Bodyswap Episode when ??
Probably Never ;_;
9 Hours left for streams.....
Bodyswap Episode when ??
Probably Never ;_;
9 Hours left for streams.....
>Diana wont tell H&B whats wrong
>their faces when she tells Akko as soon as she asks
Hannah > Barbara
>Constanze episode
My body is ready
moshi moshi boris desu
dont say desu on Sup Forums.
would they get competitive on a threesome?
Akko WILL be my hypnotized slave girl and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it!
Sorry but that's wrong!
Boris WILL be my mentally fragile emotionally abused girl and there is NOTHING anyone can do about it
But we're all little witches.
Stawhp wiking shewhohned chawahctuhs and shewhohned womance.
Sucy is for leglocking
It's over faggot, it's only a matter of time until it happnes here too
Samurai Jack - Done
Little Witch Academia - Pending
>fists touching
>yfw shoehorn fag might've been the cancerous shoehorn poster from Sup Forums
>yfw that poster just died from heterosexuality conquering the fuck out of Samurai Jack for all of eternity
>yfw Samurai Jack saved LWA
>ywn punch furfags to death with your cute waifu and kiss her so heterosexually that half of tumblr and /u/ dies from exposure
Can't wait for 2nd Impact
I have never watched Samurai Jack so I only know what happened because of the last thread.
why stop at Akko?
Sucy is for holding hands with
Is Barbara embarassed by her big delicious rump?
>ywn hypnotize all of the lwas to become your personal fucktoilets
Don't you have anything else to do, Croix?
Sure thing Chum Lee, but your weak hypnosis will never overcome the power of my love!
Diana surely could pull of a spell that simple.
Akko would probably get hypnotized by a grandfather clock
Diana is pure, PURE !!
Pure sex!!
>Sucy watches enviously from a few feet away, desperately wishing that she was that receptive to hypnosis for all the wrong reasons
My silver bullions from China are more pure than this whore.
Sucy would do lewd things to an accidentally hypnotized Akko
Amanda is for SLAVERY TO ANGLOS!
Will akko make the first luna nova's mass shooting?
Diana can't come close to Lotte's purity.
Good night Sup Forums
Will the plot start soon?
Good night, don't let the shoehorned characters bite.
>Jack is so strong that he can save witches in another dimension
good night
>changing color
put avery in the fourth one
Post best witch duo
>Constanze is sleeping defensless.
Oh god I want to, I want to cuddle with her and sleep hugging her
Into the night we all come back to
Into the heart it's getting hard
Weren't those two supposed to be working on something together? Wasn't Sucy supposed to be looking for an ultra rare mushroom that can only be found at Luna Nova?
I'm gonna breed that smelly NEET Pussy
>Most talented and successful student of the prestigious school
Turning Croix into a loving mother...
Do you think Chariot would make a cute nyah sound with every thurst?
>employed as an educator, training witches
Diana will snap first.
I didn't realize this was a gif when I scrolled over it
I'm more hyped for 19 than I was for 8 and I'm a Sucyfag. I can't fucking wait, they must reveal how she feels about Chariot that episode.
Stop liking shoehorned characters and shoehorned romance.
speaking of which
reminder to off yourself gay/yurifag
I'm assuming this episode will be on Trigger's wild ride just like 8 was.
Quite hyped.
I'm a little scared that they'll fuck it up.
I am neither, just can't stand to see this could be beautiful show ruined by such bad decisions in writing from the overpaid hack writers at Trigger.
>Akko uses a quill
>Diana uses a pen
Something is not right here
I find the only thing enjoyable about this anime is the yuri and shipping, fuck.
>user I'm so glad that we could finally conceive
>but... watch this lowers wand to midsection
If that is true you're honestly better off waiting for next season though.
I watch next season if its not all about akko again. and actual characters get attention. I wanna bang the shit outta akko but she takes too much screen time you have all these cool looking characters and you focus on the most bland one.
why does touching hands make sucy angry?
shes a cute tsundere
>n-not infront of the class A-Akko
you were a little late this time.
You didn't watch episode 12 or what?
Diana didn't get into Akko body tho
The "monsters" have taken Diana and her aristocrat family hostage in the rape dungeon.
what would a date with sucy be like?
>have taken Diana (...) hostage in the rape dungeon.
You cant rape the willing
5 facts about Diana!
1-Shes a girl!
2-Her family is going bankrupt!
3-She will leave Luna Nova!
4-No one likes her!
5. Shes a Dom !
Can we skip this week?
It's just Akko being retarded again.
is anyone else glad the predictions of Croix trying to gain Akko's favor didnt happen? it would have been heartbreaking to see Akko being taken from Ursula
Just kill yourself. You won't have to wait anymore.