Nobody needs to tell African-Americans in this country that the old new deal from the Democratic Party isn’t working for them. In election after election, Democratic party leaders take African-American voters for granted and year after year the condition of Black America gets worse. The conditions in our inner cities today are unacceptable. Too many AfricanAmericans have been left behind. African-Americans need a new deal from their next president. Donald Trump is proposing just that. The following are ten promises announced by Donald Trump that will define a new deal for Black America:
>Great Education Through School Choice >Safe Communities >Equal Justice Under The Law >Tax Reforms To Create Jobs And Lift Up People And Communities >Financial Reforms To Expand Credit To Support New Job Creation >Trade That Works For American Workers >Protection From Illegal Immigration >New Infrastructure Investment >Protect The African-American Church >America First Foreign Policy
The guy shilling against Tucker is now using a memeflag. Mock him.
Kayden Lewis
What ever happened to the congressional sex scandal that was supposed to blow open?
Daniel Bell
Has trump started the fire?
Easton Ramirez
How do I achieve this facial shape and hue?
Gabriel Williams
Levi Gonzalez
Apparently some retards thought this was a real picture and sent in complaints to Spielberg
Alexander Hughes
James Reed
Cuckboy from Oregon
Connor Morales
>Fake News Awards: 2 Days >State of the Union Address: 13 Days >DACA Expires: 49 Days >Mid-term Elections: 295 Days
Xavier Lee
as the poster I cant see it!!! lemme see lemme see
William Smith
Occasionally the server has a fit and your picture gets mixed up with someone else's.
Nathaniel Barnes
it would be very painful for you.
Angel Rogers
>Tom's of Maine
ive been in the natural toothpaste scene a long time and toms of maine is one of the shittier ones and they have no integrity they sell fluoride toothpaste right along side it and the fluoride free one still has chemicals
my toothpaste is way danker and its like 8$ a tube im on top of that toothpaste game dawg
Eli Barnes
Luke Allen
yeah I know, if the time of post is close enough linux thinks its at the same time, and the system is fucked
Lucas Cook
Can you unreport a post? I only looked at the thumbnail.
Michael Bailey
Hudson Gonzalez
Joe is Joe has spoken, the rules of the deal have been broken. Do you feel in charge?
Zachary Perez
Gimme your worst Awoo
Eli Hill
It was a nigger
Kayden Moore
DACA could end up being killed sooner. The 9th Circuit might get it killed by SCOTUS.
Jacob Cook
Uh, you don't get to bring friends.
Blake Hernandez
I use this and don't care what people say. It's by far the best I've ever used.
Parker Harris
Nathan Gray
Seriously guise, wut do? All these ugly roasties being posted has boosted my self confidence- A: cast a wide net, fuck wut i can while i continue to better myself B: just wait til i have a 6pack
Wyatt Gutierrez
Jaxson Martin
what kind of evil majik hacking is this???
Jacob Davis
>2018 >not having a high fade and coifing your hair lightly to the side and up
Easton Smith
John Ramirez
All Awoos are great.
Carson Green
I'll take 'shit they make up' for 500 Alexa.
Robert Ward
YOUGOV: >our poll suggests that if the election were held today he would lose by a 47-43 margin among those who would vote. We also ran trial heats with Bernie Sanders vs. Trump (Sanders does a point better than Winfrey, leading 48-43) and Kirsten Gillibrand vs. Trump (who trails Trump 41-43, though that’s mostly because more people don’t know who she is)
Henry Price
Caleb Powell
Xavier Lee
Fug I'm retarded
Blake Taylor
Well what do you use?
Evan Gonzalez
Can confirm this is the generic go to haircut these days
Jaxon Barnes
user got BLACKED
Josiah Flores
>Trump should work with democrats >No Amnesty Don, no deal
Independent Joe is the only hope for the party of Lincoln
Ryder Morris
deleted it myself bros, that was funny tho
Chase Myers
over 90000 seconds in mspaint
Grayson Brooks
Access was traded to drop it, of course. All the social media personalities are for sale. I bet you could get any one of those neets on twitter to tweet something ridiculous for less than $500. How much would it take to get Cernovich to stop tweeting about the congressional sexual harassment stuff? $1000? An invite to a party? Cheap
Lucas Reed
Joe's a faggot. Lori needs justice.
