Krautgate - Stream Edition

Cake Stream

Sargon Dont Know What He Is Anymore

Centrists Death Squad

Styx Vs Greg Johnson

Aydin Now Wants Polish Cock

Sargon Is Black

Liberalist Debunked

Academic Agent vs David Cedarwood

Sargons new homepage

Sargon and Metokur talks about Doxing

Sargon the Liberalist




>Tales of Trout Part 1: Rage Before The Storm

>Tales of Trout Part 2: Academy of Discord

>Tales of Trout Part 3: Ballpits Closed

>Tales of Trout Part 4: Dox, and Doxxes, and Doxxxing Oh my

>Could it get any worse? (It could)

>The Fall Of Kraut Explained in Under 6 Minutes

Kraut was a Jewish youtube skeptic (fedora athiest) who led the witchhunt against alt-right youtube girl RageAfterStorm & got her fired from her job. He then attempts a skeptic "debunk" of Race Realism by snarky pilpul Youtube vids.

Other urls found in this thread:


Time for Styx!



some user bump please

Threadly reminder that there is nothing wrong with Liberalistism's foreign policy

can we gas vee?
i fucking hate that guy with a passion
he adds nothing

What's the original clip where that guy tells styx his apocalyptic fan fics about the white ethnostate isn't an argument?

Alt-hype is pretty good

Vee forgetting to log into his sockpuppet account

This thread needs more Destinys

Don't have the timestamp but it's in here somewhere

I want to "force" him to stop breathing
with state power might i add

tell timestamp when found

Vee here. AMA.

It is hilarious how the liberalists pretend to be principled libertarians when arguing against someone's belief that the state should do X when their own platform allows for the state to take action in many different ways. The disconnect when Vee basically says "the state can tax cigarettes because that is a vice, but the state taxing high-fructose corn syrup is STALIN" was astounding.



Would you consider teaming up with Destiny to produce a massive suicide watch triggering to Sup Forums?

We're thinking of ethnostates on different scales. I'm thinking of small communities to a potential larger state when we've got enough backing. This would be the most successful in the Midwest. The major metropolitan cities are the only ones with a large number of minorities. Look at any of the counties outside of those you'll see a different story. Most (if not all) are well within the 90% range. My own home county still rocks a 95% white(nonhispanic).
>West Virginia
Again just a fondness for the countryside. Almost Heaven and all that.
>Why go there
There are several reasons why the Cascadia movement aims to foster connections and a sense of place within the Pacific Northwest region and strive towards independence. The main reasons stated by the movement include environmentalism, bioregionalism, privacy, civil liberties and freedom,[9] increased regional integration, and local food networks and economies.[10]
The designer of the Doug flag, Alexander Baretich, claims that Cascadia is not necessarily about secession but is rather about survival of peak oil, global warming, and other pending environmental and socioeconomic problems.[11]
I don't know if the Cacadia project and those would support it would be for the 14 words.

I'm not saying this wouldn't be successful. The groundwork is somewhat laid out in the Midwest in the sense that white values are still held and it may be easier to plant and spread.

I might. Depend on the policy.

I'm half way through the Cake stream and this greg guy is insane

nah hes pretty based
dudeweeds do deserve the gas chamber
and prohibition of alcohol is a good idea

>meme flag

Jesus Christ, someone send this to Jim this is hilarious. What eediot.

>daddy government needs to police every vice I don't like

I cant believe no one nailed him to the fucking wall with this, what makes cigarettes a vice but not sugary drinks?

fucking kys retard
vee tier strawman detected

Daddy gov needs to do what your daddy couldn't

I never strawman.

I would rather people die because they are too stupid to make a right decision. I shouldn't have to be taxed for dumbasses

Post a pic with timestamp, and switch to Romanian flag you gypsy.

If you don't deal with druggies then you really will be taxed for dumbasses

more strawmanning
i never said youd be taxed for anything
fuck off

If you're Vee you would know if your cat died in 2016 or 2017 which one?

>tax on tobacco because it causes cancer
>right decision is to not smoke tobacco so the tax will not affect you
>only dumb people who could care less about their health will be taxed
>"I shouldn't have to be taxed for dumbasses"

You wouldn't even be taxed if you don't smoke.

It was virus infection which caused liver failure.

I don't get it. COntext?

Let me be more clear with my point, i don't want to pay taxes that goes towards the police to arrest little jimmy for smoking a joint and after jimmy gets sent to jail pay for his meals in prison.

strawman detected
you dont even deserve the full argument if your brain can only process one idea at a time
>dude muh taxes!

They also presumably still want stuff like CP, heroin, and fentanyl to remain restricted. Their problem isn’t really with restrictions just that they don’t want their porn, booze, and vidya taken away. The preservation of the soy boy is their only principle.


I was clearing up my point. lrn 2 red

>libertarian identitarianism

Vote against it then. Seems to be working for marijuana.

yeah its not worth addressing because this was never the argument presented

Jimmy could just be sentenced to lashings. He wouldn’t even really need to be arrested necessarily. Just get his ass beat and be on his way.

What year?

I'm ok with this

>all these boypu-c's autistically screeching because the Chad Johnson told them their cummies and tendies would be taken away
The absolute fucking state of nu-Sup Forums.

i would rather jimmy be in prison than in the streets

hes name is jamal too

I would rather little Jimmy dies in the streets for his poor decision making so he doesn't breed more dumbasses

He's an actual homosexual, if you get your advice from him then you're a retard.

We must secure the existence of our principles and a future for soy boys

Watch my video:

Did sargon get a new lapdog?

