Which one of you bigot did this?

11 year old girl Khawlah Noman was attacked walking to school by a 20yo asian looking man, he cutted her hijab mulitple times.
“I felt confused, scared, terrified. I screamed. The man just ran away. We followed this crowd of people to be safe. He came again. He continued cutting my hijab again.”
“I can’t imagine how afraid she must have been,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in an unprompted statement of support for Khawlah at a news conference in London
Monday Toronto police said the incident did not happen
So this 11yo girl was lying in front of micros and cameras?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody did it. She lied. The police concluded their investigation and the girl will face no consequences for it. Not only that we're supposed to feel sorry because it will 'cover up' other Islamaphobic crimes.

fuckin cuckdeau believed the whole thing.

She's also still being called a victim cuz she's 11 and all those cameras and mics are literally raping her. No joke.

Fuck off samefag, this was away debunked

they have also doubled down saying that even though she lied, she has heard that its happened before and the government /police /media /Canadians should still feel bad for it.

nice trips

I fucking hate my country because of this.

I know it's fake.... But get ready for a shitmore of this bs.

>Sabreena Ghaffar-Siddiqui, a researcher at Hamilton's McMaster University who focuses on hate crimes against Canadian Muslims, said her initial reaction to news that the incident did not happen was concern that it might eclipse real hate crimes.

>"Hate crimes toward Muslim people are real," she said. "I have heard stories of Muslim girls having their hijab pulled off their head, pushed, thrown to the ground. These are real stories ... and the reaction that we got from the government and leaders needs to still be there."

Yeah, I'll bet she's heard stories. Told through a liberal telephone game.

>20yo asian looking man
No wonder Asians are starting to be lumped in with whites. They outperform whites and ruin the leftist narrative that whites are oppressors, and they assault Muslims because they can't stand their bullshit due to common sense as well.

Probably took her hijab off and to avoid a beating told her dad someone cut it.

yeah the whole thing is weird. i'm thinking it's just the islamic version of pimping your kids off on youtube for fame and notoriety. for what i'm not sure.

Her mother probably got her to do it so they would get a gofundme set up or some other kind of gibs.

On top it all the globe and mails (((tolerance))) department released an article basically saying yea it didnt happen but were still pissed whitey is so racist either way, fuck your country and culture and gibs us dat. The absolute insanity that is mainstream has just gone off the deep end completely here, they are redpilling normies for us.

If anyone can archive the globe and mail article post it here so we can revel in the sheer retardation of post modern journalism

I thought lying was haram, isnt there a punishment for this in Islam? Unless its somehow justified as taqqiyya.

i wouldn't doubt it. look at those poker faces in OP's pic.

Muslims have exceptions to lying when it comes to non believers just like Jews do.

It's already been confirmed as a HOAX

Muslims do this all the time, they're lying scum, claiming victim status to better advance Islam onto the non-Islamic host country...until they've sufficient numbers to take over.

More examples here:

>claiming victim status to better advance Islam onto the non-Islamic host country
sheeit you nailed it. it's right out of the jews playbook too. it even has a name like antisemitism: islamaphobia

Oh boy, will we have a race war between slants and muzzies in canada any time soon?

Why would that happen? The only race here that wants race war are whites.

Dude, ((((the star)))) is so much worse. It's like it maintained by Soros himself to be a pit of disgusting liberalism that somehow has the right to diffuse fake news to all of Canada. They're choosing to not release the name of the girl to protect her identity go fuck yourselves