Suddenly the pieces are coming together.
Styx was a regular at steven universe wiki before becoming popular
Other urls found in this thread:
For every e-celeb character assassination thread that goes up I know that the jews are losing even more.
So Styx is a weirdo faggot with good political commentary, what else is new?
Are you implying that faggot is one of us?
K-Keep me posted
You're talking to a redditor.
I'm not a Jew.
Why do you assume we'd have a problem with crossdressing?
Somehow I am not surprised.
I like his commentary too, but he's been a total fag lately. Now we know why.
It's a cool show, unfortunately it was ruined by the constant virtue signaling from implying females could have sexual relationships. There was literally zero reason to sexualize fusion beyond legitimizing lesbians.
There's at least 2 paedophiles and several other deviantart fetish people on the team for it. The creator is a jew who wants to undermine gender roles by her own admission, and she is good friends with paedo and tranny freak Schmorky from somethingawful, who was actually going to work on the show at one point before becoming a complete lunatic. The creator drew child porn in the past.
It's the embodiment of pozzing children and is a bad show by any metric
Most e-celebs ARE jews.
117 away!
What a cutie
Neither am I. None of this surprises me anymore. And yet here I am, thinking that I'm the one with all of the skeletons in my closet. I've done some shit but I've never dressed as a woman and put up pics of it on the internet.
Really was a cool idea for a show.
Young kid that's a hybrid of rock aliens and humans that slowly comes into his own. Then the show shit the bed by having him never mature and instead stay a retard that can't do anything on his own.
A lot of people that watched the show from the beginning expected bits of plot to be dripped in as Rebecca Sugar was pretty good at having story build up in Adventure Time that helped make for a rich world. Sugar made the mistake of letting every writer just do what they want on the show rather than act as the head writer and give the show some cohesive direction to make the show compelling.
>The creator drew child porn in the past.
I'd say I had to check that to see if it was real, but I instantly believed it because it seems so in character. I merely searched to see what kind of smut she drew. It was "Ed, Edd and Eddy" yaoi. the fuck are you gonna draw gay shotocon of the series with the most grotesquely modeled male characters in existence? That's degenerate by the standards of degeneracy.
Reminder that Styx challenged Destiny to a debate and then pussied out. BTFO by a manlet.
Soros is also crying today.
literally who
Haven't seen him tweet PICKLE STYYYYYYX?
what a gay ass coat
he did a full pagan ritual on camera in makeup many years before he became semi-youtube famous and it's still on his channel. none of this should surprise you and if you actually care then well, you're just kinda gay
>tfw Styx is a bisexual who cross dresses and masturbates to children cartoons.
Everyone has a domination fetish at least in one point in their life. Some have more of a fetish to express it than others. Who cares if he cross dressed. Purpose>Ideas>People>Things. It doesn't make his purpose or ideas any less important.
That is not him. That is some fag who does live cam videos and doesn't like Styx but has like 2 pics he kind of resembles him
are you talking about his halloween video from a few years ago?
doesn't look like Styx*
That's not a mole on him, that's acne.
Why do you think it changes place?
You just described ALOT of people on the internet that think about random shit way too much.
why does anyone listen to this faggot?
thought so
go slide elzewhere
even then he confirmed he is a fag.
I am just saying he isn't the cross dresser in the pic. Some user posted the original trap and it didn't look anything like him
is that a woman's coat? ugliest fit ive ever seen
okay, well i must have missed the original pic so i will take your word for it.
You're doing this because he's right.
In retrospect I should have saved the link (the trap has a whole page) but I have been in 5 of these threads that talk about Styx being a trap and nobody has posted it since
Individually, none of this evidence is much, but when you put it all together, it's a little troubling. No wonder he's such a fence-sitting centrist. He can't afford to take any real hard lines with all this junk in his past.
wow wtf
It’s a commonly known fact that Styx is weird. It’s one of the reasons I like him.
OP is full of shit, I am watching a Styx video as we speak and he has NO mole on his face.
Steven Universe is my favorite thing on TV and I post here all the time. People are strange.
completely different nose bridge
This just in, Satanists are all faggots.
Romans 1 could have told you that.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
>not remembering that he was heavily posted on here in November 2016 for for the last year or two at least
Fucking newfags. This was obviously made by one of his weird fans, not him
The skeletal guy in the leather jacket with no shirt on who's into occultism is actually a weirdo?
>well imajun muay shawque!
I still like his commentary.
It was never good
This guy had some agreeable political opinions but I never thought his commentary was anything special, and half the time it was outright cringe desu. I don't know why he became an e-celeb.
I doubt he's actually soy enough to like Steven universe. And he was already heavily memed when this account was created. Why so many gullible newcucks ITT?