Jayden Rogers
Evan Wright
He was fired for being an incompetent deepstate faggot
Nathaniel Mitchell
Grayson Cox
I wonder how many times she's dragged him to safety?
Adrian Scott
>doing damage control for the one person you couldn't get to win even with your (((adjustments)))
Colton Powell
Isnt this one of those guys that actually openly supports the islamic caliphate?
Jason Murphy
Do you think he's mad that he gets such a small response when he tweets? I'll bet he gets mad.
Asher Morales
It's the ugliest one I've got.
Isaac Thompson
>The thumbnails >The screenshot Holy shit that was a funny post.
Asher Walker
>i saved that gif 2018 is ok
Ethan Kelly
He's up for reelection this year, but given that it's the Portland area he'll either remain or a bigger cuck will take his place.
Lincoln Sanders
>my ass hurts! >NAP violated >NAP VIOLATEDDD!
Ryder Cooper
the fact that my post had nothing to do with the thumbnail made it way fucking funnier
Cooper Nguyen
dude could decapitate her just by swinging his dick at her face
Adrian Thomas
Can also confirm that once I did a cut similar but a lot cleaner than that I started to get compliments on my hair for the first time in my 26 years on this planet Worth it imo
Ryan Hall
Hans, has the jaguar blood gotten to you?
Thomas Martin
Rand defending Trump yesterday was great
Angel Howard
Nice user
James Garcia
These kinds of polls are so retarded. Oprah doesn't even have a policy platform. Anyone who said they would vote for her is just to spite Trump. Liberals are the worse kind of voter.
Jacob Wood
>fluoride >crest
oh shit nigger youre serious dot com thats like goyim tier fuck my shit up walmart give me the fluoride with extra fluoride and dont give me the other option either dot com
load me up with aspartame and tap water too
desert essence
Noah Harris
that is one ugly skank
Jacob Anderson
Henry Price
The last time they let a woman be a cop she nearly started a race war.
Jordan Lopez
>why don't we encourage more Indian immigration -Tucker tonight >talent! merit! -Trump and hardliners >not a peep about H1B scam Are you guys this fucking gullible? They've flooded the nation with 40 million Third World trash to sink low and middle class wages, now they're gearing up to flood the border with foreign tech, doctors, nurses to sink white and pink collar wages. And they're setting you dumb fucking rubes up to CELEBRATE it! "Yeah, it's gonna be about merit & talent now!"
Michael Davis
That name looks like it came from the Jewish name generator that floats around here.
Hudson Gomez
Trump drinks diet coke, if it was that bad, you'd think being a billionaire who was friends with democrats, he would know it and avoid it
Juan Morris
>schizophrenic avatarfag >dank toothpaste scene I honestly can't tell if this is a performance piece
Aiden Garcia
>takei not petting a dog giving a monkey a haircut tweeting a pic of 2 scoops You had one job user
Christian Sullivan
Tyler Morgan
Nathaniel Davis
so are you tweeters not shoving the "amnesty don" video down his throat?
Isaac Cox
Can someone explain why AWOO has a chest floof? Like what does it do? Is it just a part of her clothing?
Wyatt Garcia
>156869554 That avatarfagging user is literally schizo and it's best if you just report him and avoid entertaining his delusions
Juan Morales
>posting this on an fbi honeypot
Jonathan Howard
Now he's spamming. Welp we got another happening.
Isaac Torres
>can't even spell tomorrow What a fag
Anthony Young
Part of her shirt. Like a cotton ball sort of thing.
Alexander Foster
Just apart of her clothes.
Julian Hughes
Ryder Murphy
The mods really do have to put up with a lot of shit.