I don't agree with all the points he made, but I'm with him in the broader strokes. The majority of people will act in self harm if left to their own devices. We aren't a society oriented around survival and so no one knows how to survive. We're a society that seeks pleasure, we're raised and educated to seek pleasure moment to moment. Even career is presented as a way to make money as means to purchased hedonistic release.
Society needs to be structured in a different way so people grow up understanding what matters, and Jew owned porn isn't part of that.

What were you demanding the Alt-right do for Sargon today? I missed it.

jimmy usually breeds and OD's after

i always pictured vee looking something like that elliot guy
the hapa

You would not need to pay for his prison meals if you accept an Arbeit Macht Frei policy.

Why would you do this? are you retarded or is it an ego problem.

Jamal's children will die cause I ain't paying for their welfare.
sounds good to me if they don't produce enough for their meals they starve

its because noone actually likes vee
what good arguments does he make?
even when i seen him on sargons streams sargon was continuously having to correct the brainlet

do you see why i was saying it was a strawman now?
its not all about muh cops getting paid to arrest little deyshawn
societal pressures would have to play a large part too

When did you stop stealing money from your mom? I couldn't recall.

I am more handsome than that.

>falling for obvious fake

So is he coming back or what?

I wanted to see his videos about muh six gorillion

Do we have proof he's a Doctor/Lawyer? Because I'm seriously questioning his credentials. Not that being an MD mean's anything other than you have good knowledge retention it doesn't actually say much about your intelligence.

some christian charity will feed them until breeding age don't worry.

Dude can’t stop interrupting. He thinks his lived experience gives him some kind of trump card to BTFO anyone who wants to stem the tide of maximum degeneracy. I also liked that other guy “I wrote a book where I defined your basic ideology as absolute evil so I guess you’re just absolute evil.” Jesus Christ what an amazing point that is.

Prove it's fake.

Yes i see the strawman now
Charity thankfully doesn't last forever

I doubt hes a doctor. He tried to question why AIDS patients would be helped by antibiotics because its a virus. He seemingly didn't know that they're killed off by secondary infections and not the virus itself.
A doctor would understand something that simple, we learned it in middle school health class here. Everyone knows that. This fat Sargon puppet didn't.

>We can't have prisoners working! THEY HAVE HUMAN RIGHTS!
I never understand why the left holds onto this. Did they people they criminal wrongs have rights too? Were they not quashed because of the criminals selfishness? Why shold that criminal deserve anything more than punishment?

Personally I believe in a private prison system that would be rewarded subsidies by the government based on its recitivism rate rather than total population. That way the encouragement for prisoners would be to reform and show they are successful, and not return because then you're getting in the way of the person who owns you's profit. Also get rid of the death penalty and make a return to forced labour, or colonies such as Australia make a return, with a heavy tax returning to the main population.

i dont know honestly
but i get your sentiment
id be surprised if he was a doctor
i wouldnt use him
but doctors probably get easy training in gypsy land
like all these nigger nurses we get here that are fucking useless


good to see we are clear now

So you are a faggot, and a fake. Fags like you ruin meme flags for the rest of us.

I think the skeptics are burning through what credibility they have left, Jim's right about the fart-huffing thing, I know it's a cliché at this point but I think the Dunning-Krueger effect is in full swing.

Andy's loveable, non-threatening dipshit demeanor is a more potent and dangerous weapon than most people realize.

You’re just creating a source of labor with artificially low wages that will fuck over workers. We just need to start caning people for small stuff and maiming people for larger stuff. K you raped a chick we’re cutting your balls off and right eye out. You’re free to go.

We should push him on this untill he shows his credentials we can't really lose either way.

when it runs out jamal's gonna come knocking at your house hope you're prepared.

andy is mega blue pilled though

Jamal better be wearing body armor mossbergs put holes in people

give him time, Hanging out with Enoch will be like a redpill suppository


But he's goofy enough that no one is taking they're cues from him, he's kinda like Louis Theroux in a way, only less cerebral plus JF is a great counterbalance.

yeah JF is probably working on him somewhat too
but he makes sickeningly bad arguments though
leftist tier fels garbage

The prisoners can't be extra farm hands on farms? They can't be assistants somewhere that has them working under someone and gaining some experience that isn't shooting innocents or stealing from old women? Its finding positions where they aren't just taking the work from others. And if everyone in prison was out anyways there would be a massive issue with work anyways. Forcing them to work solves that somewhat at least.

To also address the caning and eye gouging:
What if that person was found innocent after the caning or eye gouging? Now the caning would be somewhat easy to fix. Just give them some money and apologize, but with the current mainstream issues surrounding rape and how easy it is to just accuse someone and ruin their lives? How do you make it up to someone when you've cut their balls off and gouged out their eye?

All i hear from Vee, Sargon and those faggots on these gay debates:

>He tried to question why AIDS patients would be helped by antibiotics because its a virus
Show me where I mentioned that.

You haven't answered any of our questions legitimately so why should we?


yeah i see what you mean
but you could also read it like blue pilled normies could fall back on his arguments and say thats what normal people think


It was just earlier tonight, you LARPer. Todd brought up a point and Vee autistically mumbled
>mmmmmbbut antibiotics are for microbes
then continued to sputter on a string of nonsense.

Vee LARP is truly the saddest of all LARPs. Not even Romanians want to be Romanian.

kill youself.

He has some room for growth too. His editing can be a bit wonky and he tends to repeat himself a little too much and he's still destroying everybody. I feel like if you gave him a few more months he'll be totally unstoppable.