If a picture says 1000 words, what does this say?



Malcolm X would slap the shit out of Obama.
Also, Sage


Ooga booga

Malcolm X would:
>Slap Obama
>Tell the kid to put on a decent suit
>Call Kapernig on his bluff and ask when he is going to start his own nation since he hates America
>Ask Oprah how much she will be contributing to said cause


It says "I suck at Photoshop".
FFS people, it's like they're not even trying to do a good job. Or even a passable job.
Another thing niggers suck at apparently.

Monkeys in the jungle


>Malcolm X

Why is this separatist included among integrationists and cry-babies?

3 niggers 2 gay niggers and a niglet

I don't care what anybody says, this is fucking hilarious.

The fact that it's trying to hard to be "woke" and "inspirational" just cracks me up for some reason.

Emperor > king.

"Some things will never change." - Tupac


why's it so foggy? Are dey smokin' dat kronic?

That there are no white people in that picture, which shows that black people have no idea what MLK Jr even stood for.

seriously, malcolm is the only worthy person in that picture

it says that the little one really is the coolest

1950s: America worships the white christian man, his sexual dominance of the weaker sex is displayed everywhere, Niggers have a seperate society where they can suck like always, homosexuality is treated like a mental disorder. Leading nation of the world.

2018: America worships every shithole mudblood it can get it’s hands on, faggots are fucking each other in broad daylight in front of kids during “pride parades“, females try to force their way into everything because of “diversity”, Niggers are actively trying to take over what the white man has built. America plays second fiddle to China. The chancellor of fucking Germany is considered more influential than the Potus.

I wonder what might have changed

>putting Malcolm X up there with those cucks

Robbery crew coming at you

That the most important blacks are still high opinionated big mouthed apes who achieved nothing new.
Niggers don't know the meaning of humility.

> Brazilian

> Hates Niggers

MFW a mudblood shittalks his fellow apes


I have even more reasons to hate them. Also,

Obsolete cotton farming equipment.

> Memeflagger

What a surprise. The mudblood is retarded.

A picture this disgusting doesn't deserve a single word let alone 1000 words

That that sand nigger in the picture is fooling nobody ever

> Overalls and a suit.


uuga booga
500 times

niggers I'm suits are still niggers

>Putting Malcom X between Obama and MLK...

why is there a Yemeni QB in the image

It says I only need 3 more bullets.

Also, blacks in the country for 4 centuries, and only figures of note are within the last fifty years and include an unemployed football player and a pandering TV host. No scientists. No inventors or discoverers.

Malcolm is good the rest I don't know, though there is nothing wrong with the child.

>what does this say

blacks will desperately latch onto the accomplishments of others and drag them all down

Malcome X deserves better than blacks.

That isn't a very good likeness of Kapernak

makes a good Kapernack memeball though

It amazing that he's already in the pantheon with Malcolm and Martin and ...Oprah?


Post more hi_res larger if you can.


Thats scientifical AF

It only says three.
Niggers want attention.

nigger x 1000

Someone give me a quick rundown on Malcolm

I've always assumed he was another das racisis guy

The original is low

.. garbage in ....shit out..

He does. George Lincoln Rockwell even liked and respected the guy.

Bad art is more tragically beautiful than good art, because it documents human failure.

Someone Photoshop Sean King in Malcom X's spot!

Someone Photoshop Sean King in Malcom X's spot!

Someone Photoshop Sean King in Malcom X's spot!

He was a black nationalist/supremacist. He wasn't a fan of integration, government gibs or jews. He wanted the American blacks to have their own nation.

How stupid they are to take it that far. Was a fucking h&m preteen clothing advert which often feature things like little monkeys as a term of endearment that is often used to compare preteens like little monkeys jumping on the bed etc. So it just meant he's a cool little preteen. But they used a black kid for it instead of a white kid thinking they were being diverse. And niggers lose their mind. And the fucking idiots compare it to the civil rights movement.

He was a separatist that didn't take shit from either side.

He wasn't a fan of the Jews. He was a black-supremacist/nationalist, hated the welfare system, and believed segregation was a good thing.

Her right arm and shoulder look like a hige dildo

Thought experiment: what would you say to a man from 1950 who was cryogenically frozen and reawoken in 2018?

Hard mode: you only have 1 sentence.

That's the joke

I'm sorry.

The good guys lost.


Not so fast

>In April 1964, Malcolm X took Hajj to Mecca
>Malcolm X later said that seeing Muslims of "all colors, from blue-eyed blonds to black-skinned Africans," interacting as equals led him to see Islam as a means by which racial problems could be overcome
>After his Hajj, Malcolm X articulated a view of white people and racism that represented a deep change from the philosophy he had supported as a minister of the Nation of Islam. In a famous letter from Mecca, he wrote that his experiences with white people during his pilgrimage convinced him to "rearrange" his thinking about race and "toss aside some of [his] previous conclusions". In a conversation with Gordon Parks, two days before his assassination, Malcolm said:
> I realized racism isn't just a black and white problem. It's brought bloodbaths to about every nation on earth at one time or another.
Brother, remember the time that white college girl came into the restaurant—the one who wanted to help the [Black] Muslims and the whites get together—and I told her there wasn't a ghost of a chance and she went away crying? Well, I've lived to regret that incident. In many parts of the African continent I saw white students helping black people. Something like this kills a lot of argument. I did many things as a [Black] Muslim that I'm sorry for now. I was a zombie then—like all [Black] Muslims—I was hypnotized, pointed in a certain direction and told to march. Well, I guess a man's entitled to make a fool of himself if he's ready to pay the cost. It cost me 12 years.
That was a bad scene, brother. The sickness and madness of those days—I'm glad to be free of them

sorry about fucking up formatting

Fucking shit at Photoshop.

I see potential here.

So he was the only based black ever and then he got cucked by islam

Wew lad

" where all the white women at? "

best past and future leaders of the world...

A group of people that sold out their own race