So how do we close the gunshow loophole and prevent deranged teens from acquiring machine guns to shoot up their schools?
And don't say it doesn't happen cuz by now we all know it does.
So how do we close the gunshow loophole and prevent deranged teens from acquiring machine guns to shoot up their schools?
And don't say it doesn't happen cuz by now we all know it does.
None of those kids died. Sandy Hook was a hoax and a sloppily-executed one at that.
there aren't that many white kids in america
The so-called "gun show loophole" does not work like everyone believes it to, and as you may or may not know. Sandy hook was a hoax.
>oh look Sup Forums, another gun-grab kike front page thing. i bet you're really shocked!!!
>machine guns
what sort of machine guns
the kind that kill kids far too often
A. Sandy Hook was a hoax
B. Even if the "gun show loophole" was closed (going with that "logic") you do know what a black market is right?
What is the gun show loophole you're so afraid of? What would you propose we do even if it is a problem? How would your solution, had it been in place, have affected the shootings in the past that you intimate but do not name?
Dear fucking tap-dancing Christ, just shut the fuck up and get back to Plebbit.
But before you depart, please, post one example of someone buying a gun at a gun show without having proper credentials. Especially machine guns, FFS OP you really are a new breed of retarded.
Now GTFO, we're full.
People, including children, can go into gunshows with no identification whatsoever and pick up military assault weapons without any sort of screening or background check. THIS NEEDS TO STOP
how often
You have OBVIOUSLY never been to a gun show. As such, your opinion has been duly considered, and may now be safely discarded.
have you ever been to a gay bar?
That is an irrelevant fact to a discussion on gun grabbing. Furthermore, attempting to personalize an abstract argument can only be done to ad hominem your opponent, or to antagonize him.
This really was a false flag to get whites to get on board gun control wasnt it? You never see a line up of white kids like that anymore
Have the government lobotomise all teens. No free will, no violence. All done!
>proven beyond reasonable doubt when oboonsus pretended to cry about it
"Loophole" is a buzzword used to describe a LEGAL action that (((they))) deem should be illegal.
^OP is a shit-eater with AIDS
can't wait for these kids to reach legal age of 18 and start to come forward for $$$ #notkilled
How many little brown faces have taken their last breaths since this and it just gets swept under the rug? The main causes of death in America are cars and niggers.