btfo by some chink on a segway?
gives me a chuckle every time

Gooks didn't invent firearms Prince Xing pao

elephants and cheetas dont have thumbs you dumb nigger

animals known to be faster than humans

Wrong. The fastest people ever traveled to the moon.

So you admit the races are different?

>1 post by this ID
Anytime you see asterisks such as wh*te or bl*ck it indicates an attempt to bypass people's filters. You can filter words to avoid even seeing these threads. You're in a slide thread

Oh look, op posted this thread and then ran away bc he was afraid of the responses.
Run forrest run!!!

The fastest ever humans were three white men in the Apollo 10 command module.

niggers btfo 4evrfor for all eternity


whites run to the fight
>black run away

You seem to be lacking what got us here

Moonman was fastest?
Im confused now.

>white man the first on another celestial object
blacks btfo

Except in strength sports. Whites dominate

sorry aziz but NO means NO!

Also the reason black ppl dominate track is due to huge genetic differences from white ppl.
Oh no op!! Abort thread!

>olympic time again
who's ready for memes?


We invented projectiles and gave up chasing after gazelles until they collapse, exhausted.
'Course they're fast. They have to catch dinner.

You fuck pomeranians? I guess your dick is small enough for that to work.

>the dumbest person ever is also a nigger
>blacks BTFO

The fastest person ever is white. Von Braun, who sent us into space.

Amen mein deutsch bruder.


If you grew up around lions, you'd be fast too over generations

Largest penis, Jonah Falcon, a white guy

>99% of all scientists, mathematicians and physicists are white.
Checkmate Tyrone

>i took a shit on the street

Indians are vile

>>the fastest person ever is black
We know, it's in your nature:

Yeah being fast matters so much to me. Before I goto sleep I dream that I was fast.

But can he swim?

We can outrun any animal over distance and kill when they are exhausted

This is our power before technology made it redundant

There is a story about that family of remote Russians who lived alone in the Tundra

The son would run down some orey animal like a deer until they became exhausted and killed them

Damn shame that they had no disease resistance and all but the daughter died when the scientists came

I think she still lives there alone

Speed built < Intelligence build

sonic tier autism


Just what the nog doctor ordered. Pic related.

Don't need to be fast. We invented the automobile, the airplane, rockets, etc.

Get back to me when you Dindus figure out the wheel.

They have to catch mud cookies?

However can you swim?
I don’t think so nigger

>oh look a monkey can run
>too bad we developed cars and motorcycles that can go way faster

>"blacks are biologically faster than whites!"
>"what! You can't say whites biologically have a higher IQ than blacks!"

He is still a nigger
Niggers btfo

A Gorilla could probably beat me in a fight, a chimp could probably beat me in a tree climbing contest yet I'm still top of the food chain, why is that?

The strongest man alive is white.

black anons join my server


In October 2012, when Baumgartner was asked in an interview with the Austrian newspaper Kleine Zeitung whether a political career was an option for his future life, he stated that the "example of Arnold Schwarzenegger" showed, that "you can't move anything in a democracy" and that he would opt for a "moderate dictatorship [...] led by experienced personalities coming from the private (sector of the) economy". He finally stated he "didn't want to get involved in politics."

Niggers are only fast because they don’t have any food in their stomachs to weight them down.