Kemono Friends

Before it was only the voice clips but now the voice clips with all the Friend animations from the game have finally been released to the public so enjoy.

Other urls found in this thread:

Nice. That certainly is a lot of friends.

This isn't even my final form!

You're too slow!

I'm pretty sure this was posted on a old thread.

Japari Live

Just the voice clips were but now that animations of the friends are available too.

Can you cunts fuck off already?



>Wasted all these hours and kept anyone that cared guessing without even a damn hint just so you could grab the OP
>Make your thread over half an hour before the old one dies to make sure you do get it

Man, I try not to talk shit about Friends, but I hope you at least understand what a dick move that was.

No. I'm talking about the animations as well. Someone posted the playlist a few threads ago.

It's on my history from 2 days ago and everything.

You are a massive attention whoring faggot OP. Step on a lego.



Are you going to do the ANIMAX part?


>search for two leopards battling
Sometimes this gets pretty tense.

I didn't see that but now with this as the OP no one should miss this bout of information. Also I just made a slight miscalculation usually I am on point with these threads.

Everybody stop bullying the OP, he's a fried that's good at autism

Nature is brutal and unforgiving.

If you would've said what the whole thing was about all those hours ago, you would've been corrected and wouldn't have kept anyone fucking guessing for nine fucking hours. Nine, fucking, hours.

This. Everyone's bitching at you when you were acting like if you had an exclusive preview of S2 or something when it was something that is already known by many.

Was it that really that hard to say "I wanted to put the voices and animations in the OP so that more people are able to see them" instead of acting like that? C'mon son.




Would smaller ceruleans be dangerous at all?

I said it wasn't that important on my second post on the previous thread talking about it.

>It's not important but I'm not telling you what it is though
>See you in nine hours

The foxes keep transforming into human

Yeah, as long as they caught a Friend by surprise, like when they are sleeping.

They can digest your limbs, and probably come in great numbers.

>It's so NOT important that I still won't say it!
That's a clear tactic to try to interest people on something user.

Friends are the real humans all along.

Then we wait for subs.
Oh wait

So, misshapen friends with animal limbs could be a thing?

African Wild Dog's voice is cute
She should've had more lines

Friends are human body and mind + animal skills and traits. How can humans even compete? The only way Kaban does it by being double human. And even then, what's not to say that Friends can't be as smart as humans after being taught things properly? Perhaps they are not dumb, just uncultured. It is said that humans from 10000 years ago were as smart as a modern human, the only difference was the technology and cultural level. So it's not like if a human from 10000 years ago were transported to our modern times and him freaking out over all these magical modern thingies makes him dumb, just ignorant.

Probably not.


Safari Live is getting me to imagine some alternate future wherein the Friends are driving jeeps around the urban reserve, doing commentary on the lives of the humans whilst retaining a respectful distance

Fine, if I find anything like a preview for season 2 I will post it right away rather than just wait to post it as the OP. Wanted it to be a bit more special than the find it OP because once someone posted the find it image in a previous thread and someone posted the same image up as the OP no one really cared and since it was old news.

Aardwolf is very first Friend, just like she should be!


She also summons a portal apparently.

That's why she's gone. She's the first to go.

I love Aardwolf!

wub wub wub

2000 years after the last episode, mankind actually went extinct.
In the now even more ruined ruins of Japari Park, highly evolved Lucky Beasts find Boss's memory unit.
He is special for he knew living Kabans, so they decide to revive him.

What stories will Boss tell them?



No, no, none of that

This one.

She'll be back.

I hope this is bannable.

OVA when?

Just report it.

Is that Clarkson? Because I just heard Clarkson say that in my head.

I wonder if they'd have the original voice actors playing the roles for the humor of male voices coming from them, or just have female seiyuu voice them.

why's there so much empty space between the Keroro and the Kururu friend?

is it some forced meme, i'm just watching the series now and i thought it was funny

No its not. But this is

so many friends! i havent been in the threads much since the show ended but wowee

>they have an entire page for "de arimasu"

it's his quirk/catchphrase to end every sentence with de arimasu.

It's really important.


Cutest de arimasu~

>What stories will Boss tell them?
The Ballad of Lost Serval

Because Wikia wikis are usually run by children who don't understand the concept of notability.

My imouto Ricotta.

Which friends would the Top Gear/Grand Tour crew team up with?

I can imagine Clarkson and Prairie Dog working together on one of their ambitious but rubbish projects.
May might have Capybara as a partner since his slow driving style is probably the comfiest.
Not sure about Hammond though

wikia wikis are usually for a single franchise and for a lot of franchises miniscule things are notable

maybe Sandcat, since both of them are easily excited

Being specialized gives you freedom but it shouldn't mean there's no limit.

>Prairie Dog is super fast at getting things done from instructions
>Clarkson is an expert at giving great instructions for terrible projects

I foresee Geoff Mk II.

Time for science.

>She lands on her head instead

What happens if a Cerulean eats your limbs while you're wearing another Friends clothes?


"crime against nature" - hybrid organism

We baka gaijins dont understand all that. I dont even get the owls warerewa



what would a chimera friend look like

Clothing that doesn't fit together? In both color pattern and style?

What am I doing with my life?

You are actually practicing a skill, improving, and producing material of a show you like a love. That's more than 99% of the people here can say.

Come on hybrids aren't that bad. They can be cute like and the picture I posted.

What was that, one of his early works? Didn't really get it, was he implying a bullet hell with that?

Goddammit, I gotta learn japanese, I'm tired to ask someone to translate everything.


I approve of the gohan.

what about a slugcat


Sometimes I really don't know what AS is trying to achieve.

God fucking damn it, Serval.


Serval what did the monolith ever do to you
