Does anyone else suspect the rampant hate for white women on here might be a Jewish psyop?
Yes, they are obviously out of fucking control today but I rarely see coal burning or a lot of the other crazy shit irl.
Most of them are normal if not somewhat vapid.
I've even seen (((posters))) here saying to post more interracial shit in order to piss off white women.
Does anyone else suspect the rampant hate for white women on here might be a Jewish psyop?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nah, most of bitter MGTOW-anons would be cured of theirr hate if they even got a date with a white qt. They direct their hatred to their own women because they are what they're seeing the most and make up exotic fantasies of other races, because they can't find proper escapism in dreams about a white wife.
"Heheheh, yes goyim! Hate white women and breed with slanty eyed gooks."
Yes yes goyim. Calling out whores of your race for degeneracy is a (((psy-op))).
When you put it like that then people will think you're just a jealous woman. Skip the Asian part and you won't look like a crazy old fat cat lady
I'm not Jewish. And I don't hate white women.
I'm just done with them.
MGTOW is Jewish bullshit as well. A few crybabies that got screwed and try to make themselves feel better by saying it's all women. Also the name sounds vaguely gay.
The worst I saw was the white sharia meme.
>Nah, most of bitter MGTOW-anons
Never went MGTOW. Was full Chad game, and realized it wasn't for me. Saw a better life, and went for it.
Fair enough, but working in retail I see pic related waaayyyy too often and it's disgusting. Their little half-rice babies running around and the white guy is ALWAYS a fucking skinnyfat no-jawline pussy.
Can't stand this shit. White men are too pussy to tame and dominate an aryan woman so they seek some complacent rice nigger.
shhh goyim
your own women are your enemy
never reproduce
I've been seeing Asian women being used to spite white women a whole lot recently. It's always this one Amerimutt posting the same images and this BLM flag poster.
"Breed with me white man heheheh"
It’s shills being paid to disillusion white people
Most white women are not attracted to darkies. Even the rabid liberal women I know that promote this shit themselves only date white men. They’ll always make the excuse ‘not that there’s anything wrong with it, i just have a specific type I’m attracted too’
Just ignores those threads, it’s all bs.
"Do I look like one of your anime characters now, white man?"
I've known like 2-3 girls tops irl that dated black guys or were interested.
"I'm submissive and have a high IQ. Isn't that enough white man? Teehee."
Why do you think there's also been an uptick in blacked threads?
Your average Sup Forumsack doesn't even have a real life. That is a large part of the issue as well.
"My father is out back preparing our bbq. Want to watch? It's a family tradition."
Oh I'd love to have a white woman have my children. Tell me, how do we convince white women to be loving stable mothers?
Not really. I hate to be the guy to point it out but white women have really become antithetical to white identity.
>Extremely toxic to their own race
>Will putz shame you every time you mention your race in a positive light
>Can't even take a joke about a nigger that a black person would laugh at
By all means, go outside of your basement and see for yourself. Talk to as many white women as you want but my advice is to get to know them before you assume they are the right "aryan waifu". You'll go through 10 before you meet one that is even tolerant of your opinions.
"The dog meme is so offensive, Asian people love animals and are kind and respectful."
>Does anyone else suspect the rampant hate for white women on here might be a Jewish psyop?
Maybe. Or contrarian pendulum swinging. Sup Forums ironically makes fun of and ridicules white people more than anyone. Hmmm..... Really memes my meme!
>Yes yes goyim, all white women are nigger loving whores! Don't reproduce with them.
See what I did there? The Happy Merchant Meme is a formula. Insert [WHAT I DONT WANT SOMEONE ELSE TO LIKE] and pretend ((((((((((((((((((((they))))))))))))))))))) want you to like it. You can apply this to anything.
Having a fucking look at this shit.
Keep in mind the half breed Anglin is considered one of the foremost voices in the movement.
