I am glad to be called an opponent to MLK
Hahaha butthurt niggers.
Malcolm X: Black Democrats are 'chumps'
b8, but youtube.com
mlk was a manlet
Kind of racist of that white liberal to draw that considering blood relatives of MLK support and love trump, enough that they speak at his rallies.
>builds wall to keep mexicans out
>somehow means he hates blacks too
>Doesn't realize MLK's family voted for Trump
Niggers not knowing how twitter works lol
What a surprise, a liberal wanting to censor someone.
Oh fuck, how can Trump tweet with his mouth covered?
>I guess I'm a communist nigger now.
>Judge people by the content of character, not just color of skin
Sounds like MLK and Trump would get on fine. Liberals would hate him though.
Dr. Kang is about to rob that poor president of his phone.
His fingers are still tweeting.
>nigger communist censors white man
Fellow black people, make sure you honor MLK with your actions everyday. Show the world that we really are all equals and want to live in peace and love ....... or something.
>canadian flag is somehow much better
> (OP)
>Malcolm X: Black Democrats are 'chumps'
Ur raid isn't working fag
>Don't you dare touch MLK!
>goes on to bitch about how hundreds of statues of men thousands of times more historically important than King Nigger should be torn down because he can't handle knowing slavery was ever a thing
If a nigger ever touched my lips like that I'd probably puke. Imagine where those black darkie hands have been.
MLK was a faggot who fucked hookers male and female on the reg. Disgusting.
>I don't know why they keep doubling down on this insipid shit
>"We're gonna make America great agai..."
>"Ayo, shu cho mout whyboi. Come n fug deez hoes dat tax paya got us"
Truly inspirational
you don't need your mouth for Twatter, you silly nigger