>being so new you weren't even here for the Trump election
Get off my board
yeah... it's like they are waiting in the wings to corrupt any rebellion.
as for how to prevent the far right from being controlled by weirdos like cross dressing styx, STOP BEING PASSIVE ANONS, BE THE CHANGE.
I'm not doing this to slide, I'm doing this because Styx was partaking in shilling himself. By all means I will bump pedogate thread as that takes precedence; I'm just sick of this guy's horse shit. He recites the news while not being an SJW and he expects everyone to suck his dick and accept his middle-of-the-road weak takes as gospel.
That would be a boring debate since they both agree on most shit.
Thats not Styxx and if you are not a Jew you are being paid or directed by Jews to run these constant character assassination threads.
He already has been wearing a leather jacket with no shirt forever now. This is nothing.
>Satanist larper who spam bombed his vids on pol for efame
>civic nationalist
>anti white
>anti God
>pro Jew
He's a fucking Jew plant and always has been. Can't believe the Donald refugees like this fucking cunt
> November 2016
> Before he got popular.
>November 2016
Fake and gay
>imagine being so much of a faggot you unironically care about eceleb faggotry
you all deserve a slow painful death from gas inhalation
The Styx Vs. Johnson debate regarding ethnonationalism really opened my eyes at what a fucking retard styx really is.
His argument against the ethnostate is that it shouldn't be implemented because it would anger china and india and they would stop doing business with the USA. That's literally it.
Now, seeing this, this is just the icying on the cake. Its fucking great seeing this pseudo-intellectual fagots get destroyed.
That explains the eye makeup and the clean shave he does every so often.
Quick rundown?
He looks better as a girl. Good for her
So, basically, he's trying to remain neutral to prevent anyone using his past as blackmail or smearing?
that trap is not him you can go to 8ch cuteboys and go to the slut thread hes near the top
To clarify, he doesn't support the possibility of it because
>he doesn't support mass deportation,
>he thinks the world would stop trading with us if we did mass deport (LOL),
>he doesn't support balkanization
Pretty much. which is fine. I have no problem with people staying neutral, ultimately I'm not gonna consider them worth the time of day if that's what they do, but he's been throwing shit at the alt right recently and partaking in some shilling himself. So now this is to give him a taste of his own medicine and dig up some of his own demons. Check out the chat on some of the more recent warsky streams, he was sperging out calling people controlled opposition and jews and shit.
Jewish shill. This picture has been debunked as shopped. Someone post the real version without his face shopped on
I don't see the big deal. Why do you guys get so insecure about shit that doesn't even effect your life?
Aww such a QT
This. I don't know why people find this a revelation
>effect your life?
>but he's been throwing shit at the alt right recently
Define the "alt-right" for me.
If he's throwing shit at, say Idenity Europa, Traditionalist Worker's Party, or NSM of America, I'd not give a single fuck, as those are shit groups.
If he was going after legitimate grassroot movements that are genuinely National Socialist, Ethnonationalist, or Fascist, then I'd probably understand him being a cunt.
I can't find it, user. I just want to prove it's not him, nothing else, I swear
Eyebrows/chin though? Need better angle on the left
fuck that faggot
Ok, let me clarify it. he's been spreading disinfo about people he disagrees with in the chats of Warsky's recent streams, rather than debating those people.
Styx is a libertarian pagan hippy. What did yall expect?
Either way it gets the rope.
Yeah the show has a really cool premise (magical rock women who train their prodigy his hidden rock magic abilities while there is a deep and mysterious lore and ominous otherworldly foes??? sign me up!) Then (((something))) gets in the way and makes it needlessly sexual/gender-bending/stupid/badly written.
like he would make an account with his own username
God damn.
It's jazz jennings future self.
A bald fat dude with implants.
>another day, another Styx character assassination thread.
They're not the same person, the moles are photoshopped.
All honesty who cares about these e celebs
are we making this real? styx's mom is hawtt
Styx is just expressing himself bro, stop being so closed minded
Let's make a list of all the alt-right media figures that have been at the center of some kind of scandal:
>Mike Enoch
>Stephan Molyneux (cult leader)
>Lauren Southern
>Tara McCarthy
>Faith Goldy
>Richard Spencer
>Tarl Warwick (aka Styx)
>Donald Trump himself
Well that's literally everyone, except for David Duke and Andrew Anglin.
And I've even seen some shit stirred up about Anglin's Asian ex-girlfriend
That means your alt-right movement's only leader can be fossilized psychopath grand dragon extraordinary David Duke
fake & gay
my sides HAHAHHA
What is Steven universe? And why does it matter?