I know the cure for yellow fever, you have to let them play it all out. Fuck a Asians and get tired of them. Let them play out their obsession.
t. former yellow fever pro
>Extremely toxic to their own race
>Will putz shame you every time you mention your race in a positive light
>Can't even take a joke about a nigger that a black person would laugh at
[citation needed]
This is exactly what I'm fucking talking about
Damn finns always know whats up. White girls interracial date significantly lower then other races and yes they shouldn't be at all but, thats from broken homes and jew media.
Black girls would be the biggest racemixers if they weren't so ugly with no effort but, latinas by far racemix like no other and are the mudsharks with no push whatsoever.
Oh, of course it's a psyop. Women these days have been fucked up, but so have many male soyboys. Our best shot is trying to recover the poor souls fucked up by (((them))). The constant threads really hammer down the point, putting the whole blame for (((their manipulations)))) on women, making them seem worse than they actually are (statistically speaking), thus contributing to less white families, isolation of the individual and hence more dependency of the state, and classic d&c so we fight among ourselves instead of forming a united front against (((their tactics))).
This is bullshit though. You have to measure from your own experiences. Most people I know are race mixing.
She is far uglier than the average white girl. Saged
mainly beta male sexists doing what they do best, put their own personal failings onto women.
You dominate them. When I met my girlfriend she was a normie but within 6 months she was woke to the JQ, holohoax, and race problem. We now ID jews in real life when we see them and she complains about them on the phone to me. She was kind of weirded out when I first mentioned the holohoax but after I just stood my ground and asked her if she could even imagine how large a group of 6 million people is and how much energy time and resources it would take to kill and cremate them, she started thinking and said "ok well maybe." Within a few days she was redpilled.
You just have to be a strong and confident man. Just say "Fuck it I am right and that's that." Women LOVE being dominated, my girlfriend constantly tells me how grateful she is to "have a strong masculine man dominate her etc etc" I'm not making this up, it's real and you can have this too.
Look for virtuous women. Target women who wear long dresses, show no cleavage, have long hair, etc.
Hit the gym, get your biceps big, and go hit that shit boys.
It's both actually, but nobody notices the shill part. There is a sizable portion of men who are understandably bothered by the state of modern women, myself included. The result is MGTOW but the failure to realize that in order to further the race and probably be happy we need to settle with something. There are definitely nonshit women out there but in modern society it's getting rough.
The shills latch onto this shit though and spew it and push for it. Those constant anti Lauren Southern threads etc. are that kind of thing, but again there is a base that just dislikes her though in that case it's mainly shills. Even if we like 50% of her and her ideals then we should still let her redpill-lite people to prep them for the deeper plunge. She's like a diet redpill; it really isn't good for you nor does it help you lose weight, but you still get to drink coke. Kinda typical of women.
Maybe but it doesn't matter. The prize is getting a good portion of white women to be degenerate. People here don't matter as much. The only concern with this site is honeypot to put us on lists and to prevent campaigns similar to IOTBW, otherwise this place isn't important imo.
This picture makes me so sad.
That has to of been a single mother, went on disability as soon as she could and budgeted that meager amount of money to raise that... male. No discipline for its entire life, and passed that onto its.. child. Years of having no limits, most time probably spent online with cheap free entertainment like torrenting anime and probably a part time job pretending to be normal and saving up to take a vacation to a local anime or comicon. Now this is where the sadness begins because I cannot decide which fate happened.
Scenario 1: The child told its mother that it was going to a con, and mother guilt tripped child into going.
Scenario 2: The child invited said mother, not out of respect but fear of being alone.
Typing this out was semi therapeutic however.
Never met a white girl like you described. They just stay silent when i randomly talk shit about niggers. Maybe youre a bitch?
>What is le 56%
The problem isn't just that they go for darkies. The problem is that they'd rather be cat moms after they get done riding dick.
Now I'm not going to lie, the fact that White birthrates are as high as they are right now is encouraging.
