Can we make sure that he is our next Prime Minister

Can we make sure that he is our next Prime Minister

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His no different to Trudeau I'd rather just Trudeau.

Sorry but Trudeau is a fuckup like his father. I need someone different.

vote for him?

yeah, vote for your conservative mp in your riding.

what if I like Scherr but dislike my mp?

If you noticed from the last election, the majority voted for whoever was liberal just to get Harper out.

The system is indirectly voting for the leader.

Why? He's a complete neo-conservative, his positions are hardly different than the Liberals. I hate Trudeau, but Scheer would be terrible too.

Trudeau is just like his father, I would rather have a right party leaning to the center than a left one trying to play all fields and fucking up horribly along the way.

Scheer is anti gay marriage
anti abortion
anti isis
wants to secure a future for white children
wants to defund colleges and institutions that ban nazis

Sound pretty good to me

the holding of funds is for institutions that limit the freedom of speech

>Scheer is anti gay marriage and anti abortion
He won't change the law to prevent gay marriage or abortion
>anti isis
But still pro Saudi Arabia
>wants to secure a future for white children
Not even close, he still wants 200,000 new immigrants a year, the Conservative party has completely embraced multiculturalism
>wants to defund colleges and institutions that ban nazis
No, he wants defend free speech, holocaust denial will still be illegal

vote for trudeau or shitskin I guess, go suck some somali cock while youre at it.

The Conservative party is only nominally different from the Liberals. You're still gonna be in a cultural Marxist and multicultural state under them.


hmm i wonder who's getting my vote

Of course he wont open gay marriage, its fuckin done with.

Fuck as long as thier money is green the Saudis will buy weapons from any country and use them. That is called the war economy, the middle east will never be stable because the west relies on heavy investment in their defence.

I know he is just like fidel castro

fuckin right

sad that we have this pro mass immigration munchkin as our "best" alternative

reward for anyone who can prove scheer is pro mass immigration from non white countries

Scheers better than Truedeau, but he's still a globalist.

based on what

He fell hook line and sinker for the hijab hate hoax, calling it "disgusting" like some sort of British pansy.

Not only does he look like a weak faggot who has never lifted a weight in his entire life, he's out making videos seen in the attached picture featuring some sort of nigger or Abo (truly the ugliest thing I've ever seen on TV) with the typical baby stroller that these spearchuckers are always walking around with these days in Canada.

We need to start the Fuck Off Buddy We're Full Eh party

idk whos box would be worse Margaret Trudeau or thatcher


>the eternal Archie

why should i even care? hes just trudeau-lite, wont fix immigration, wont change shit

He can't be worse than Trudeau

Please fuck off.

The libs and cons are the same cancer.

Fuck no, what's the appeal. Chong was close, but PC loses my vote again in the end.

I'm voting for myself

generic shill responses every time scheer is mentioned:
"but both parties are the same"
"canada is beyond repair"
"scheer is a globalist"
all blackpill bullshit with nothing to back it up, once again reward for anyone who can prove to me that scheer is going to bring in more non white immigrants?

Why would I vote for the prime example of a cuckservative? This guy radiates soy like no other party leader has since Stephane Dion.

Oh and btw, the CPC still want multiculturalism and mass immigration. The only change you could expect to see with them in power is lower taxes for corporations and cuts to the government, that's fucking it.

so vote liberal and go back to sucking jamals cock, let your genes fade into ethnic obscurity, you are weak, we dont want you.

You make him sound like a really reasonable option compare to Castro.

Or you know, vote for a populist party. Much easier to do that in a Parliamentary system.

Or you could be a faggot who votes for the lesser of two evils. Unless you actually are a cuckservative in which case I hope you unironically hang yourself.

Politics is a thing man. Its a game of averages.

>actually voting for a chink
might as well vote for the commie pajeet

Left vote will split because of Singh unless Trudeau goes down in some ball of flames. Scheer is what we're most likely going to end up with.

At least he doesn't stutter and can deliver some bants.

Marginally better than JT.

what populist party?

I have no clue m8. Just anything promising that's better than the conservatives. If nothing presents itself then i simply won't vote.

