>WTC 1 and 2 get knocked down
>(((One World))) Trade Center gets erected in its place
hmm its almost like its a symbol for the fall of the division between the west and the rest, and the rise of the new multicultural hellhole of the new world order
>WTC 1 and 2 get knocked down
>(((One World))) Trade Center gets erected in its place
hmm its almost like its a symbol for the fall of the division between the west and the rest, and the rise of the new multicultural hellhole of the new world order
Destruction of the binary. New York is fluid now.
Did they even try to hide this? I feel like they said it explicitly.
Suuuure you totally aren't trolling
Globalist cucks will be judged, killed and have their soul thrown into the eternal burning lake of fire on the day of judgement
>TFW the wake of 9/11 cucked your whole life
Modern architecture skyscrapers are ugly as hell. I wish we had more classical architecture skyscrapers.
heh, what the the third world trade center?
I wish they would have built them back exactly the same.
Maybe one story taller, because FUCK YOU that's why.
Those faggots and their symbols
We will roll over them
The only way there will be a one world govt is after total aryan victory
>When viewed from street level in proximity to the tower, One World Trade Center appears to ascend to a pyramid point
Correct term:
also why are jews so obsessed with pyramid symbology when they were the ones that allegedly got kicked out of egypt?
>Singer Building
One of my favorites. It was torn down because the floor size in the tower was deemed too small to be practical. If it was still around that would have become premium loft space.
The Twin Towers were a giant tuning fork(did a KB about this).
Also the collapse of the two towers(symbolizing two power structures and/or the R's and D's) being destroyed and a larger more powerful tower being put in it's place.(symbolizing a new power structure taking over the old ones spot after destroying them).
[ARCHIVE OF KB THREADS(take the time to read all OP's)]:
they were //expelled// by people who were tired of being forced to build temples.
>(((One World))) Trade Center gets erected in its place
>Did they even try to hide this? I feel like they said it explicitly.
Elites are so emboldened that they literally spell out their agenda right before your eyes and nearly everyone either won't see it in the first place or simply don't believe it when it's pointed out to them.
That's real power
e plurbus unsum, from a dozen, once. It's all in the dollar look it up.
How did WTC7 fall again? It wasn't hit by anything.
Frank welcome back beans boy
Lightning caused a fire in the lower floors
Its called jewish subversion
Nothing honorable about their tricks
They wage wars with deception
{office fires intensify}
They were the masters of egypt. The exodus is the story of how the jews conqured every kingdom and empire one after the other.
Can you explain further because isn't exodus just them getting kicked out
They've created a false history for themselves that has us believe that they were victims of oppression for thousands of years. In reality, they've infiltrated societies and made themselves the masters of every place they inhabit. The exodus refers to the spread of the Jews around the world and their conquest of those places. In the exodus God grants them power over the people who "oppressed" them. They would say that it was recompense for their tribulations, but in reality they never suffered so much as made the gentiles suffer under their rule.
because Jews worship satan / Lucifer -- and the pyramid is significant to his kingdom.
In another thread, someone said that Jews being the "chosen" people didn't mean they were chosen by God, alluding to being chosen by something else. Could one of you elaborate?
I always knew exodus was bullshit. This really just makes all anhrahamic religions bullshit too doesn't it
Well they were chosen by God, as God controls all things, if he did not will Jews to be the masters of the Earth, he would not have made it so. However, it is possible that Jews could be the pawns of yet another physical or non-physical entity that is below God, such as the concept of the Demiurge in Gnosticism, or reptillians, nephilim or annunaki.
The two towers went down (Boaz and Jachin) and in their place a singular unified pillar replaced it. Also notice that the building has triangles and inverted triangles going around it.
If Jews are chosen by God, then why does Sup Forums hate them?
Because Sup Forums hates its enslavement, as most people do, and if it's possible to know who enslaves you, they'll hate them too. However, the ultimate redpill is that we should not be angry with the course of history, and see it as a mere force of nature, as God has willed it to happen. If you don't believe in God, you can see it as an inevitable natural process. That doesn't mean you have to succumb to the brainwashing yourself of course, and that's why we need to find ways to remain spiritually alert and free despite our state of slavery in the physical world.
Besides, the Jews are enslaved too, just as much as us. They are granted a place of higher privilege in God's plan, but they are still bound to his will, and that of his otherworldly servants.
God doesn't choose.
God chose the lion to devour the gazelle, and the human to dominate above all. He chose the white to dominate over the black, and the Asian over the white. Similarly, he chose the Jew to rule over all.
Remember that even though the Jews may serve Satan, even he cannot contradict God, and nothing is possible that God does not deem to be so.
Gas yourself
no u
There are multiple one world organisations which are established for the purpose of a one world government.
Look into Agenda 2030
bumping for op