LOL: MSM now opposing anchor babies, but only the russian ones

I find this hillariously ironic. they whine all day about how evil trump is for not letting in the immigrants, but give them white skin and suddenly there's a problem.

what the actual fuck is wrong with the media?

Other urls found in this thread:

i mean there's a big difference between buying a fucking plane ticket and just facing your vag slightly more to the left when plopping out a kid

leftist hypocrisy is none of my business really
*sips tea*

This. If you have the forethought to do this, you deserve to be (white) here.

lol they didnt come here illegally spic.

Damn, is no hacking enough for those chaotic evil Russians?

That's a diet coke I'm sure leaf friend.


Please link the tweet or associated news URL in your post next time OP:
I don't blame them, like I don't blame South Americans and Mexicans for escaping poverty and gangs/cartels either. Doesn't mean I support our current border and legal immigration system either.

One thing that depressed me though is the apparent renewed anti-Russian sentiment among "Resistance" groups after 2016. This is how military actions of choice keep happening.


>the rights to live
Oh God I hope so

>what is white genoicide

haha its not like there are tons of posts on the internet where womans admit and brag about doing it kek
>maybe americans are doing something right with their country when people get out of their country just to make their babies live on us.

It's a trick. They want to later run a piece saying that republicans don't care about white russians coming in and getting green cards. Republicans only want to keep out brown people, etc.
Either that, or some politician asked someone at NBC to write this shit so they can then quote it and use it against trump and/or republicans at a later date, possibly soon.

Russians are literally hacking our immigration laws, wtf Trump?

honestly we should be firing up twitter and trying to convince leftists to support an end to anchor babies to stop muh russians

at least they're doing it legally, doing it illegally is the fucking problem people have with it

its trumps fault he should have created an wall in the pacific ocean too!
also they are using planes to cross our horizontal water walls!!!

Chinese have been doing this shit for a while and MSM doesn't care


Oddly enough, if you spend $80000 to have your kid born in the US for citizenship, chances are that baby will be quite an achiever and the tiger mom wil make it into a success.


It's been reported on in previous years.

La Times:

Can Russians come fast enough to outpace the Mexicans, please?

They want us to get rid of birthright citizenship so our grandchildren will be non citizens.

They do that then maybe we can get the Starship Troopers thing instituted: service guarantees citizenship.

What are you talking about? No one is suggesting that if a parent is a US citizen that the child will not automatically also be a US citizen. We need to stop the practice of granting citizenship to the children of non citizens just because the child was born on US soil.

So the Republicans should call their bluff and end birthright citizenship. Wouldn't want Russians interfering into the election in 18 years.

>the russian ones
It's not like they're white or anything.

Good topic for FAKE NEWS AWARDS. Chinese "fertility clinics" ignored.

Why do "they" hate Russia and Russians, specifically? Can't grok this supposed resentment

No one is suggesting it yet.

If they get rid of BRcitizenship it'll be replaced with something else, a test at 18 or mandatory military service. Who knows what's planned.
For 20 years this wasn't a problem to worry about or it was too big to fix. Now suddenly it needs to be adressed and the only guarantee is it will be bad for white american goyim.

>implying america will exist in 2 generations.

I wonder too. russia really isn't doing anything.

Your wish has been heard by Kek.
Your wish will be granted by Kek.

Alpha and Omega


Because Hillary lost, that is the only reason for the hate boner, they are even more fucking paranoid now than the GOP ever was.

Slavs are the true Aryans the merchants fear. Yaroslavl is Jerusalem, Kremlin is the third temple.

I'm Russian, people say cyka blyat, ask about my track suit, tell me to go eat borscht and drink vodka, ask me about my funny hat, and if I can order a bride online, I usually go along with the jokes. But if I joke about non whites, I get called racist. Why is okay to be prejudiced against Russians now a days? I'm sure some of it is leftover cold war propaganda, but we're supposed to be friends? Or can we only be friends when Russians are sucking Western dick like during the Yeltsin years.

t. Right wing Russian immigrant

Honestly this. No matter if things get better or worse there's going to be an explosion.

Leftists are evil retarded children and after their parents (the media) let them know that muh Russia is the most evil force on earth due to them not openly supporting faggotry and of course the last minute election excuse narrative. They have turned their hatred towards you slavs. We really need a second civil war

You will probably need to go full rwds or continually cede land. I only hope you disable your nukes or move them to europe/aus before the state collapses.

spics gtfo
slavs gtfo

>it's no longer okay when white people do it

Because if the white superpower of Russia was taken down there would be less goyim to compete with.
>continually cede land
da fukk? I doubt were going to pull a South Africa like they did with the niggers and they wouldn't be going anywhere else on the planet unless Europe gets unpozzed from the muzzies and Australia well... we don't trust you with them either.

Children should get the citizenship status of their parents.

>Not being born at sea and registering different identities at different countries.

Stop whinging everyone but me gotta learn

You are already moving out of city centers in favour of moving into white suburbs. Whites are moving from cali to Texas if not to get away from the spics then they move to get away from the policies implemented by highly ethnic electorates. I see no reason to believe that you will stop just moving away as the non white population increases as your are fundamentally egalitarian liberals. As for the actual nukes please just remove them as i don't want a bunch of subhumans in control of 5000-7000 nukes and super-carrier fleets

But Putinbots said Russia was superior.

I'm actually completely okay and I want more russian women flocking to america and popping out children. Fuck all the low IQ south American scum coming over here, pls Europeans recolonize america with your children.

no shame

Because Russians go against that Jewish vision of a low-IQ western world.