Just admit he does not care about black people


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I wish.

MAGA bros


He doesn't and whites shouldn't care either.

They owe us reparations

he doesn't and neither do i niggerlover

Why would he? What the fuck are they trying to imply, black people know best about shithole countries?


Just admit he does not care about black people

Only if you admit the demacrats want to keep blacks poor AND UNEMPLOYED so that they need the demacrats to get them gibs.

Cry moar nigger

Round 2 of media making up a completely fake quote and getting Sup Forums to validate it by defending it and spreading it everywhere because we're a bunch of autistic virtue signalling retards

Why don't Arabs pay reparations to white and blacks for the Barbary slave trade

i sincerely hope that he does not

Unfortunately he does care about black americans.

Democrats = catering the the lowest common denominator

Republicans = catering to the greatest common denominator

Whats good for the best is good for the filth also.

He probably doesn't deep down, but neither do I.


Oh yeah, nigger.

hes just like me

I hope Trump said this.
But I doubt he did.

He doesn't care about the left's definition of racism.

He also doesn't care about white lawmakers demands.

“He didn’t care about lawmakers demands”

Good who the fuck are they to be making demands of trump


i hope he doesn't give a shit about niggers

Let's just call it what it is. Trump is for white people and maintaining a white America, and the dems are for blacks, especially poor ones, and erasing the white majority. I honestly don't think you can refute this.

Interesting video about the downfall of Haiti, with clips from a speech by William Pierce:


>be richest island in the Caribbean, controlled by France
>French Revolution happens
>French libcucks let the niggers run free
>the niggers genocide all the white people, liberals included
>murdered whites in ways too gruesome to describe
>Haiti now belongs to niggers
>Haiti turns into a shithole
>US government makes 3 huge attempts to modernize Haiti
>Haiti is still a shithole

Really makes you think. Maybe niggers are naturally retarded.

Oh almost forgot. Dems are also for Muslims and coal burning, single, welfare moms.

Trump needs to figure out that abortion is nigger population control.

Congressional Black Caucus won’t even let republican blacks join. It’s a farce.

Neither do I.
All the Niggers can kill each other, starve, drown, or drop dead from AIDS for all I care.
Good riddance.

Nobody does. Not even black people.


Blacks are worse than worthless. They cost our country far more than they contribute. We would be better off without them. We tried and tried to get along with them, but as soon as they got a little power, they did nothing but try to fuck us over. It's time to stop trying to get along with the nigger and move on to getting rid of them. The sooner we do, the sooner we can stop wasting time, money, and energy on their idiotic bullshit.

Who the fuck does care about black people? Hillary certainly doesn't either. Stop pretending it's some kind of character flaw.

t. physically threatened by a nigger unprovoked literally today

Black's don't even care about blacks lol they only give a shit when it suits them either monetarily or politically.

Nigger, black people don't even care about themselves, why expect anyone else to?


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

do you thinks blacks would take a lump sum in exchange for them or their descendants never getting any kind of welfare ever again?

Give them a lump sum of $5000 to get sterilized and they won't have any descendants.

Without a fucking doubt.

Back then everyone was like "whoa wtf" now they would be like "YASS DAS RITE"

Neither do I. Fuck niggers.

He only cares about jews

top lel OP go catch AIDS. neck yourself nigger faggots fuck all you faggots.
>muh waycism omg muh rsacist drumpfys racist
you're all like 2 year old nigger children who need to be beat to a pulp

Trump needs to talk to some of the uppity niggers to work out a black ethnostate deal and get them the fuck out of our country.

>Trump is for white people and maintaining a white America,
Just long enough for the jews to drain our bank accounts again

perhapss we can push "reparations" of say, 10,000 each in exchange for sterilisation and never getting welfare?

It would be the best investment America ever made.

This I'm sure is a great example of how shameless the media is. What probably happened is a couple of black dems brought up something stupid. Trump said he didn't care. Then it gets translated with a racial component.

When all this shit finally falls apart the media needs to be executed

No one cares about black people. Even black people.

interesting timing considering polls showing trump's black support has doubled since he was elected

I hate the media so much. they have poisoned this country to such a degree. I swear to god if anything happens to Trump I will make it my mission in life to take out a least one of them. they are so fucking evil.

Nigger crimes and gibs have cost us more than all the cotton that ever existed 100 fold.