Anyone who votes for any of the the lesser of 3 evils is fucking retarded.

Throw your vote away. Protest vote.

I understand what you guys are saying but the problem is that leftwing folks have the person they want, so throwing your vote away ensures their success.

politicians are snake scumbags by default, it's up to the politician to prove that he has some conviction, not up to the voter to prove he doesn't

everyone knows all current major parties are shit user, that doesn't mean we won't all flock to a new party

right wing folk can go fuck themselves too.

i voted for the ndp last election, and we got this fuck.

fuck them all. never voting strategically again.

>scheer is going to bring in more non white immigrants

they all will.

its for the economy, stupid. They all adhere to that failed destructive religion.

yeah NDP is a throwaway vote, singh will get lots of votes because we have such a high indian population and because he virtue signals, he will definitely shrink turdo's numbers leaving the large percent of canadians to vote for scheer.

im voting cocaine party. or libertarian. or maybe even the unicorn fuckers party

never any of the 3 main ones again. fuck that shit. I know this song and dance. and Im done with it.

Voting Conservative just to spite them isn't going to accomplish anything. Theres no reason to believe Scheer gives a shit about anything other than lowering taxes and tearing down trade barriers. The rest of his platform, especially when it comes to social issues, is basically lipservice.

Also I couldn't care less about gay-marriage, abortion, or the war on drugs, or any other traditionally conservatives social issue. What I care about is immigration, Islam, and white identity.

>high indian population
Not necessarily. I and my pajeet family all voted Conservative. Many indians have fiscal and social conservative beliefs

I still wish we got Bernier

but is turdo or shitskin better at protecting our borders, defending against islam or preserving white identity?
we already know turdo isnt
and with shitskin you will literally be giving your country away to indians.


>throwing money at israelis, saudis, nato

Stop using buzzwords. These people exist because of people like you.

Lot's of liberals who are annoyed with Trudeau will vote Singh. Party because he is Indian and also because they believe Trudeau isn't far left enough especially on economic issues.
Do you really believe Scheer will do anything about Immigration or borders? 555-come-on-now. The conservatives will at the most pretend to be anti-immigration but in reality Scheer will be Harper 2.0 except worse. Mark my words.

Yes many indians I know are the same way, but the media has an excellent way of funneling the masses into identity politics rather than focusing on policy.

I'm not talking about foreign policy but I was, it could be summed up as: fuck muslims

I agree, the ndp is in a very lucky position, they are able to bring in the youth with their young modern colored man who has a shiny new brand of socialism for them all to drool over. many young liberals will go for jagmeet majority of working class families wont go anywhere near the socialist party or trudeau's mess, leaving scheer open for a pretty big win.
scheer will be good because he is buying canada time, the world is in a massive populist wave right now and canada is stuck with trudeau, scheer will either need to hop on the wave or not be taken seriously on the international stage, if he continues on the path of globalism the next canadian prime minister will have to run on a massively populist agenda because the people are so sick of the direction canada is going. even liberals are upset.

so we are going to do nothing and end up like the brits?

Chong? Lol hes a fucking red torie.

I can't help but wonder if he is going all out with his fuckups and retardedly arrogant public statements on purpose so he doesn't wind up in a vote splitting situation with Jagmeet.

>The only change you could expect to see with them in power is lower taxes for corporations and cuts to the government, that's fucking it.

Yeah, but the electorate has to punish the Liberals or they will get even worse.

At least the cons won't fuck with the gun laws any further. I just hope that kebab lover gets booted out before he has the chance to make things harder than they should be

>that shitty ad
>those terrible jump cuts and half-hearted waves and hellos.

The lefty "comical" media will eat him alive.

Somebody on his team wants him to lose. Possibly even himself.

Well he wants to make gun classification easier to understand and take away the rcmp ability to ban types of guns at will, he's also against Trudeaus stupid new tax rules for small business, put terrorist travelers in jail, so thats something i guess.

He should stop talking about abortion though its a dead issue in Canada

>Scheer thinks The Rebel media is too edgy and racist

no fuck this wanabe neo-con clown I will never vote for him