Are women getting scared now?
Are women getting scared now?
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Thanks for listing the next features to be added to sex androids. Fuck bio cunts
Holes have been on the attack since the first Real Dolls came out. It will only get worse from here on out.
Can a woman?
so she agrees women are only good for childbearing and household chores
Can a woman?
Not yet.
Neither will a stronk modern womyn, so why deal with one?
Can modern woman cook my meals?
Can modern women have my kids?
Can modern woman wash my clothes?
Can modern woman make my home?
>Can you?
western women are a fucking living meme
>Love to cook myself
>Don't want kids
>Learned how to wash my own clothes
>Don't care about a messy home
So how much are those Sexbots again?
Wait what? These stupid cunts don't want to do any of that shit nowadays. They're all STONG INDEPENDENT WYMEN. Fuck biocunts.
Not that I've seen in my relationships. I cook. I clean. I bring home the bacon and fry it up in a pan. I have hobbies that they partake in, they have none. They have nothing interesting to say. I spent most of my time hobnobbing with their family as if I give a fuck, and in return? I get nothing. I don't even want a hole to fuck. I either want a wife that gives a fuck enough to raise children or to be left alone.
I can cook my meals.
I can adopt kids.
I can wash my clothes.
I can make my home.
And without some shrew nagging me 24/7 then taking half my shit and those kids "she had".
Maybe this is what was needed to make them stop being total whores.
>Can a sex doll do any of these things women won't
Really makes you think
>can sexdoll perform classical female duties that I don't want to do? Check mate, btw no sensible man will ever buy that so if you are even thinking about it, I'm too good for sweetie
Can't wait for the waifu bots.
>yfw you were born just in time for domestic catgirl waifus
>Can a real woman have sex without bitching about it or accusing a man of rape?
fuckdolls are a way to prevent men from getting laid. If you don't own a full sized, lifelike fuckdoll, you don't have to hide it to bring a girl home. Spend 2 grand on one and all the sudden "Maybe I should hold off on dating real women, after all, I just bought this thing and where the fuck am I going to hide it if I have a girlfriend?"
fuck dolls are for soyboys.
Do you not have a closet? Also American women have mostly become screeching harpies.
Can a sex doll take half of what is yours?
Modern women won't do any of those either
Go back to your containment board, user.
real fear is seeing them crying for sex dolls to be banned.
don't ban dildos tho, stronk independant womyn
chose one and only one
Some serious incel posting going on in this thread. I've dated multiple women who like to cook and clean and deeply desire children.
If you can't find women like that then you need to change up where you find women or you need to improve yourself so higher quality women will desire you.
Christ - I mean it's no wonder western civilization is dead, y'all are just rolling over like some entitled cunts. Be a man and take life by the horns, otherwise you're just as much a part of the problem as the women you whine about.
if women could still do all that shit no one would want sex dolls in the first place
>roasties are already this intimidated
oh this is gunna be good ladz
No, but they are getting fatter and more aggressively feminist
Found the rare lesbian poster
Now that black twitter has a hold of this it will start getting to normies. They should be scared half of the shit on these bitches that gets you hard is fake.
Shhh... the time is near. Embrace it.
No sensible man would be into a woman who is threatened by a silicone doll.
They will easily replace women within 20 years. Hell after you fuck "her" she'll go dump her pussy in the toilet and even clean herself. All without nagging you or wanting to cuddle.
She can have a mp3 player in her pussy so everytime you pump you can hear Bocelli.
Also, if you think women are actually afraid of losers buying sex dolls then you're a fool. Theyre not thinking about the big picture and a shortage of beta fags will only increase the value of men who can actually provide what they need.
The only reason Women think they have power these days is because of affirmative action and online dating. They have no power. They might be able to *select* the guy that they go on a date with. They will eventually get fucked and feel like a whore. Women have no reason to exist if they aren't breeding children. It's instinct. Just as it's instinct for men to provide and protect. No wonder the world is fucked.
>Pay attention to this uterus who does chores
Vapid cunts don't know what love is.
>not playing psychological warfare
Sup Forums is an anime website, fag.
I came here to say this.
>Can a sex doll do some really mundane shit (excluding the kids part, I can give them 50% of that)
Thanks for making the argument for me lady
Sorry tumblrina try again.
Men can get their sexual and life gratification through with a sexdoll. He uses videogames for a sense of purpose, aswell as his own hard work to sustain his wealth. Hell, he could even hire a maid to cook/clean with all his extra dollars. Having a child is the only hardship but having a nanny service would help (youd just need the same nanny for its life). Surrogacy and adoption already exists. And the science behind artifical wombs and skin cell fertilization is groundbroken, ofcourse nowhere near completion.
Women, on the other hand, live to nurture. They can get this by popping condoms or getting pets, thats easy. Her ability to attain resources is her downfall. Thats why theyre already voting for bigger state funds so she never need no man.
Our time is soon, vote women into submission
Most fucking cunts do none of those things today.
Part of my rape fetish is making women realize how physically weak they are compared to even beta-males and that all social power they have is because we allow them to have it.
We need to push the meme that's all men want sex dolls over women
But women do none of those things
>be a man
Found the roastie
>asks girlfriend to cook some dinner
>just got done working all day
>she can't even boil water correctly
>house is a mess...shit everywhere
>go to BK and get burger and frys for 350
>Suddenly realize I'm a free man
Choose one and go; go now.