>lowest nigger unemployment ever
doubles child tax credit

Those two things alone immensely help niggers

Black dont make babies

Clinton doesn't really like blacks too, she showed her true side at one point during the election.
Clinton is redpilled, although she's still an absolute cunt

I meant to link this

They absolutely would. Part of the difference between high and low IQ populations is the willingness/ability to delay gratification. Greedy blacks would take the lump sum and fuck over the rest of their descendants. If it were possible to offer this deal we should without any hesitation

>implying not giving a shit about blacks is a bad thing

>import less niggers
>fix our healthcare and gibs me dat system so dindudrianna jones wont be poor and on welfare to prevent her from aborting her 15th kid
>make non life threatening pregnanies illegal to abort so dakota trubble cant abort denzel jr and end up with chad
>now we're full because we arent genociding americans
>now people have to act like adults instead of hedonistic monsters because they cant kill their way out if problems
>now chad wont die of syphilis at the age of 35 so he can help invent a new microprocessor that makes human cyborg bodies unhackable
You dont need to control nigger population, you just need to control niggers.

this thread is bait. he cares more about black people than he should.

Make retarded demands, happen to be black lawmaker.

>President Trump won’t listen to people because of their race.

It’s all becoming so predictive.

Hes not the first president that doesnt

Or the last

>companies are hiring people with criminal records, disabilities or prolonged bouts of joblessness.
>there are signs of wage growth starting to show
>companies are hiring straight out of prisons because they need workers
>increase in postings open to people without experience.
>unemployment rates have fallen sharply in recent years for people with disabilities or without a high school diploma
>participation rate for workers aged 25 to 54 hit a seven-year high in December.
>unemployment for African-Americans fell to 6.8 percent in November, the lowest rate on record
>warehouse workers: “If someone applies for a job and you don’t get to them within 24 hours, that person will already have taken another job.”
>household incomes have risen rapidly in the past two years, with the strongest gains coming for those in the poorest families.
>more people switching jobs, and getting bigger bumps in pay for doing so.

For a guy that doesnt give a fuck about black people they sure are getting a lot out of his presidency.

Democrat "black lawmakers" are already his sworn enemies. Black caucus has already tried to impeach him about a dozen times. Act Maxine Waters.

They can go fuck themselves and stop making demands.

The nigger that got caught vandalizing my car couldn't even cough up restitution for damages and went to jail instead.

Nobody does.

>we black leaders demand more haitians to compete with the blacks that are already here for jobs and keep wages low

Pretty sure this would be the definition of "Uncle Toms"

She would suck nigger dick without a single thought if it gave her political power.

If by white you mean kikes then yes.

Good. Fuck "black lawmakers" ie. race-baiting traitors who put their skin colour before their national pride.

Time for Trump to announce a Congressional White Caucus that looks out for white issues.

That would be great, but I actually don't think he does. He's like civic nationalism incarnate.

twitter shadow ban

I'm confused about this whole issue. First of all what did he actually say? Because I know I've seen him misquoted and taken out of context at least 100 times since the election.

More importantly, the assertion that Haiti and Africa are shitholes...

Well no fucking shit. That's why the immigrants want to live here instead of there.

>Sir, I've finished writing the headline
>"Trump said he didn't care about lawmakers' demands during "shithole countries" meeting"
>Hmm, it's not enough to take down Drumpf
>Well, all the lawmakers were black...

Never said that. It was fake news


Define "black" what is "black"?

Republicans arent required to "care" about anyone but their own families. Democrats, after 60 years, have done nothing for black but hold them down.

We all know that it is dude lol you really think Trump would say that? He isn't the "racist" Hitler this board always puts him to be

I don't care about them either, thanks for reaffirming my vote for him in 2020 I was starting to lose faith but now you reminded me I need to keep voting for him.

Doesn't matter if he's racist or not, wouldn't be the first racist president we've ever had.

Literally doesn't matter at this point.

Who does?

Racisim is the only thing they have left.

If we frame Trumps immigration policies as 100% pro african american worker (which they are) the dems will have nothing.

Trumps black support has doubled since election - it could be so much higher if they actually hear what Trump has to offer them


Trump would rather help everyone at the same time and not get sidetracked with unnecessary identity politics bullshit which is what black politicians have reduced themselves to, they basically made themselves into a racist caricature.

Yeah, none of this matters. Fuck this stupid ass country amirite? Love to watch it wither

It hurts the Demoshits so bad that minoritys supported Trump to a great degree. They treat special groups so badly yet expect them to come running to them like lapdogs.