I'm a recent white Muslim convert. I'm French, English, Irish, and German in my ancestry. AMA Sup Forums.
I converted to Islam last week
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do you hate yourself so much?
what does your god think about you seeking attention from Sup Forums?
>I'm French, English, Irish, and German
american detected
How many dicks does islam suggest you suck each day?
>French, English, Irish, German
You probably have an amerimutt flag hiding underneath the meme one, just embrace it.
Get off this board akhi. This board is nothing but filth
On the contrary, I love Allah and he loves me so I love myself.
Maybe I'll get some to submit to him.
you are a dumb faggot
confused yet?
I am American, I did a DNA test a while ago when I was a Sup Forumstier Nazi, and I came back as all European.
Will you go join Isis so we can firebomb the fuck out of you?
low energy. sage
How do I convert?
That explains the capitulating loser part.
thats homophobic user. muslims need to suck as many dicks as they can in a day or they are haram
ISIS is dead because Allah was against them.
Are you having fun getting your shit hole pounded into raw hamburger by brown, bearded faggots? I bet they treat the goats with more dignity, you fucking pussy.
how does it feel to be one of the lowest iq races that follow your religion?
no, they're dead because they're fucking sandniggers with Toyotas and AKs thinking they can compete against this you stupid faggot
>mfw a muslim actually admits Allah is pro US
If you only knew how bad things really are
that looks like its not real
Can you now openly hate faggots without getting called a bigot?
If not, what's the point?
its probably not but the point stands
I hate attention seeking behavior. No wonder you became a Muslim - if this isn’t a larp
Do you believe in (((hadith)))?
Nice bait. See I became mooslim so I can rape freely and kill whoever disagrees with me saged
Have they given you your complementary loli yet
yeah ..nice story..but i think you are a big time larper to troll ...
There's no god stupid. Do something useful with your time like tie a noose and hang yourself. Duh!
Bad Bait, I hope Muslim Ideology eats its own young soon.
I'm a non-denominational Muslim, I haven't extensively studied Hadith yet, but I plan to with the help of a scholar. I've been going to a Sunni mosque thus far and praying the way Sunnis pray, but I still have got a lot to learn so I'm sure there will be religious development for me. As of right now I have nothing against the Hadiths and am eager to study. I've been reading so much of the Qur'an every day.
My brother, as another white convert I will give you some advice.
Don't let people confuse you because they mix their culture with Islam, and don't get caught up googling stuff.
Getting white imams for mosques in the west is very important I think
low quality bait, put some effort pls. Timestamp with quran maybe ?
When will Muslims wise up to the fact that the ((hadith)) and ((traditionalists, the good goyim of Islam) are holding them back?
b8. sage and move on
I don't speak backwards pigfucker squiggles, m8.
op confirmed for a flaming faggot
IRL, nobody cares about your cry for attention
Sure thing Tyrone.
Well...congrats because my brother just converted to marry his Muslim wife as well.
Should we call someone?
congrats brother
Why did you convert you retard holy shit you low iq white nigger, Also mutt no wonder you hate your self.
Alright, I actually just realized I left it at a buddies house I was studying with, I'll run down real quick and post a pic with time stamp for you.
shitskin semite larping provided no proof is further reason that all semites must die.
opinion discarded to the trash
Can you hear those Houthi rockets from your house?
How small is your dick and how often do you jelq?
Like you got room to talk shit you fucking leaf
You failed your ancestors
You must commit sudoku
>t.كالب شىرموطة
How do you become a Muslim?
American mutt talks shit while he serves his Jewish overlords.
Why all the blind hate ? to be expected from a saudi i guess, hopefully you become a better person.
>Be OP
>Gives up to be a Muslim
>Starts talking to everyone about how progressive he is by being a Muslim.
>Nobody gives two fucks about him.
>Femfucks and tranniefags praise him for some trivial shit OP did and masturbate to that shit.
Someday I hope
Its good to see that youre enthusiastic about learning more, I was much like you once. My only advice to you is to remember that you were willing to leave much of your old western cultural values, habits, maybe even religion (and friends from Church) if you converted from Christianity, for God and God alone... so don't let the fact that most Muslims have (((certain beliefs in addition to what is in the quran))) stop you from thinking for yourself about what seems right in your heart.
KEK, Did the imam semen make you retarded ? you know houthis have no capability to preach our defense's right ?
>someday i hope
Sorry to break it to you, but you're not a true muslim.
Am joking ya zaater why did you take it as a personal attack.
How do you live with being such a cuck?
Nice joke saudia, but they already did, you chimps cant even defeat a bunch of yemeni camel fuckers with rusty AKs, anyway, how are you a non-muslim in saudia arabia, it must be hard for you.
>left it at my friends house
you have proof of the results of that test then?
A slave to Mohammed the pedo.
I hope Bahrain leaves the GCC.
Saudi Arabia is run by Donma crypto-Jews, retard.
I'm fine with you being muslim.. but i can't forgive you for being part French.. you're sauces are too rich.. fuck you buddy!
For following whats written in the Quran... for being a true monotheist and loving and worshipping God alone? I was so convinced on this matter I had to seperate myself from so much of my friends in the ummah, who cant see things like I do, much like yourself... but yeah I guess not. Muh khawarijite boogeyman and whatever.
Money is Power my poor friend.
I just watched a video of your boys getting shot to shit inside Saudi territory
Thinks i don't know that, Also doesn't know that we are the real jews not the ashkenzi fags.
You're a faggot.
Because rape or arranged marriage is the only way you could get laid OP.
"و ما ينطق عن اهوى ان هو الى وحي وحا"
this destroys all of your arguments kid.
You have chosen...poorly
> another social outcast "converting"
I see the usual cycle already
> will stay as outcast amongst Arabs
> gonna get cucked by fiancee's family members
> reverts back to anti-conservative teen age rebel mindset (propably larping Neo-Pagan)
Post a link to the video, Also my answer was to his statement about rockets not about the death of men on the battlefield.
Why do you turn your back on Jesus? When He offers His love to you, why do you turn Him down for this false religion?
Bad move. Stupid move.
If you are looking for something to believe in, look at Spiritualism. It's a real religion, not just "being spiritual." They don't accept on faith but aim to discover what is on the other side by communicating with the ones who know: the spirits.
Thinking they can do that kek we own that little island and we can nuke them off the face of earth.
>Sending extremists to die in the desert
Time old tradition from the Romans and before them
Mohammed raped a child and allowed his men to rape any women from conquered lands they pleased. He was also a ruthless warlord who enjoyed war and killing.
Given all this how does peaceful Islam stand a chance against radical Islam and its growing influence? The very foundations are rotten so how can the shiny structure above last?
You are not white anymore, kys
Have you ever felt peer pressure to fuck a goat?
The only one with have a brain here nice one abo slayer.
so whats your excuse for having that level of facepubery?
kek i know the story behind this shit, an aussie on discord in a religion discord made some islamist chimp out, he baited him saying his roomates wont accept his religion so he chimped out killing his roomates
So you're talking shit while serving your Khazar overlords just like you accused that other user()of doing.
Seems as though you might be a faggot. So it seems, so it seems.
Mumble some words then dance naked around a giant mushroom.
I'm sure your missile defence is the best money can buy and is capable but those missiles are entering Saudi airspace so you could hear in from your home.
KYS when?
Just remember to clear back-blast before you Allah Akbar