Jap.-anima' doesn't have anything to do with news or politics: it isn't even white.
>using sodomite language while being the actual sodomite
Hell is for ever!
It's not a doll, it's an action figure!
>can you?
modern feminism in it's attempts to rebel against traditional values has lowered the worth of women to the point that they are easily replaced by a fucking doll.
my mind went to this immediately
> no sensible man would X
Women justified for years that a dildo was a perfectly sensible and sex-positive choice. Now that men have cocksleeves and full-body stand-ins, the whole world's going nuts.
Turnabout's fair play. So is silicone strange.
I want to level with you becuase I'm genuinely worried you might think what you just posted is true.
It is not hard to get a decent woman man. There are tons out there, theyre just not using tinder or going to clubs every weekend so you can't see them becuase you're trained to look in all the wrong locations.
But youll never find one through fate if you refuse to take care of yourself. Set goals, be motivated, take that red pill and then refind the beauty in everything so you can live a full and fruitful life. Stop looking for excuses or blaiming others, what you achieve in life is 100% up to you brother.
god damn i love this timeline. they're getting scared, lads, and it's glorious. I'm beaming at the thought of the next 50 years
This is such an amazing point.
All I want to do is come home from work, put on my VR headset, and help my animu wife raise our animu children in our VR house...
Not that many women these days do that traditional stuff
Housing prices have gone up becuase the establishment brought so many third-worlders into the country. What are people supposed to do now, forget about living in houses and cram into apartments like Mexicans? You're allowed to say "Yes" to that, you know, but you need to be more up front about that because right now you're coming across as pretty damn unrealistic... Slimy, even.
nah dont adopt kids that is cuckold shit
Most women I've been with clean but only because they have a lower tolerance for ignoring filth than I do.
No woman I've been with can cook besides perhaps a signature dish, and then that's generally terrible. Some even take it as a point of pride they can't cook at all.
I'm a trained chef though so as long as they washed up we were all good.
Fug... where can I get this beautiful thicc piece of art?
Sup Forums is, has, and always will be an anime site. if you don't like it you can fuck right off back to whatever shithole you came from.
>It is not hard to get a decent woman man.
Try living in a shitty rural town in the heavily Christian mid-west where everyone is either married or divorced with kids by the time they're 22.
Women can only do one of those tops.
Hm... no. You can't stop the future, user.
itt: psychopaths arguing about the need of men and women
guess love is dead for most people. school, jobs, video games and drugs killed feelings.
Are women still doing those things?
Those aren't selling points buffoon
Love is for normies
Go to church. They'll find a mate for you.
PLEASE. I hate plebbit but the one, and only good place is r/redpilll. EVERY man should read the sidebar of this place and internalize it.
>bitch can't cook
>bitch will cuck you and you will raise tyrons kids
>bitch can't wash
>bitch can't do shit
Flawless victory to progress.
>Date someone who believes in the sky-father and his lake of eternal fire
No thanks
You wouldn't do something stupid like get her out of her original packaging though right?
Love died the moment women revealed how they really feel.
Come on now.
Sup Forums is for Jap.-anima'.
Sup Forums is for news and politics.
You probably aren't even white, that's why you love the alien culture of the Japs. so much.
Are you fucking retarded?
I cannot do any of this either. Will buy a sexbot and dress it up as a cute maid once these can do that.
>No niglet kids
>Wants to marry you and be traditional wife
Yeah, that sounds awful
Love is a male fantasy.
Don't forget hypergamy.
>dont want kids
you need to stop being a faggot
I've never met a woman that can cook sans my Grandmother. They have no interest in providing for a family and are 100% self serving. Leave it to us to do everything.
>Can sex doll cook my meals
No, but I can, I ain't no lazy fuck who can't even bother to cook
>Can sex doll have kids?
No, but can you?
>Can sex doll wash your clothes
Hurr durrr all men don't know how to do laundry
>Can sex doll make your home?
No, but again, can you?
Conclusion: 0/10 bait, try again
>spamming jap.-anima'
That's where you should go, spammer.
Here's where you are blind. The angle you can't see
Not everyone here is a neck beard loser. You are confusing loser with experience.
She's right. Only losers and deviants are buying this shit. But there are a lot of you.
Gaddafi was right.
>Keeping the house clean
I always of the mindset that grills COULD do all of this shit and just simply chose not to. I will never forget the handful of times when they would try to wash my clothes or cook something, it was just .... Godless. That's the only word I can think of describe the fucking mess they made.
I always cooked, cleaned, and kept the house running myself because I thought whatever clam I was with at the time was high on her "I'M A FEMINIST, I'M NOT YOUR SLAVE!" horseshit, but no, they genuinely just couldn't fucking cook or do laundry to save their goddamned lives.
Having kids is irrelevant because I do not and have never wanted kids and now that my sister has two kids that she makes me babysit all the time, that desire to never have kids has only grown stronger.
But anyways, yeah, modern females are worthless as homemakers.
You're trying so hard. Are you the barneyfag of animu?
>I'm a trained chef though so as long as they washed up we were all good.
I came here to say this
>Entire thread implying women can even clean, cook or do household shit properly.
They half ass everything.