How do we popularize bathhouse culture in the west?

How do we popularize bathhouse culture in the west?

isnt bathhouse culture for gay hookups?

why do we have to have this thread every day
bath house shills who pays you

that's what jews want you to think so you pay to see soy wars instead

I don't feel comfortable being naked in front of people I don't know.

So it is true what they say about Americans.

What's that?

This exact thread was posted yesterday (at the same time too I think).

You are an idiot if you reply to a shill/slide/bot thread.

Who cares? It's something I want to talk about so fuck off.

I spent a summer as a lifeguard at an underground health club pool/ hot tub. People jerk it in there.

What's the point when you can afford a personal spa? I thought those were for poor people.

Too many faggots in this country for it to work the way it is supposed to.

why do you want to be around a bunch of naked men you faggot quit making this shill thread each night

To bad cause roman baths are the patrician passtime.

That they have a strange problem with natural, non-sexual nakedness while being oversexed by the (((media))) all the time.


Is that a bar counter on the side?
Looks comfy

Wrong. We have boundaries.

Bikini = Good
Boobs = Bad
Thong = Good
Dick = Bad

See, there's a clear dividing line. No boobs, No Pubic areas.

Fuck off. Sup Forums isn't supposed to be boring ass political conspiracies 24/7.

So wear a bikini and a thong then you degenerate

I thought bath houses were nude.

nah its a low dividing wall between the shower area and the hot and cold pools.

(((Big Bath)))

It is true for most. But it's not just because they are afraid to be naked in front of others. It's how other Americans react if they were.
If no one else gives a fuck, neither would you. Unless you are a real pussy bitch.

Yeah that's absolutely true.For some reason we trashed all the good puritan values and kept that stupid one.

Do you really want to see nude obese people? Because that's what you'd see here most of the time.

This kills your sperm count and test. STOP

I for one think this sort of thing lacking in American society is a sign of our hollow culture. I'm not saying we need to have bathhouses. However, it's what the bathhouse does for members of the community. Literally I haven't spoken to like 90% of my neighbors ever. Bathhouses are sort of, the community interacting for the community's sake. In a state of vulnerability and serenity. They aren't mean for monkeying around. They are meant to relax and have non-sexual social contact with your neighbors.
Same issue with our lack of rites of passage. The closest thing is cartoons and older kids teasing you for wet dreams and changing voices. Girls are sort of shamed because of their period.
These things are entirely detached from ancient traditional culture. Could be a facet of liberal democracy, one of many short comings. But we are atomized and anomic. It's a lonely world in with millions of others.

I want to go to one, i mean is a great place for eyecandy

stop making people naked and letting them naked inside


It'd be an active weapon against obesity. Because the issue wouldn't be you seeing obese people, but an obese person having others see them. It'd really put some self-image priorities into play.

If your idea of eye candy is, fat and old men, then you'll be very happy.

My friend told me there are walkthroughs of Hungarian bath houses on porn tubes.

nothing like stueing in your own and other men's filth.

>stop making people naked and letting them naked inside

Only if its co-ed. It was gay as fuck in Japan.

100% true. Mostly with young people though.

Because the Jews told me it's emasculating to display my penis.

ashamed to admit but it is definitely my fetish

Nothing wrong with bear hunting.

You can't. You'd have to ban gays and make them racially exclusive. The jews would never allow any business have such restrictions.

Yes, I see. But if you are to allow them naked, letting them naked inside is should not be permitted. Because if you were to let them naked inside, you are making them naked. Really greatly naked.
>letting them naked
>inside in current year
>not even once

It doesn't work. Asians and whites can't compete.


hairy or not i don't mind. most my porn is bear and chubs, my favorite are the japanese bear which is funny because their skin are as smooth as a baby

I don't care about nudity, but surely this can't be sanitary. I mean, the water in that tub is going into the assholes and around the penises of those men. It's going in their armpits and carrying away their sweat. Their poop and sweat and old cum and hair is attaching itself to you.

You're swimming in a tepid pool of other peoples' filth.

Its hard as fuck to accomplish this because of the hurdle.
That hurdle is the Jewry that stole my dickskin: circumcision.
It's still taboo outside of gen Y to say its fucked procedure to do to kids.

>the water in that tub is going into the assholes
And this is why you do not let them naked inside.

Not if it's mixed.

What does that even mean, mindlet? Do you think water doesn't go underneath peoples' clothes? I know you're a tard, but think hard. Have you ever gone into a public pool? When you came out, was your asshole wet or dry?

& Hepatitis A-Z

racially homogeneous society is the only way, nobody wants to soak in smelly ass nigger water

you're suppose to wash yourself before jumping into the pool, never been to one but the anime shows that procedure many times. But it wouldn't work here in the West because spics and niggers will ignore this first step and fill the pool with everything you said

I means I want even the dudes wearing burkas, just me and my penis uncovered


I'm familiar with the way it works. Do you think the human body stops secreting things and shedding hair for a period of time after a light rinse? Do you think the human anus and urethra is hermetically sealed?

