what is Portland like? would it be a good place to move to? what are the pros and cons of living in Portland?
What is Portland like? would it be a good place to move to? what are the pros and cons of living in Portland?
You tell me
Stupid hippies voted for Hillary
if you like hipsters and fart sniffing "im totally not racist you bigot" lefties one generation out of the woods then its for you, otherwise dont bother
Do you like hipsters? Because its like their headquarters.
Literal bum shit and needles on every street. It's disgusting.
don't. if you want to live in oregon there are plenty of better places to go.
We had this thread yesterday.
North Portland is where we cage the niggers so don't go up there. South Portland suburbs are whites only. West Portland is mexi town. East Portland is chink town. What else would you like to know?
The Winterhawks and Blazers are trash and the place is full of hippies, don't go.
Fuck off
Why are you asking this on fucking Sup Forums of all places? Portland fucking sucks. If you enjoy all of the things people hate on this board, go for it. As a leaf I think you'd probably like it, you can even join antifa!
Seriously though, a hand full of good breweries and restaurants, record stores and that's fucking it. It's a fucking shithole.
"At least we're not Spokane"!"
Fine, move to Portland.
Just stay the fuck out of the rest of the state
It would make a great NK first strike.
Portland is the one single worst part of oregon.
New San Francisco. Full of homeless faggots and trannies who thought they were moving to some kind of gay paradise.
You can live basically anywhere in Oregon besides Portland, Salem or Eugene and have a good time. Those cities are absolutely trash, and you'll find a very high percentage white population outside of them. I live in Tualatin, hardly any minorities besides the Mexicondos, and everyone avoids them. It's really quite a fantastic town. The benefits of living in Oregon are all here: lots of greenery, clean air and water, tons of people interested in outdoor activities, and a very small minority population.
Tigard here, remove mexicans!
Just hide the thread if you don't want to see it, lad.
stay the fuck out of portland unless you are prepared to cleanse it
Lake oswego white devil reporting in!
This is actually true. My ex moved to OR specifically because they had lax homeless laws.
Watch Portlandia to prepare youtu.be
tfw Oregon is going down the drain
i grew up here lads i dont want to leave
It is cancer
Everything on the 5 is
The rest is nice though
Unless your Natsoc fuck off were full
Reasonably affordable
Lots of beer
Hour's drive from the ocean, mountain or dessert.
Rising cost of living.
Stop making this thread...find another place to move...we are chalk full of degenerates already
I live here. It's okay. I want to get out honestly but I'm not quite sure where to go. The scenery is nice but the same can be said for pretty much any location in the Northwest. The city itself is expensive and rather poorly run, there's a lot of homeless camps and graffiti. Don't expect to find an apartment for under 1k per month because you won't find one. You're probably better off living in one of the suburbs if you want to live around Portland, the city itself I don't recommend. I lived in Gresham for a while and I enjoyed it there. Also, like most liberal cities Portland has a lot of really stupid rules. Like there's some kind of law against plastic bags, so you will get paper bags at every convenience and grocery store you go to. Also they make you pay $70 every year for some kind of 'arts tax', I still have no idea what the fuck that's funding, probably goes to some cunt dragging a mattress around.
Portland YES
>Reasonably affordable
Jesus Christ, are you from California or something?
> tfw I live in Eugene
> Just lost my job
Eugene sucks. I wanted to save up and maybe move out of town before the summertime hit and the homeless trash all migrated back here from down south, but it looks like that's not going to happen now.
Stay out you fucking asshole my rent is high enough as it is.
Fuck you and die
Was just downtown at Ground Kontrol last Saturday night. Nice to see all the homeless wandering around bugging everyone for money.
Oregon is full, FUCK OFF.
Homeless people should be rounded up and gassed
I fucking hate the homeless out here, they're complete fucking assholes. Some hippie jackoff with white guy dreadlocks was standing around arguing with me because he asked me for a dollar while I was waiting for my lunch at some fucking kebab stand and I wouldn't give him one.
>no apts under 1k
not even out in Beaverton anymore?
most bleached black guy I have ever met was from lake oswego. I think he was fairly redpilled as well, come to think of it. Dude literally saved my life (thanks bobby).
Portland is a great place to visit for lunch, but a terrible place to live. There are thousands of homeless people all over the place, living in tents and under tarps, in broken down rvs, underneath the bridges. They steal anything that isn't nailed down, and even then they will often carry bolt cutters and pry bars. They will walk straight in to peoples' homes in broad daylight if they are not locked, this actually happened up the street from where I lived.
The city charges a mandatory, yet voluntary, $35 annual "Arts Tax" which goes to (((NGOs))) and allegedly to help pay for teachers.
