MLK silence

It's MLK day here. Why all the silence? Is there anything to redpill me on about him or was just right?

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he was a degenerate nigger

Absolutely wrong, total hypocrite, communist, hated God, serial adulterer

he was unironically /ourguy/

if he were alive today he'd be called an uncle tom and viewed in the same light as ben carson


MLK was an upstanding man who wanted better living conditions for his people.

He would roll over in his grave if he saw what nigger culture today has become.

I think Ingram Angle is about to talk about him being a gay rapist. Idk its on commercial rite now Fox News

He was a Christian republican, Dems would hate him.

Somone post his JFK files for the newbies plz. Im on mobile

>upstanding man
fucking brainwashed retard

fucking brainwashed retard

Marxist Lucifer Kang was a muslim loving America hating socialist rabble rousing degenerate nigger just like king nigger obama

He was a communist, a plagiarist, and a degenerate.
>Typical nigger hero

If he really was a communist thats pretty degenerate....


Martin Luther King had homosexual sex orgies with black ministers and black and white female prostitutes. He also gangraped a prostitute for being too "shy" and had a child with a dentist from L.A. around 1962, and had an affair with folk singer Joan Baez.

Page 19 and 20 btw

It’s actually James Earl Ray day.

Fuck that communist nigger.

He loved him some white prostitutes.
Total fucking nigger, and they teach about him in skewls.

A letter the F.B.I. sent to MLK before they decided to kill him. They sent him tapes with proof of his homosexuality and sex orgies and gangrapes. In it they give him 34 days to kill himself. Dated 4 weeks before they killed him. I personally say good riddance. The man was a monster.

CNN covered the newly released documents

Here is the letter addressed to King from the F.B.I.

Don't forget to post the links about the FBI transcripts detailing their attempts to fabricate evidence on MLK which would be used later to convince people of his immoral activities... Apparently it was a different time, wait a minute...

Fuck off faggot. Those tapes are real and we are releasing them in 2027 and there aint shit you going to do about it nigger kike

>the king family had been spied on by the
government for 80 years

>age of 15 he went to Morehouse College

>he got his Bachelor in sociology at 19
>was killed by the government

>he originally wanted to marry the daughter of a German woman who worked in the cafeteria
but was told by friends an interracial marriage would ruin his chance at being a pastor in the south some say he never really recovered from this

It's also Robert E. Lee's birthday and that's infinitely more important than someone who was instrumental in helping destroy white identity.

>being this new

Sorry it's the day commemorating his birthday. :)

Learn how to greentext grandpa if you wanna fit in. Actually nvm gtfo

plagiarizing, communist, prostitute humping piece of human garbage

This sums it up. My links back it up. No one can argue me about this anymore

Sage thread

These are extremely telling. MLK's Jew handlers from the NAACP donor class described him as a fucking moron who didn't understand half the words in his speeches. They then have their pet nigger treats in the form of drug fueled orgies with white women.

MLK was a degenerate nigger and communist in league with Jewish Zionist communists working specifically to destroy white America by elevating the nigger to "equality".

Find a copy of the book You are Being Lied To, it's floating around out there digital format. The book is a compilation of essay and articles about thing we've been lied to about. The authors range from Buckley to Chomsky.

Reading the section about MLK in that book knocked my hat in the creek. The most notable thing is the 3 year gap between "I Have a Dream" and Memphis that history has erased, because King went off the rails, Tony Montana fashion. More appropriately, he got off his leash. King was not a particularly bright man, but was articulate enough to be a puppet.
By the time was killed, he was just as hated by decent coloreds as he was the KKK. Everything people accuse Trump of being, MLK actually was. His entire game was personal gain.

He was an adulterer and plagiarist.

On the other hand he was an incredibly effective leader looking out for the interests of his own people.

It would be nice if whites had someone like him.

>before LBJ
Do some reading

none of this shit is true, they made it up like they during cointelpro with the panthers, keep licking the boot FAGGOT.

Alt Hype dropped that truth bomb on MLK

and a plagiarist. his whole phd thesis was plagiarized.

probably a bunch of jews wrote his speeches