snack till you drop, umaru back on top
Snack till you drop, umaru back on top
Other urls found in this thread:
Can never have enough TSF in your life
TSF is fun but the nug is the one
Those who still don't have subs, here's the 2nd edition:
How do i download new umaru without nyaa?
Sup Forums's nyaa mirror with a database almost to the time it went down:
Some Russian's mirror that is somewhat more stable:
I want to wrap this nug in a rug and leave her bulk trash collection
It was interesting how the oad took two separate manga chapters and fit them together to create a coherent theme about how much you can you truly know someone and their secrets even if they're your own brother or best friends
delete this now
Was that some lewds?
You ready for S2?
My body is ready.
Of course
Anyone know where I can get a plushie like this one?
I started hoarding cora and potato chippu.
>Silphy with normal looking eyes
When did she gained her Sharingan?
Is she /our girl/ ?
Shit thread for shit anime
I'm going to post this every Umaru thread until you fap to this
You and I both know you won't honor that agreement scoundrel
Nice Koma-chan
onii-chan didn't appreciate Umaru's mexican dance
Onii-chan, why have you forsaken me? ;__;
I'd love to grope Umaru in a train, then take her to the bathrooms and fuck her raw in her school uniform.
Hello, police?
What a cute sailor
I'll watch it with my waifu!
be careful, wine might stain the tissue
don't worry it's juice and there's no way I'm spilling it on my waifu
five months until season 2
>How do I open an .ass
calm down there lil' slugger
In VLC, you can open the .ass file from the Subtitle menu, after you open the video file. Other players should have similar functionality.
You can also rename the subs file and the video file to have the same filename (asdf.mkv and asdf.ass), and the player should open the subtitles automatically when you open the video file.
Your helpful reply makes me feel bad about my ass joke falling flat now
Shh...Umaru is sleeping