could JIDF target your IP and follow you around social media? I stuck around T_D for a bit after the election and before it got fully kiked and noticed this intermittent muting on my posts (which were mostly about the browning of the West always hinting at the JQ) as well as heavy downvoting and unheard of faggotry in replies when they were up. They pretty much drove me out of reddit, not really a bad thing but some music and diy subs are badass. I couldn't even comment anywhere without being pestered by Shlomo.
Same on Twitter, chased around by these rats non-stop. How do these people even operate anyway? US soil based? Israeli? Do they work with alphabet agencies?
Do they build profiles, do these fuckers tag us in some way? Am I a complete retard for even expressing my opinions without a VPN?
What do you know, Sup Forums?
In theory
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you have to go back
>could JIDF target your IP and follow you around social media?
Richard spencer and Elle Reeve follow me around all of the time on the internet.
r/gundeals is the only valid subreddit
Yeah they are cybergangstalking us. Also the regular gangstalking too.
>Yeah they are cybergangstalking us. Also the regular gangstalking too.
especially if you are a GATE student.
I was in one of those programs here oin Washington state, IQ 140-160 range so yeah, I know for a fact they are watching me. They are especially nervous because they know that I know where they sleep. Was at some old Yenta's house (infiltrated under business pretext), asket to use her computer to log into my email acount. Within a minute she got a call asking is she was Ok. Spying COMFIRMED.
Yeah, heads are gonna roll when the time comes.
You have to play the game better than they do. Leddit account gen and counter astroturf desu. Or make a big scene and fuck with them.
Yeah, they slip up constantly and expose themselves, especially if you are clever about it.
they can read your mind, you know. it's technological.
here's a fun little video that will explain some shit.
Autism level is off the charts but highly accurate.
Only if your thought patterns are normative :^).
Otherwise it's mostly guesswork based on past input
The power is in using experimental psychology on the normies. There are techniques which can be used to disrupt social systems and produce unexpected results.
>Only if your thought patterns are normative :^).
Not entirely accurate... but close.
It's an A.I. and it tries to learn your thoughts and thought patterns.
If your thoughts aren't normative, it's HARDER for them to listen to your thoughts, but it learns.
Best thing you can do is meditate, A LOT.
mental discipline is key.
Awareness is everything to me, literally
>could JIDF target your IP and follow you around social media?
Have you considered the possibility of just sucking at what you say?...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
If you're still suspicious, then yes, it's possible for JIDF to target you on Twitter and Plebbit.
Also, JIDF doesn't work with alphabet agencies. They main goal is to counter anti-semitic comments. Israel works with the CIA and doesn't give a shit about diaspora Jews. JIDF and the CIA stand apart.
>Awareness is everything to me, literally
try electromagnetic shielding....
I'm too poor to afford enough shielding to cover my room/car... but when I had a shielded hat, I certainly slept better, and could focus better.
And it had a harder time messing with me.
>And it had a harder time messing with me.
Eventually they had to buy a near controlling share of the company I worked with, and they brought in a new manager who SPECIFICALLY told me to stop wearing my shielded hat, first thing.
Dude was a literal asshole.
>using social media
You deserve it cunt
Also they wire your phone and shit. That famalam we are all fucked long term.
>especially if you are a GATE student.
this was when I washed dishes at ocharlies.
Dishwashing is one of the only jobs I have been able to get for several years now, because they are trying to make me destitute and homeless, so that I'll stop posting on the internet.
Dishwashing is an easy as fuck job to get, so long as you don't contact them from your home, ever.
Fuck reddit except for
Gifted And Talented Education programs.
it's called different things in different states, and different school districts.
It's basically a way for the deep state to find smart kids to serve as wetware CPU's, while ruining their lives so they can't shield themselves or afford a patent.
this music video is the predictive programming for this practice:
>could JIDF target your IP and follow you around social media?
If the JIDF had access to logs of these website, kinda. But why would they have access to it?
If you're not a government, IP isn't really useful to track people these days, your IP changes a lot, almost everyone has a dynamic IP at home and on cellular your IP changes a lot more.
> I stuck around T_D
>If the JIDF had access to logs of these website, kinda. But why would they have access to it?
The NSA gives israel access to their Prism program... it's pretty much open access to all American internet traffic.
Short for gateway computer, which were known to have spyware automatically installed on their hardware.
nice try, tavistock retard.
here's your fucking sheckel.
>Wetware CPU
Alright CIA nigger, go on..
I dont know and i dont care, the JIDF is just a shill group that basically defends israel through the internet
And you get a sheckel as well, you projecting, glow in the dark CIA jew.
So the CIA is running their own version of /pol's hive mind to harness autism for evil?
Anywhere I can read up on this?
yeah pretty much, but they call it FACEBOOK
JIDF is a private organization AFAIK.
Controlled by you, specifically, of course.
"Art Student" central. specializes in porn, child kidnapping, gangstalking, and mind control.
>So the CIA is running their own version of /pol's hive mind to harness autism for evil?
No, Sup Forums is our containment board... they are trying to use mind control to turn us into wetware CPU's... to do their thinking for them.
and we are kicking their asses.
But Facebook is hivemind of retards.
I guess if the CIA needs info on Rick and Morty or the latest meal thots are taking pics with it would be useful.
>But Facebook is hivemind of retards.
you have to have minds, to be a hivemind.
facebookers don't qualify.
Mind control in the literal sense, or mind control in the sense that they manipulate media and culture in the hopes that people will conform to their zeitgeists?
Is tavistock a person? Place?
not a single one of you retards is that important
nor are you particularly interesting
please move on with your life somehow
i'm not seeing anything about it, it's just his schizophrenia
>Mind control in the literal sense, or mind control in the sense that they manipulate media and culture in the hopes that people will conform to their zeitgeists?
both, at the same time.
>Is tavistock a person? Place?
Institution/Agency/deepstate actor.... disguised as an "Art institute"
As in, "Art Students"
>i'm not seeing anything about it, it's just his schizophrenia
you deserve Exterminatus.
The essence of the Nazi propaganda method was repetition. Goebbels argued that the skill of British propagandists during the Great War resided in the fact that they used just a few powerful slogans and kept repeating them.13 Historian Baruch Gitlis has argued that: “Wherever the German turned, he met his most ‘dangerous enemy,’ the Jew,”14 and that “while he walked in the street he encountered posters and slogans against the Jews at every square, on every wall and billboard. Even graffiti greeted the German at the entrance to his dwelling: ‘Wake up Germany, Judah must rot!’”
Back in late summer of 2016 a large list of usernames linked to T_D showed up. It had user names and a brief description.
Most were blanket categories, rarely someone was big enough to get their own "profile" so to speak.
And this list was incorporated with RES or some 3rd party tool to tag all T_D users and downvote them wherever they went.
They didn't have the numbers to hit everyone but through sheer dumb chance you probably showed up on someone's list that day.
No idea what ever became of that program as I left that horrible site once we won.
And that was just low level, close to crowd sourced work. Remember the IRS was targeting people based on political affiliation. There is no reason to think that any other government agency with access to the necessary information could do the same to us.
all VPNs are either owned\bugged by JIDF or will sell your information to them directly and indirectly. your best course of action is to make sure your opinions are not in conflict with JIDF.