But to act like White women are your wheat field delusion is ridiculous. Sup Forums is insane in the way it views white women and that is starting to come back on your ass. It is some of the most pathetic white knighting I've ever seen.
White women aren't the enemy. But they sure as hell aren't working right now.
Of course it’s a jewish psyop. MGTOW is just a jewish-created meme to convince loners to stay lonely and thus never procreate. These kikes use the same fucking tricks and schemes all the time.
If you talk shit about white women, you talk shit about your mother and sisters. Unless youre not white, then fuck you nigger, i will personally kill as many as i can before i croak when SHTF
Is that a dude? Fuck it looked female to me. Gotta delete.
White women are trash unless they are on our side. By 'our side' I mean making white babies with white men by their side. The problem we have with them is very much about their lack of interest in the above.
I am sorry I don't have a peer reviewed study for you, you autistic virgin. I can only give you my anecdotes of dealing with white women and most of the memes are true.
I'll ask you for proof to prove the contrary.
>that flag
Of course they are
>>What is le 56%
You know the 56% number comes from minorities coming here and breeding right? It's not white Americans racemixing like the retarded muttposters try to make you think.
>White women aren't the enemy. But they sure as hell aren't working right now.
There is no other option, if they don't work then we make them work.
We do not accept race mixing on Sup Forums. God hates racemixers, I hate racemixers, and most of the world hates racemixing.
Fuck off race mixer shill.
Never met them, so idc. You could be a nigger gasslighting for all i know
>You dominate them.
Oh it's so simple. So tell me, how do you dominate them while you're at work pushing pencils around to give your white children a happy stable childhood?
Remember, you have to be more scary and more dominate that the niggers, while you are at work... away from her... pushing pencils...
>When I met my girlfriend she was a normie but within 6 months
Who cares if you redpilled a girl?
>You just have to be a strong and confident man.
>Hit the gym, get your biceps big, and go hit that shit boys
Yeah, already did. I was pulling down about 12 a year. They're not worth it.
>Look for virtuous women. Target women who wear long dresses, show no cleavage, have long hair, etc.
I did. And they were Asian.
This, most of those posters are rejected men. People who say there are no good white women either live in an urban environment or don't have a clue.
Women will be whatever you want if they are attracted to you
>This op never even seen woman
Goddamn, an American Hero
Real shit, women are insane.
>There is no other option, if they don't work then we make them work.
How exactly?
>God hates racemixers
You worship a Jew on a stick.
come on man its pretty obvious this board is flooded by retarded spam lately. dont even try to look for confirmation here. even the post you made is retarded spam
No its not its from traveling and being heavily involved with the pua community from a young age before it got taken over by aspies and having a large diverse group of friends like ethiopians, various latinos and asians they got silently shunned by white girls all the time and stopped trying to pick them up all together. White men racemix far more then White girls but, thats more a biology of dominating another tribe. Okcupid and other datings websites had a large sample sizes proving White girls don't even respond non-whites.
Liberal area white girls straight up segregate themselves in non-white areas.
If you have dick, you know.
For your consideration: the legbeard. The singular creature lower than the neckbeard, both in quality of life and attractiveness. Larping as a successful white man who wants to shame other white men won't help you, because there are no successful white men who do that. You're a mad, ugly "white" girl.
As far as I know, it's the current white birthrates.
>talk shit about niggers
Woah, who the fuck said anything about talking shit? No wonder they stay silent, you are a gigantic dope if you aren't roleplaying.
Even a small joke is enough to send a white woman into a fury where they try to chastise you for being so insensitive to "the plight of other cultures".
This shit is real enough that even niggers are getting tired of it and telling white women to mind their own fucking business. You can stay delusional, I guess. It really is no skin off my back if you get stuck with a crypto SJW bitch who will grow to resent you for wanting what is best for your family and nation.
>Yeah, already did. I was pulling down about 12 a year. They're not worth it.
