I just finished Cowboy Bebop...

I just finished Cowboy Bebop...I remember liking the little of it I had seen as a kid when it was still on Adult Swim and I got the entire series from my friend a couple of weeks ago and finished just yesterday. It was fantastic...I haven't really enjoyed much of the anime that I've seen but this definitely encouraged me to seek out more of it.

I'm considering Samurai Champloo or Neon Genesis Evangelion next. Is there any series you folks would recommend? Thanks in advance.


Hadn't ever heard of this, I'll bear it in mind, thank you.

boku no pico

Stop watching terrible anime. Everything you mentioned is trash.

Champloo is pretty good. It feels a lot like Bebop.

I uh might have to pass pal.

So why don't you tell me what's not trash? You're obviously a connoisseur.

Yeah, I was interested in it when I learned the same director was behind it. I'll almost certainly check it out.

This show is fucking garbage and you're an idiot if you actually watch it.

Just go to myanimelist, anidb, or some other website, they're far more knowledgeable than this place. And lurk more before posting.

yeah this

if you only watch one anime, make it this one

Lurk more and read the rules next time.

Nah, haha I'm never coming back to Sup Forums after this, are you serious? This is a one time fucking thing, lol. I don't give that much of a shit about anime, I just figured I might get lucky and find out about something cool, this whole thing only took like 15 minutes, no big deal.

I'll do that, thanks.

>So why don't you tell me what's not trash?
Why would I taint my favorite series with westaboos like you? You crowded to it when the series began, but now it has faded into relative obscurity where it is free from most newfaggotry.

>there are people in this website that have never seen samurai champloo,cowboy bebop,trigun on crt

Fuck off you absolute newfaggot

Yeah, that's a good idea. This place is nothing but trash for the most part. The level of discussion is gutter trash. myanimelist and anidb are far better as you can find anime tailored to your taste instead of just asking questions and getting recommendations that you may not even enjoy.

Samurai Champloo
Black Lagoon
Fullmetal Alchemist
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Darker Than Black

>westaboo shit: the shitlist

You listed one good show and a bunch of garbage. That's not what the OP wants.

Oh no, you got me. My first post in Sup Forums, uh oh, ooooooh noooooooooo...what am I gonna doooo hahaha you're a fucking loser man lol, don't worry, I'm leaving

I figured it might be trash, but considering over the years I've only ever checked out Sup Forums and /x/ on occasion when Sup Forums was being particularly garbage, this could've been a dope place.

See you, space cowboys.

>Sup Forums
Fuck off already you actual child.

W-what's the one good show?

Nah, they're all good shows. Since the OP was being retarded I thought I would kill time until the thread got deleted.

None of them are good shows, sorry to cut it to you.