There are trannies, problem glasses, flagrant faggots, and soyboys literally everywhere.
The government couldn't remove half an inch of snow from the roads one day in 2016. It froze over night and crippled the city for 4-5 straight days. They also enabled the open camping of the homeless, and purged the Portland PD's Gang Taskforce because "there aren't enough white people on the list." Violent crime spiked the following weekend.
Portland should be quarantined and glassed immediately.
They go through my dumpster in the middle of the night all the time and leave trash everywhere. I caught one trying to take a shit next to my neighbor's parked car last year and beat the hell out of him. Kicked the shit out of two others who were trying to sleep in my apartment's laundry room.
They're literally worse than animals.
>no apts under 1k
>not even out in Beaverton anymore?
not really, decent apartments start at around $1200 for a 1br and go up from there
Everyone is uniquely the same
>being a sodomite
Hell is for ever!
areas like Tanasbourne and Orenco are around $1400+
>purged the Portland PD's Gang Taskforce because "there aren't enough white people on the list."
This. I lived in Beaverton for a bit. I heard about this sex club by voodoo donuts in Portland down from Powells books (great place). I asked this random girl if she wanted to go fuck in front of a bunch of strangers. Ended up fifteen minutes later with two girls I just met fucking and sucking me off in front of a bunch of strangers. Made some friends who were basically little gangster wannabes. Lots of homeless; lots of fucked up degeneracy; plenty of drugs; plenty of self important political activism and nihilism and fart huffing by a bunch of leftys. I don't want to go back. Threesomes are cool when you're twenty one.
>inb4 those girls were whores who fucked a bunch of dudes before
Ya I am sure of it. Still enjoyed the experience.
Seattle here, we are degenerate but Portland is far worse.
>the same
Are most faggots this incoherent?
Here in Hawaii the homeless problem is insane. We have thousands densely packed under bridges and highways and in empty lots throughout Honolulu. No one has a clue how to handle it.
It is a SUPER liberal city, hippy land.
Extremely left-wing.
Tons of homeless.
Not a huge city.
I always enjoy trips there, especially the food and drink. Seems comfy.
Did I mention the homeless? There are two unofficial currencies in Portland: bike parts and redeemable bottles/cans.
One day, the government of Oregon in all of its wisdom decided to double the deposit on all redeemable cans and bottles. The day that it went in to effect was a bonanza for the city's homeless. Over night one of their currencies literally doubled in value.
As many of you can already infer, this had a real effect on the streets of Portland. A finite resource doubled in value, while the supply actually decreased as more locals began returning their empties to get the deposits back.
This led to an increase in violence. I saw homeless people fighting over recycling bins in broad daylight. I had a job at the time which took me all over SE, NE, NW, all the way down to Lake Oswego and even out to Beaverton. I witnessed the homeless begin to spread into newer territories in search of more and MORE cans. It was like a fucking zombie movie.
Then the fucking Chinks got involved. It became a regular sight on recycling days to see a Chinaman driving up and down the street, peeking into recycling bins to scout for empty cans. It was not uncommon for me to witness 2, sometimes even 3 different cars drive up and down my street in this manner on recycling day.
checkem portland faggots
I was on vacation there last spring. some bums had built a fucking shelter under a highway overpass using tarps and blankets and shit. Hawaii seriously needs its DOTR. Other than that, gorgeous place to live m8. Pretty jealous
What a most bestes reason to have it again today!
>I heard about this sex club by voodoo donuts in Portland down from Powells books (great place).
The last time I went to Voodoo donuts down near the Mission, a 12-14 year old pregnant white girl, chain smoking cigarettes, was hitting people up for change. I never went back to that neighborhood again.
Uhh, deport them? Can't just let them stay. Send them somewhere else or start killing them off.
son why the fuck would you ever want to move to portland. I watched a bunch of homeless kids throw chains at a trash bin for like 45 minutes, presumably to practice aim for the next antifa fag fest. you are either rich or homeless, but always addicted to heroin in portland
Cons: It's portland
Pros: It might suffer significant damage with a big enough california earthquake.
Spokane would fuck you up and you know it.
How disgusting.
Born and raised in Portland. Recently moved down to Southern Oregon. Much better. If you don't need to be in the city to work, move out to the country. Oregon is a great place for it. Relatively mild climate, no natural disasters, great natural beauty and resources, sparsely populated, mostly white, etc. You don't want to be in Portland when shit goes down.