Fucking trashy sluts and having to settle down with a gook isn't what I meant and it doesn't make you alpha or dominant. It makes you a degenerate. Fucking 12 women a year, hope you used protection. Your cock is probably a microbiome by now.
>I did. And they were Asian.
Translation: White women could see through my thin facade and decided to settle for a real alpha aryan and not some degenerate race mixing manwhore.
My mothers and sisters are trash. Aren't yours? Didn't you realize that shortly after you got redpilled? Because I know I did.
Maybe the fact that white men go for spics or slopes has less to do with their actual interest in the various shitskined or slant eyed form of those women and more to do with the fact that white bitches are straight up fuckin trash, ever think about that?
A little bit organic reaction to feminism which is definitely a kike psyop. On MGTOW may be a psyop. Ultimately the Jew wants to destroy family values. The best thing you can do to combat international jewry is raise a good moral family.
>triggered gook fucker
>ugh, just because I've had 30+ cocks this year alone why does everyone hate me
Truth is the fate of the west is in the hands of white women. But they're #WithHer and the progressive agenda of destroying western civilization. Where are all of the white women who are not cucked faggots who hate white people and are not feminists who understand that they are supposed to be matriarchs of a strong family as a mother? They barely exist. Instead most women either want careers, to slut it u until they're 35+, to fuck chads in a train hoping at least one will put a ring on it, gender studies majors who actively want to dismantle all of the glue keeping the west together, or some other degenerate shit.
Where are the white women who stand up for family values and motherhood? They're the extreme minority.
i wish i had a weeb gf
Of course it's the fucking Jews. Or 90% the Jews (and their proxies) and 10% frustrated boys trying to be edgy.
>Fucking trashy sluts
Some were, some weren't. Some were professional women who seemed to have it together. Some weren't.
You think it's a little ironical how you're giving me the exact same line blue pill fucks give? "Oh she just has bad self esteem!"
> having to settle down with a gook isn't what I meant and it doesn't make you alpha or dominant. It makes you a degenerate.
Eh, it just makes me happy actually.
> Fucking 12 women a year, hope you used protection.
Yes mom, I did.
>Translation: White women could see through my thin facade
No, translation, I started to empathize with the men they were cheating on with me. Because I'd been there.
what about hapas. is racemixing with asian women really against Sup Forums
I unironically hate niggers and dream of a niggerfree world. Dont blame me for wanting humanity to progress.
Thats sad man, my mother is dumb and vapid like most women, but none of my sisters are that way (i know, because were pretty close). My father is a piece of shit though.
>not redpilling your family and awakening your loved ones to the grand jewish conspiracy
Hahaha I bet you haven't even talked to them about white genocide or the holocaust, jesus christ you are weak.
QFT. I ran through 8 women in the past 6 months, all white women want is a smash and grab, I don't even reply to texts any more. Best case is getting a Ukrainian bride who MIGHT not immediately disappear into some Russian ghetto upon hitting US soil. That, or find a decent nonwhite woman stateside. There are some.
You know that cherry rots, right? You better lose the weight and try going outside. You'll never find your traditional man, because they see through your flab to your bitter soul, then laugh at you with their asian gfs. Should kys, that will show them how much they've damaged you, and make them think about what could have been.
Nerdy white women (the few that exist) are the only bastion for the white man. Just existing as a white woman in today's society provides enough social validation to blossom into a low-tier Stacy. The ones that haven't been polluted by the hordes of shitskins trying to get into their pants are the ones that stay indoors and watch anime.
You can have an Asian girlfriend at the same time you have a white girl that you impregnate. It's your right as a white man.
True words. The dudes titties are always about the same size, too.
>Does anyone else suspect the rampant hate for white women on here might be a Jewish psyop?
Today OP wasn't a faggot.
but i can agree that settling down with a gook is pretty degenerate
Yeah. That really really apparent... :D
>No, translation, I started to empathize with the men they were cheating on with me. Because I'd been there.
