Why is the Queen allowing the Royal Family to get BLACKED?

Also the moral angle: he uncle was forced to abdicate for marrying a divorcee but now it's OK to marry a literal 56% face divorcee?

Because he is Diana’s bastard why you think they killed her?

Same reason she's allowing her nation to get blacked.

Firstly, the Queen is the head of the Commonwealth of Nations. and head of state in many of them. Trying to exclude people on the basis of race would create a huge anti royal backlash. Even in Britain it would strengthen the republican cause.

Secondly she does not have the power to disallow it.

Thirdly, her uncle was forced to abdicate because he was pro Nazi. Marrying a divorcee was merely the reason it was felt acceptable to tell the public.

Fourthly, British law incorporated the European Human Rights Act, which overrode the royal ban on marrying divorcees. Hence Charles was able to marry Camilla.

Fifthly, Harry's now well to of the direct line of succession to the throne anyway.

And finally, the notion that there's something wrong with race mixing is a weird American idea that most British people consider utterly absurd.

>well to of
Sorry about the typo: it should be "well out of".

Shes an old bitch that should have been assasinated by one of her sons.

The British Aristocracy has already been Jew'd.

Nigga Philip is almost 100 and would easily kill all of his sons

More diverse gene pool

they are the result of the jew, thousands of years of jewing too
Funny how Rothchild calls himself a Jew and he's related to Elizabeth so would that make her a Jew too? Yes, it does! But not the merchant jew, a more sinister version that comes from the Kings Talmud

How the fuck does this even happen? How the hell did Euros let kikes become their nobility?

>Commonwealth of Nations
Markle a USA negress, though.
>Thirdly, her uncle was forced to abdicate because he was pro Nazi.
Hardly. At the time, everyone was okay with the Nazis. He abdicated because he was an unfit king, and a manchild.

Idk. Why did they allow their country to get BLACKED would be a better question tho

>the notion that there's something wrong with race mixing is a weird American idea that most British people consider utterly absurd.
S on "Great" Britain's grave.


Harry is literally a throwaway branch from the royal tree to appease the SJW movement. Now nobody can call them racist during the reign of King William.

She doesn't have the power. If you think she's happy about it, you're crazy, but she simply doesn't have the power, anymore.
The year she expresses a real political opinion, let alone exercises her God-given rights as Queen, will be the year a Republican Referendum is pushed by the media, politicians, progressives, niggers, and all other manner of trash.

I dont think she wants it but knows its good PR with a member of the Royal family thats going to fade into obscurity anyways.

Not like anyone really remembers Princess Anne or Prince Edward.

Go ahead you're gonna google who they are now

God save our gracious Kween!
Long live our noble Kween!
God save the Kween!
Divorce no longer sin,
Send her deep fried chicken,
Teach all her people pidgin
God save the Kween!

O Lord Meghan arise,
No need for alibis,
Dun nuffin at all:
Confound their racist ploys,
Or she shall call the boys,
On Thee our hopes we fix:
Meghan save us all.

Our lord Meghan is pure,
Yet as a slave; endured,
Long may she reign:
Mixed from old colonies,
Now is our royalty,
To sing with heart to thee,
God save the Kween

>female leaders

...hmmmm... I wonder.

same reason the earls and dukes and princes married american investor wives, THEY WERE FUCKING BROKE

>Why is the Queen allowing the Royal Family to get BLACKED?

it's probably a rothschild based public relations stunt.

Preformed with mind control, maybe....

It's possible that Harry is just horny.

>It's possible that Harry is just horny.
even if he is and he likes dark meat he is a prince he can do way better than this

that thought had crossed my mind.

ITYM your own!

Racism is considered bad even when directed at seppos.

And it simply isn't true that everyone was OK with the Nazis. Many were deeply suspicious of them, though most thought they could be contained.

>And it simply isn't true that everyone was OK with the Nazis.
Of course. But it wasn't like the party line now, where they were always hated, all the time, by everyone.

>Harry could literally have any female IN THE WORLD

>Chooses a divorcee NIGGER

i liked Harry, but not now

Elizabeth II is the worst monarch of all time, look at the decline of her nation during her reign, look at the decline in the average person's standard of living, look at the foreigners who burn her capital every time a narcotics dealer is killed fighting police. Never before in all of human history has such a steep decline occurred in such a short time, you can argue that she doesn't have much political power but somehow I don't think her namesake or many of her predecessors would appreciate that reasoning. Fuck the Queen, she makes Caligula look like Charlemagne

>Never before in all of human history has such a steep decline occurred in such a short tim
That's what happens with (((democratic))) governments replacing monarchies.

She's doing her best to keep the monarchy alive for a stronger king in the future to step up and take charge.

This is the natural way, in the end there will be no races, all will be mixed.

>in the end there will be no races, all will be mixed.

how can you possibly be against it? Once there is but one race, but one faith, but one culture, but one government. There will be no conflict or strife, truly utopia.

>And finally, the notion that there's something wrong with race mixing is a weird American idea that most British people consider utterly absurd

its a good way to think, however there will be no british people in the future, just people.

low effort bait i am giving pity yous since you seem retarded
ps next time dont use to commie flag and be so obvious

Why do you care? You hate England, you should be cheering this one.

When she dies the monarchy needs to come back and reclaim the British Empire and get rid of the invaders.

>Le race mixing shitposting
eric simply eric

British "royalty" were kike slaves since Cromwell killed last non-jewed king in 1600s. It is strange that they're getting blacked only now. Hope I live to see some real vibrant negro wearing engl*sh crown.

>Not Jews
LOL.... Oh God, they make the Jews blush with how subversive and kikey they are. Shut the hell up, you know nothing.

>Shittalking royalty
Well this is awkward.

What if Meghan is somehow related to Germany's leader?

she knows that colored people will control European. so to control the people more easy as a strategic tactic to keep her power. must have to breed with colored people. the family dont care about race. cares about keeping their power

There is royalty and "royalty". Russian nobility was never jewed, and they had to destroy country in civil was and kill them. Same for english before Cromwell. But modern english royal family are shabbos goyim, it is bankers such as Rothschild who are real ruling dynasties behind the scenes.

>Russian nobility was never jewed
I take it you're not familiar with the aristocracy who essentially caused the revolution.
> it is bankers such as Rothschild who are real ruling dynasties behind the scenes.
Aye, because Britain has never had absolute monarchies, and there have always been (((elective))) governments.

>marries into british royal family
What needs to happen before y'all safe space poltards can accept we wuz kangs

>zio in ID

>You hate England
Americans love England. The only people who don't are "Proud Irish-Americans," Anti-Redcoat LARPers, and Commies.

I demand we did up a sample of Edward the VIII's DNA and produce a legitimate heir

He abdicated. There can be no legitimate heir, even if he had knocked up his 53% whore.

Dey wuz lichrully kangz uv Einglund, nigga.

Seriously though, she can't risk doing anything lest she faces an accusation of racism.

You mean she CAN literally do anything(!), and if any of you question it, YOU'll be racist. Think this is just more globalism, so in the future they can do anything they want, without question, because of much racism.

Was supposed to say, "muh racism."