It's because they're afraid of accidentally popping a boner around men. They don't want to get zapped by Mike "If you enjoy cock, you're in for a shock" Pence.

I wish this was a thing in the west. I went to Japan and loved using it in Takayama. But there would have to be some sort of segregation. No way I'm sharing a bath with a nigger or an arab.

Fuck no. Have you ever been in a public pool? It's like 25% water, 25% poison, and 50% kid piss. I have a private hot tub. No one I wouldn't fuck is allowed in.

fuck off OP, you posted this gay shit last night, sage.

Seems pretty fucking gay desu

You can have a fraternity aspect to your neighbourhood without bathing naked if not outright naked with other men

In America people just buy a hot tub.

there is nothing else to hide, no shame

We don't. Why do white men always seek the DUMBEST fucking esoteric solutions to real problems? Why don't you stupid, lazy cunts just put int he work to fix your countries? It's not fucking complicated. I'll help:

>Women out of control
Take away their rights. Don't hire them. Go into politics and destroy their power law by law, repeal by repeal.

>Mass Media is shit
Buy a fucking Macbook. Start making and selling mass media. Build media companies.

Go into banking. Take over. Replace the system with crypto that isn't dogshit

>News is all bullshit and lies
Buy a Macbook. Build news companies. Sell ad space or put in paywalls.

>Colleges and schools are leftist indoctrination centers
Build new private schools. Create education online. Sell it.

How the fuck is setting up bathhouses going to do fuck all? You stupid white autists deserve extinction.

>going to end of year party for work
>do the traditional pre-party bathing
>it's at a fancy hotel
>get naked with co-workers
>enter bath house
>packed to the brim with foreigners
>they're wearing swimmers
>act shocked as we walk in naked
>playing in the water like it's a pool
>not rinsing their bodies
>complaining it's too hot
>speaking loudly about how weird it is that there's naked people around them
>mfw my co-workers make fun of white people for wearing swimmers to the bath house now
>mfw I'm white

You can't clean society until you clean yourself. - Lam Duc

get rid of faggots

>popularise fag bath houses


You're kidding me right? Take a fucking shower and get to work. It's no wonder every white nation is headed towards catastrophic collapse or already dealing with an ongoing white genocide...White men will conjure up every imaginable ridiculous excuse not to work on things that matter.

This is awesome. I totally annihilated this stupid fucking thread with the most basic of logic.

You are all brainlets and retards.

Bathhouses were good enough for ancient romans and greece. Classical western culture could probably normalise much of the degenerate modern dystopia we have.

>buying Apple products instead of building your own machine and installing your favorite Linux distro
>calling anyone else a brainlet
top kek

When they stop being fats and sharting in marts
Yes I am aware of the irony no (((yous))) please.

>doesn't even address my obvious and irrefutable criticisms
>declares himself the winner
You're brain is probably a microchimeric hybrid colonized by all the nigger DNA you've ingested in public pools.

>not being a member of a country club with a sauna, steam, and shower for MEN 25+ only.

Really? Fuck. I love hot baths.

Steam rooms are fine, i have a nice gym with those facilities. The shared baths are what I find disgusting.


Bathhouses in Japan = relaxation in crazy hot water after scrubbing yourself clean
Bathhouses in the West = getting your end off with other dudes.

Big Bath is funded by Beyond

>1 post by this ID

old senpai

>my sides

fucking kek

we had a bathouse but most went out of business by 1930 and the last one was destroyed in a storm in the 70's

>How do we popularize bathhouse culture in the west?
we don't, now fuck off faggot

Have you seen the ruins of the one by the Cliff House in San Francisco? I think the ruins of Adolph Sutro's garden park are next to it.

not if we don't let them naked inside

>no water going into their assholes

Why would I drive downtown to go to a public bathhouse when I've got a perfectly clean bath in my house

bathhouses were a thing during ancient times because no one had indoor plumbing. The aqueducts delivered water to hubs where people got their buckets. Some of that water was diverted to communal pools/giant tubs.

A water park or public pool is technically a public bath.

why are you on a message board when you could just write to yourself in notepad?

a profitable modern bath house would have to be a spa.

water would have to be infused with healing minerals and shit, a gimmick.

not that anybody would make you.

you would simply look like a beta weirdo if you dont wash nude
>everyboy is naked and dont give a fuck look each pther in the face
>user is wearing swim pants
>shrunk and is covering himself with both hands
>throws awkward glances at other people's dicks

Cant you just relax burger?
you're not supposed to be bothered by other peoples flaccid cocks unless you're gay.
And nobody cares about your dick either.

We kill the niggers, the open homos, the pedos and the ugly.

>Exchanging bodily secretions with strangers is as valuable as exchanging ideas.
I assume that pic is you?

>he thinks you can't exchange ideas in person

It's the final space not infiltrated by thots where you can reveal power levels.

Why would we popularize bathhouse culture in the west?

>he didn't read the post I was responding to

No one wants to bathe with you Pajeet. Poo in the Loo, not the street.

Legalize nudity everywhere.