Hoooo boy I didn't realize you were fucking married women. Wow how can you still type with such a self-righteous tone when you are literally a hellbound adulterer? Also you put your dick in a married-man's wife, your dick touched another man's dick juice and residue.
>Eh, it just makes me happy actually.
I guess happiness is your end goal in life, weakling. Honor, tradition, blood, soil, strength through struggle, these things don't matter.
All you need is happiness. I hope you have a LONG life my friend.
Are you sure about that?
Careful with the Eastern European bitches. I heard a story from a guy I worked with. He got tuk, I mean tee you kay that spells took and I'm not talking about hobbits. Fuckin robbed by the Russian mob like pure extortion for everything he had. Shit ain't no joke son. I'm starting to think that the only option is south African white bitches.
This ridiculous need for validation from a social groups reeks of rotten pussy, gtfo back to the kitchen you feckless whore
Not if you're a low T soyboy
Unless they've been running it since the 70s no.
Speaking in generalities, if you're here it's likely you're an outcast, if you're an outcast it's likely you don't socialize widely, if you don't socialize you don't meet women, if you don't meet women you don't get laid, if you don't get laid you miss out on a fundamental human experience of companionship.
I mean, you could make the argument that all this is the fault of the jews ipso facto their general kikery and cultural degradation of the western world, but this being a specific jewish trick? Occams Razor says no.
You lie.
>everyone who advocates against race mixing and degeneracy is a woman
Unironically consider suicide faggot. All race mixers will be held accountable.
No because I've been with women for more than 5 minutes.
Please racemix With atractive non-whites if you have to, stupid wigger
Dating has made me hate women more than anything else in my life.
I havent found a single woman in the last 8 years who wasn't a vapid whore. And the one chick who broke that streak was an ugly genius with a chip on her shoulder.
Only shitty women want to be around you, seriously. The good women know how to stay away from manwhores you stupid niggerfuck
>Hoooo boy I didn't realize you were fucking married women.
I didn't. At least I think I didn't.
Did I? No. I was about to, but then I didn't go through with it.
Newlywed too. I was stringing her along. But the truth is I didn't want to.
>Wow how can you still type with such a self-righteous tone when you are literally a hellbound adulterer?
You worship a Jew on a stick.
>I guess happiness is your end goal in life, weakling. Honor, tradition, blood, soil, strength through struggle, these things don't matter.
Oh they do. But not blowing my brains out matters to me too.
>All you need is happiness. I hope you have a LONG life my friend.
It's already going a lot better with her in it.
She's... exactly what I was looking for.
Oh look, more female brained arguments. Go ahead and quote the post where I said that. you couldn't, and can't, so you went ahead and lied, very typically female. I said YOU are a woman, and not just any woman, a WORTHLESS woman, who, despite her desperate clinging to a social clique (who doesn't care about her), you will give the world nothing. No children, nothing. And you argue for racial purity on an image board, like your amerimongrel genes won't pollute any pool with mcdonald's grease, kys legbeard
>"just be a man"
>"typical roastie response"
And then you object to actually being a man in the first place and you're no better than a female who refuses to be a lady.
every time I see this image, I think it's a real doll positioned like that. I can't tell what's real anymore.
Here in California we have a lot of coal burning. The meme is real in some places, mainly where there is a progressive and diverse culture. Naturally you wont see much coal burning in Minnesota or North Dakota because everybody is white here.
3/4 of white women here that i've seen out and about are in IR relationships, normally with blacks, arabs, or spics. you rarely see strong white men here
That's right, I almost fucked a girl with a fiancé too.
The idea that any government thinks Sup Forums is worthy of influence is pure delusion. People are just disagreeing with you. meme magic isn't real.
The reason why women act this way is because there is a surplus of soyboy faggots like OP who will not hold them accountable for anything ever.
They always have plan B. They always have cucks.