The last time I was in Portland I saw a dirty homeless barefoot white girl with dreadlocks and a toddler down by the river. Just a typical mother living on the streets with her child. She was probably on all kinds of drugs. I feel so bad for the kid, but it didn't look like any cops or anyone was going to question her at all. They love "freedom" so much that it's ok to put children in danger.
You don't want to be anywhere within a five day walk of Portland when shit goes down.
Well good riddance user. Don't need that attitude dragging you down.
This. The best place to be in Oregon is on the eastern side of the Cascades. When shit hits the fan the Tri-Met will stop running and the zombie horde will never motivate itself to hike up and over any of the passes.
I agree. And I'm not. 20 miles from the closest city.
This is now a slide thread topic
I had to move away because of a lack of decent jobs. To be honest, California is worse politicaly. Portland compared to most of california is downright apolitical, and outside of very select circles it doesn't have the same type of political correcness that everyone seems to have. It is very polarized between far right and old school leftists, but there are more leftists so it seems like everyone is progressive. Meanwhile in California, even the conservatives I have met have adopted a lot of progressive stances, and the political atmosphere is crushing.
(only bringing up California as it is also westcoast, also solidly blue, and Oregon is often portrayed as a concentrated version of California.)
This country was wasted fucking potential. God damn.
Stay the fuck out Cali fags
It's like Seattle and San Francisco's retarded gay black son.
Fucking THIS
I literally lived on the last exit off of 84 E, the far end of Gresham, and they jacked my rent up to about 1100 from 765 last year. I hadn't even been paying attention to rents in the area, I'd had the same apartment for about 3 years, I pretty much had to get on Craigslist and just rent the first room I could find. It's getting completely insane out here. I think I've seen some studios and 1 bedrooms going for around 800-900 if you want to live in Rockwood with all the meth heads, but that's literally as cheap as you're going to get anywhere around Portland.
>redeemable bottles/cans
Fuck, the homeless and their can collections too. They're nuts about that stuff. The Rite Aid I worked at had some kind of recycling program so we would buy cans and bottles from homeless people, only thing is they have to sort them properly. Of course none of them can even be fucked to do that much work, so they always bitch about it. I had some woman actually CALL THE STORE to complain because we wouldn't take the bag full of unsorted garbage her junkie husband brought in. Literally called the store and told me we were all "horrible people" because her kid was starving and we wouldn't sort her garbage for her.
Jesus Christ this thread is depressing me, I need to move.
wow lotsa pdxfags in here.
we could have swung this bitch red in 2016 if youd gotten off your asses!
fuck you nigger I voted
Whitest big city in the US.
Probably the second largest concentration of communists outside of Brooklyn.
I voted for Trump
It looks good at night cause you can't see all the homeless niggers
I'm here because of that cunt, my leaf fren.
Happy to serve
but you can still smell the shit, piss, and cigarette smoke
It's the most SJW city in America simply because out of all the large liberal cities, its the whitest.
Naturally the ability to organize and actually get shit done is much higher.
Not if you can't smell lmao. Regardless, its a fine city.
only move to portland if you're white and hate people that aren't. No one wants to admit it, but portland is 40-60% natsoc.
>on the 5
califag detected, remove yourself
>white as fuck
>public transport is amazing
>city thrives off of its banks who wont let it go to shit because of this
>good food
>the homeless are harmless, more addicted to psychedelics than anything so theyll just mumble about spiritual hippie stuff
>good social programs
>scenery surrounding and outside of the city is beautiful
>oregonians in general are nice people
>liberals everywhere
>homeless everywhere in the city proper
>the liberals are kind of insufferable
>stoners everywhere
>califags have been slowly moving here in droves
>it gets more expensive the closer you live to the city of portland
the one thing i seriously miss after moving from portland is how white it is
jesus christ i wish the rest of the country was atleast as white as oregon
I have refused to pay the "arts tax" every year, they can suck my dick. The school nearest me hasn't seen a penny of that money since they started attempting to collect it, so until they, they can fuck right off.
I voted. I made sure to go down to the elections office on Belmont to do it too. I wanted those fags to witness me.
Your idea of portland is about 6-10 years old. You've got no idea how bad it has become.
Have you seen portlandia, a show on Netflix, it perfectly describes how Portland is, well not really, it's a lot more liberal than that.
its gay i moved from the richest areas because the whole atmosphere of going downtown was disgusting, i literally felt like i was in an alex jones nightmare.
>mfw i moved to spokane
but portland is still worse, the bums and "streetkids" are everywhere using outdoor plugs to charge phones and shit. anywhere with an outlet becomes a camp and when it rains it smells like piss. there are tons of hot chicks there though and rent is high so they put out for money and thats how gdp works :)
nice digits fellow seattle user.