Other urls found in this thread:

coal-burners develop a huge amount of hatred and resentment towards their mongoloid kids because they know they are the reason successful white chads dont want them is because of the kids, so one day they finally snap and murder the poor confused little niglets

Wonder if there's an established correlation with race mixing and mental illness.

She did a service to mankind


Nothing of any value was lost here. Toll was paid.

She not only paid it... she payed future interest on it!

if you look up her other photos she looks latina, and this site is saying she's a puertoricanig:

good riddance.

most likely she's a party slut who got tired of raising her disobedient niglets

Could you imagine as a mother, looking at your children, and not seeing yourself in them at all?


kinda rare seeing a chink on pol. is it just me?


At least she had decency to mend her misdeeds before ending it. Perhaps Satan in hell will throw only half the measure of fuel under the kettle she boils in now.

>give birth to monsters that look nothing like you
>act nothing like you
>will never be anything like you
>don't even seem to carry any of your genes
>people are surprised when the parent of these things flips out and murder suicides them

You gotta pay the coal toll

Good, she erased herself and her mistakes

Nice of her to clean up her mess on the way out.


Sigh. Toll paid. Poor kids.


>crime stopper
>an hero
What, she didn't want her prize?

Lots of fucked up people here


What the fuck? Xi is that you?

Haha I said that to a coalburner once.

>Don't they look just like their mother?
>No they look black and nothing like you

Everyone sperged out at me but the dead empty look of defeat in her eyes showed that she knew I was right. So did everybody else based on their immediate knee-jerk anger.

This is the best story of 2018 so far. Hoping for many more just like this from mutt "families".

It's awful, but some of us have been antagonized by negroes for decades. Schadenfreude.

cleaned up after herself

gotta give her props for her ebin ctrl + z

I love happy endings.

>Burned the coal
>No one wanted her around over what she did
>Then paid the toll
It's pretty obvious, that you don't burn the coal. It's a pretty stupid thing to do.

she paid mankind a disservice in life, but made up for her transgressions in death.


Not quite. She still no doubt leeched off gubmint gibs for years. Luckily she minimized the damage on her way out.



Payment Received.

>one day they finally snap and murder the poor confused little niglets
Which is more mercy granted to them than an average 30yrs of crime and violence ending in a shootout with cops.

I helped make that form :3


Inspired by the original, this one holds similar purpose.

I mean realistically white kids will have the same impact on your love life unless their dad died a war hero or left you a shitload of money, what black kids mean is that you're not even a one night stand.

>past due

Can you imagine what those kids were thinking when it happened? I mean, if that's real that's seriously really fucked up.


With white kids the stepdad can go out in public with them and people will think they're his.

With black kids there is no way anyone will look at a stepdad with his wife as though he could possibly be the biological father. It would be a constant source of anguish for any man's self esteem, which is why you only see massive cucks who enjoy being thought of as pathetic doing such a thing.

based leaf

This is just great

Not really, we're not even blocked in Chinkistan but by all appearances Sup Forums just isn't popular.

>Americans in charge of reading

>I wonder if there is a correlation between being an illegal immigrant and being a criminal

Thank you for your service

>I mean realistically white kids will have the same impact on your love life
i still wouldn't want to date a single mom with white kids, but i'd hate a single mom with brown kids


she did the right thing

>gook in another thread stated they can read but
>can't do captcha because jewgle banned >therefore screwed

based coalburner


>white chads
White chads don't give a single fuck.
They will stick their dick on whatever girl is willing for one night, and then bail out.

i thought it said oops

She didn't pay the toll, her kids did. No good here, everyone loses.

>No good here
She just saved the tax payer some serious dough user. I wish there was more Sudanese girls in Melbourne who did the same thing.

I wonder what she meant by that

She fixed her mistake and then punished herself for making it. I'd say she capstoned a miserable worthless existence with a noble act.

>i live in a fairy tale and look though my rose coloured glasses


At least she cleaned up her mess before she left. Must have been that feminine instinct kicking in at the very end.

i hope to god this is true. i want a greentext pls

Well, at least she erased her mistake.

based leaf

>be coal burner
>wake up one day and realize you are 34 poor sinlge mother to 2 niglets living in shitty apartment
>make your final stupid decision

Imagine what kind of feeling you'd get when you look at your kids and they look nothing like you. That they resemble the man that abandoned you.

>TFW Alex Vance used to be my waifu
pol destroys another childhood illusion

If there is, you can bet that ((they)) won't let it be published

At least she cleaned her mess before killing herself.


One thing I have noticed is that halfricans are notably dumber than full whites or niggers, probably because they are getting the shallow end of the gene pool from the fat/stupid/insane coal burning mother...figure niggers have an average IQ of 85 and poor whites high 70's

This. Bitch isn't even white, why do we care again?


>always hated Alyx and found her strangely repulsive

I feel validated nowadays

She's pretty much an amalgamation of every shitty liberal idea that went out of control in the last 10 years

we'll never know because (((they))) would never let people publish their findings

but we can make a safe assumption that there is a correlation

Didn't she work for the Panthers? And she is wearing Eagle's shit?

what is it with latinas and their creepy drawn on eyebrows?

Freeman looks celtic, Alyx is blasian...this is what their offspring would have looked like...I hate Gabe Newel so much

finally an uplifting story after all of this mlk day talk

I desperately need to find another planet to live on.

Wtf she doesn't look like that in ops pic.

Toll paid,
Thats a pretty low bridge to jump off,
GA has put up fences on these low level bridges to stop this kind of suicide, BTW!

Stupid chola style

She looks american-italien.


i do applaud her for doing the right thing instead of letting more little niglets become a burden on the state

>>make your final stupid decision
Oh poor leaf....this one action was actualy good one, a reedeming one, she destroyed 3 genetc failures, shame she didnt off the nigga first.

>No one else was inside the home
Wow, what a surprise.


Go to b



Those are her kids? They look nothing like her.


Probably took the redpill

They look like you though, amerishart.